Card Tips:The Unfriendly Amazon

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Revision as of 16:36, 10 June 2017 by RedEyesBurn69 (talk) (How was THAT tip bad? While her original 2000 ATK is impressive, the opponent can still summon a more powerful Monster to destroy her in battle.)
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  • Tribute "Black Ptera" to keep this on the field.
    • You could also tribute "Cockroach Knight" to keep her alive (NOTE: "Cockroach Knight", unlike "Black Ptera", returns to the top of the deck instead of the hand and you could easily lose draw power this way).
    • You could also tribute "Samsara Lotus" or "Treeborn Frog", which easily come back during the Standby Phase.
  • Use cards like "Scapegoat" or "Stray Lambs" to tribute the tokens summoned by their effect so you don't lose any of your own monsters for a sacrifice.

Traditional Format