Card Tips:Goyo Guardian

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  • You can use "Rescue Cat" to bring out a level 3 Tuner monster like "X-Saber Airbellum" and a level 3 non-tuner monster to get this card out easily without losing any advantage.
  • Use "Staunch Defender" with "Goyo Guardian" when your opponent declares an attack to a monster with a lower ATK you control. You can destroy and take control of all of the opponent's monsters without declaring an attack.
  • This monster's ability to take control of other monsters also comes in handy for additional Synchro Summons. You may want to use cards like "Revival Gift" to get back your Tuner in the Graveyard to do this.
  • A popular tactic is to use this card to steal your opponent's "Stardust Dragon" giving you one chance to negate your opponent's destroying cards.
  • Use "Jutte Fighter" to change a monster to it's weaker position. Then use it to Synchro Summon "Goyo Guardian" and steal that monster.
  • Use "Creature Swap" to give your opponent a Searcher monster (such as Sangan), so when Goyo Guardian destroys it, you can activate its effect, and use Goyo Guardian's effect to summon your searcher to potentially use the search effect again.
  • Have a level 4 monster like Blackwing - Bora the Spear, then after the turn u summon it or the turn after you summoned it, Normel Summon Junk Synchron and then special summon Torapart, then synchro summon Goyo Guardian (with Boro) and Torapart. Then special level eater from your graveyard (Goyo Guardian level 5). Then, once again, Synchro Summon Armory Arm. Then equip Armory arm to Goyo Guardian (ATK/3800). DIRECT ATTACK!!!!! (If can, and with torapart's effect, the opponent can use any spell or trap card until the damge step is over).