Card Tips:Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon

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Revision as of 02:16, 24 January 2013 by ChaosGallade (talk | contribs) (Thunder Spark Dragon's second eff can't be activated under normal circumstances. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but can 2 copies of Freezerdon have their effects used in the same turn?)
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  • So far there are only 4 cards in the game that can help this card use its second effect: "Overlay Eater", "Xyz Unit", "Spirit Converter" and "Overlay Regen". The latter two are the most recommended, as "Spirit Converter" can attach more that one monster as an Xyz Material, combined with easy swarm capabilities, while "Overlay Regen" is very easy to use, as it becomes material itself, making it a quick means of gathering the materials needed.
  • It may be possible to activate the second effect of this card if you have 2 copies of "Number 19: Freezerdon" on the field. As you activate Thunder Spark's effect, activate the effects of the "Freezerdons".
  • "Hysteric Party" with a handful of "Harpie" monsters in the graveyard can quickly summon this card as well as any other Rank 4 Xyz monster.