Card Tips:Noble Knight Drystan

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Revision as of 04:20, 15 December 2013 by UltimateKuriboh (talk | contribs) (too convoluted. Belongs on the "Sacred Noble Knight of Artorigus" page. Also, the destruction effect only triggers once, so you won't be able to "destroy your opponent's entire field".)
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  • Keep in mind that this card's destruction effect occurs whenever it is equipped with a "Noble Arms" Equip Spell Card, including when a "Noble Arms" card is destroyed and re-equips itself from the Graveyard.
    • It is also important to note that the destruction effect is mandatory, which means you may be forced to destroy a face-up card you control if you aren't careful.
      • This can sometimes be a good thing, as you can re-equip some of your "Noble Arms" cards this way.
  • This card allows for a much stronger turn 1 play starting with Noble Knight Medraut" and "Noble Arms of Destiny". Summon "Medraut" and activate "Destiny", using the effect of "Medraut" to Summon this card from the Deck. Once "Noble Arms of Destiny" is destroyed by the effect of "Noble Knight Medraut", its effect will activate and you can re-equip it to this card, allowing you destroy a face-up card your opponent controls (if they control none, target this card, as "Noble Arms of Destiny" will protect it). This will establish a strong field, as only Drystan can be targeted, it is in Defense Position, and it can survive destruction once during the next turn.

Traditional Format