Jinbei Tanigawa

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Jinbei Tanigawa
  • "male" is not in the list (Male, Female, Unknown, None) of allowed values for the "Gender" property.male
TeamTeam Taiyo
Tanigawa, Jinbei

Before the WRGP

Jinbei lived in a small village along with Yoshizo Hayashi & Taro Yamashita. Since their families ran farms they weren't well off with money, and when Taro saw a poster about the WRGP, he along with his friends began to create a Duel Runner & a Deck. Jinbei wasn't happy about this though as making a Duel Runner and finding good enough cards to participate in a large tournament would be hard. When he returned from gathering cards all he found were weak, normal monsters. He then ran off and found a person whos car was broken down, so he repaired the car and the man took him to his villa where he met 2 of the men's friends, 1 of which mistakes him for a mechanic and asks him to fix the air conditioning. When Jinbei finishes fixing the air con he goes to the lounge to talk to them and sees that the man owns a Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and calls it the most powerful card, yet he tosses it on the table as if its nothing which suprises Jinbei. To thank Jibei for fixing several of their items they take him to Restraunt Mine to buy him a meal when they crash into a gangs Duel Runner, which makes them run off and be chased by the gang.

Opponent Outcome
Jack Atlas Win
Crow Hogan Lose

Like the rest of his team, Jinbei's decks consists mainly of common cards, being weak normal Monsters or basic Trap and Spell cards. His main strategy is to swarm the field with monsters and support them with various Traps and Holding-Hands Majin.