Forum:Competitive Quickdraw Decklist

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So I'm trying to make this Quickdraw deck as competitive as possible in time for Regionals but I keeps running into the problem of running through my hand to quickly, I am constantly topdecking. Also, I recently replaced another bottomless with a dark trap hole, is this a good idea? If you guys have any idea on what cards to add/replace and generally how to increase draw power or maintain hand advantage it would be great.

Down to 1 Breaker/Caius

Necro Gardna if you can

1 avarice, take out vortex and put in dark hole

Take out dark trap hole and throw in scrap iron scarecrow. It may seem random but your lacking in the attack negation aspect. A continous attack negater is priceless in a quickdraw deck, throw in some other negation as well, trap jammer could work if your desperate, solemn if you got it. But take out dark trap hole.