Gadget Deck

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A Gadget Deck is a Deck Type that is designed to use the effects of the Gadgets monsters "Red Gadget", "Yellow Gadget" and "Green Gadget" to gain Card Advantage. Summon one Gadget and add another to your hand, to get ahead in card advantage and use 1 For 1 Cards to remove as many opposing cards as possible while staying ahead with extra cards you added to you hand with each Gadget.

Technically, this is a Machine-oriented deck that relies upon the constant stream of machines gained through the Gadgets' effect of search each other, thus replenishing one's hand and thinning the deck in the process. More often than not however, it is built as an Oppression-oriented deck, that is, it relies on its capability to negate most Special Summon mainly through Royal Oppression and Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo. Lots of cards, such as Snipe Hunter, Fissure, Smashing Ground, Hammer Shot and so on are included to deprive the opponent of Monster Cards, while Shrink and Mirror Wall allows to take down even powerful monsters with the somewhat weak monsters the deck offers. This strategy makes a Gadget deck quite deadly against most of today's decks, since Special Summoning monster have become a staple of many archetypes.

Another card very useful but somewhat risky to include is Thunder King Rai-Oh, due to its ability to negate Special Summons but also to jam most Searcher cards or effects. Be aware however, that the Gadget's searching effect will be hampered as well, so a wise management of one's resources is imperative.

The deck supports two One Turn Kill strategies, one is to use Ultimate Offering to summon five Gadgets and use Limiter Removal to double their ATK. The other is to quickly fill your Graveyard with Gadgets and play Overload Fusion to summon Chimeratech Overdragon with a massive ATK value. This last way is quite risky, and should be considered only as a last-ditch attempt to win the Duel.

Variations of the deck

There are a few variations of the gadget deck. One is using gadgets along with Zombie World to make the gadgets become zombies, they could be used for discard fodder and later be Special Summoned by Zombie Master or Mezuki etc. This along with Card of Safe Return will give major deck thinning (if you also use the effects of the gadgets themselves). The other of the gadgets is to use Morphtronics which, will reduce the amount of cards in your deck meaning you could get your more powerful cards more easily and either do a near OTK with the gadgets themselves or use the Morphtronics.

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