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Chaos is generally used generally to describe monsters that use the Attributes LIGHT and DARK, with a goal of removing monsters from play.

"Chaos" can trace its origins back to "Invasion of Chaos", where the main cards of this genre were "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", and "Chaos Sorcerer".

"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End" was the first of this trio to be sent to the Forbidden list, in September 2004. This card helped form a deadly Deck by using "Sangan" with its effect to bring "Yata-Garasu" into your hand, with a view to summon, attack, and force your opponent into a Lockdown, leaving them with no cards in their hand, and leaving them unable to draw additional cards.

Chaos still continued to dominate the metagame for the next 12 months. 2005 saw a Chaos Phoenix Deck, using "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" and "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys" in infinite majesty, win the 2005 World Championship, and it was perhaps this most of all, that showed people that "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", even if Limited to 1, was still too powerful to be allowed to be played in Advanced Format. In September 2005, "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" was sent to the Forbidden list.

The next 12 months saw the emergence of the strongest Chaos metagame since "Invasion of Chaos". This style of Chaos revolved around "Chaos Sorcerer", still Unlimited, combined with the flexibility and power of the Monarchs. "Chaos Sorcerer" was eventually sent to the Forbidden list in September 2006.

The Chaos ideal was left untouched until the release of "Force of the Breaker", where the Chaos era was reborn with the "Sky Scourges", two monsters whose effects were based on "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End" and "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", with a third that was able to "choose" between the effects of "Jinzo" or "Spell Canceller".

Neither of this new Chaos trio made much of an impact, and have long since been condemned to the unused Card Pool, on account of their Summoning Conditions typically being unworkable and situational.

Chaos has seen somewhat of a return, with the Limiting of "Chaos Sorcerer" in the OCG's March 2009 Lists, and possibly allow Chaos to revolve around Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment Dragon