Forum:What happens when staple cards get banned

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Revision as of 13:24, 6 June 2012 by Djjomon (talk)
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You know, i've been thinking. If staple cards get on the list of the Forbidden section, what other cards could replace them? Would you rather use Double Cyclone in place of Mystical Space Typhoon? (kinda obvious though) LastMinute (talkcontribs) 06:37, June 6, 2012 (UTC)

I can't imagine many, if any of the true staple cards becoming banned like "Bottomless Trap Hole" etc. It would have a huge impact on the game. But, yeah, I can only assume that the current staples would be replaced with others. But, if that staple affected a deck quite severely, then I would imagine players would switch to a new deck where the usual staples may not be required. An "Ojama" deck for example has "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!" to compensate for "Dark Hole" and "Heavy Storm" if they ever gets banned.
It can at times happen, for example with Trap Dustshoot. I personally, feel the card is a staple when not banned. But when it gets banned, you move on, and replace it with another card, like Mirror Force. ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 13:14, June 6, 2012 (UTC)
How can you add second copy of "Mirror Force" if you already have 1 in your deck? Joke beside, "Mirror Force" is a good explain but also "Torrential Tribute" and several other cards that are Semi-Limited can be reintroduce back to the deck. --iFredCat 13:22, June 6, 2012 (UTC)

Keep in mind that cards like "Dark Hole" and "Monster Reborn" have been forbidden in the past. And if most of our staples did get banned, we'd work around it. We now have "Night Beam" for example, and "Dimension Slice. "Personally, if we lost a good amount of our staples I think I'd run "Gravekeepers" again. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 13:24, June 6, 2012 (UTC)