Compensation Mediation

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Revision as of 07:10, 19 June 2008 by Melik el-Al'ab (talk) (Added Arabic name for Compensation Mediation (تسوية التعويض))
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Compensation Mediation
Card type Monster
Attribute TRAP"TRAP" is not in the list (DARK, DIVINE, EARTH, FIRE, LIGHT, WATER, WIND, ?, ???, THUNDER, ...) of allowed values for the "Attribute" property.
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack. Your opponent chooses two cards from their Graveyard. They then shuffle this card with the two chosen cards and places them face-down on the field. You then choose one of them to flip face-up. If you choose this card, the attack is negated and the Battle Phase ends. Then the two chosen cards are shuffled and placed on the top of your opponent's Deck. If this card is not chosen, the attack continues as normal and the remaining card not chosen goes on top of your opponent's Deck while the other card is discarded to the Graveyard.