Forum:Can you rate my Beatdown Please?

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Revision as of 19:35, 11 November 2013 by MiikaKill (talk)
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I mainly duel My best friend and he has A tournament level heiratic utilizing Tachyon and a really good beatdown, he utilizes spells and traps to kill my monsters and chip at my life points, and use his defensive monsters to clear my field and summon lots of LvL 4,5,6 monsters and blast me into the dust. haha

Anything to add or subtract? PLEASE HELP! THANKS GUYS

My rating comes not as a numeric score, but in the form of a title.

"I Have an Idea of What To Do"

There's a bit of room for improvement in what it does, but at the very least in its initial state it can carry out its beatdown well enough.

  • Since this is an attempted beatdown, you will be relying a lot on an offensive pressure to keep your opponent from trying to set up on you. Remove monsters like Man-Eater Bug, Spirit Reaper and Legendary Jujitsu Master which want to stay in defense position. Besides, there are better ways of getting monsters off the field without combat.
  • Next, monsters that easily Special Summon themselves while still holding good stats are favoured. More Cyber Dragons would do nicely in that department, while they serve as Tribute fodder for your bigger monsters. Things like Ancient Gear Golem are advised against unless you can bring out enough Tribute fodder to Summon it.
  • It's generally considered to be far more efficient to remove the threats rather than stall for time and protect your monsters. Waboku, Draining Shield, and Swords of Revealing Light are not recommended. Replace with cards like Fissure or Sakuretsu Armor which can help destroy monsters too big for you to handle head-on.

--Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 10:01, October 25, 2013 (UTC)

Jinzo for stopping opponents traps and Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer for stopping your opponent from banishing monsters for Chaos Sorcerer or other monsters like that.

MiikaKill (talkcontribs) 19:35, November 11, 2013 (UTC)MiikaKill