Forum:Best deck for new players?

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I'm a yugioh vet, been at it since 2002. I'm trying to get my younger brother, as well as a ladyfriend, into the game. I'm wondering what decks are easy to run, especially ones that outline basic principals of dueling. Thanks! (talk) 00:46, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

Anything with a simple goal in mind, and some degree of "auto-run" can be helpful for beginners. A friend of mine built a Machina Gadget Deck for his girlfriend to get her into the game. That was only a few months ago, and she already understands the core basics of of the game, though knowledge of more complicated aspects is still lacking. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 00:49, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

Most of the new (non year) structure decks seem to have fairly good selections before them so it's a fine set to choose from for any begginer. I think Batterymen are a fairly good starter choice, some defence control to mix with, an obvious requirement of field pressence to maintain appropriatley, and a very straight foward otk strategy means an easy to understand method of winning. Also most (non watt) thunder support is basic combo work or just recycling what you already have so yeah. (talk) 02:17, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

If you want an AutoPilot deck, he may want to test out Agents, Dark World or Rabbit Laggia (although the later is extremely expensive irl). The main problem most new players have though are rulings and what to put in the deck. Maybe give him a deck list (or make him watch a deck profile on youtube) of the specific deck you're going to get him to play and watch his games to give him advice. (talk) 03:44, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

I wouldn't say Agents are "auto pilot"; yeah easy thinning but if it's a begginer budget then most of thse sorts of plays can't get much accomplished and thier boss monster, Master Hyperion is reminiscent of DAD (only by a little) but eh you need some degree of planning moves (not much). Also Dark Worlds aren't the best to use to understand rulings (sending from hand, cost, things like Necrovalley and Skill Drain not doing anything to them, and that weird text on newer prints.) If you want another choice of auto pilot Six Samurai/Legendary Six Samurai are more of what to go for. For a decent budget too; if you look hard enough then you can get Six Samurai United, Hand of the Six Samurai, and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai for under $1 and Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan & Shi En for like $6 (instead of thier usual $15+) and even if they couldn't afford those then the original level 4 samurai aren't that bad...and Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi & Shien's Dojo/"cheaper Gateway of the Six" range from $1-3 (most Shien cards are $1-5) so it's reasonable. (talk) 08:25, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

I wouldn't say Six Sams are beginner friendly. They're not as auto-run as they once were, and there's a lot to keep track of when running that deck (for beginners). Hell, I've seen people who've played for years fail at that deck. If you want cheap, I would actually have to suggest Agents. Three of the Structure deck plus 10-20 bucks for some Dualities is only around 50 bucks. The deck isn't too hard to run either. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 22:01, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

If you aren't using much of thier support cards (or at least none of the bushido counter cards), and also limit useage of the old ones and thier "alternate destruction" effects to consider, it isn't that hard, then again I don't like sams so I just use a sarcastic Backs to the Wall+Self-Destruct Button build not really trying to actually win so maybe I'm overlooking thier actual difficulty come to think of it. Though I suppose they aren't as auto pilot as they once were, just saying it would be more then Agents, yet for a begginer differences in what is easier and harder is all on how they do things. I suppose though yeah go with a structure deck, those sort of decks are made like that for an obvious reason. In order from best to worst of decent pre builds I'd say Agents, Machina, and Dragunity (though a good one is not too price friendly) are the way to go. Now all the matters is if the OP will read these suggestions. (talk) 01:58, January 17, 2012 (UTC)

As someone who came up through the learning curve recently, I'd have to agree that a Machine type deck is probably the easiest to run - and, can actually win some duels. The Machina/Gadjiltron deck I ran was awesome in its day, and didn't involve too much as far as keeping track of things.

Another thought: BF2 has recently put up an interesting Meklord deck that looks awesome and pretty straight forward. Here's a link to where you can find a copy. Forum:Genex Ally Instant

The deck I'm referring to is at the very bottom.

Hope that helps. --Kungfu-mama (talkcontribs) 14:30, January 19, 2012 (UTC)

Gravekeeper's are definitely the most price friendly as you just have to get three structures, staples, and three Recruiters, but requires some skill and experience. Dark Worlds function pretty well from a set of three and aren't too thought-intensive, but Gadgets are definitely the easiest. My build of Mektown/Geartown is pretty easy to use and quite simple but effective. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:56, January 20, 2012 (UTC)

BTW - you create great decks, BF2. --Kungfu-mama (talkcontribs) 20:05, January 21, 2012 (UTC)

The Ancient Gears, using a simple build, are especially easy to use. They shut down spell/trap during the battle phase too, which helps avoid having to deal with complex chains too often. Also, the Agent structure deck and Machina structure decks are pretty simple to use, and aren't too shabby. Ia Morte 04:32, January 26, 2012 (UTC)