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The only monsters known in this Archetype so far are Sin Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Sin Cyber End Dragon, Sin Rainbow Dragon, Sin Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Sin Stardust Dragon, corrupted versions of their non-Sin counterparts, presumably used by Paradox.

All of the monsters in this Archetype are corrupted monsters, so all of them are Dark Attribute Monsters. They all have mechanical-looking pieces of their body, including wings and face-plates. Also, each one is the counterpart of a Dragon monster (with the exception of Cyber End Dragon).

They appear to share three aspects with the Earthbound Immortals: They are both DARK attributes, only one of them can be on the field at a time and destroy themselves if a Field Spell is not present.

In the trailer shown before every episode are nine face-down cards, all supposed to be Sin monsters, of which some are already revealed, these are Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Stardust Dragon, Cyber End Dragon, and Rainbow Dragon.