Card Tips:Single Purchase

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  • Use this card along with "Into the Void" since you will be sending your whole hand into the graveyard on your End Phase anyway.
  • This card can be used to quickly add "Necroface" to your hand so you can follow up with Normal Summoning it for its first effect; since its card effect doesn't care what cards are in the Banished Zone, you will be gaining an attack boost of whatever number of cards you used for the activation requirement of "Single Purchase".
  • If you are desperate and have a poor hand, use this card to add "Gorz the Emissary of Darkness", "Tragoedia", "Battle Fader" or other similar cards with effects that activate in the hand that you can use to survive to your next turn or even possibly win the game that turn with cards like "Honest" or "Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow" instead that boost the attack of a monster already on the field.
  • This card can be useful in an Infernity Deck as they tend to require having no cards in their hand and can help search out a monster in case their hand is bad.