Forum:Unaffected by card effects question

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I've got a question that came up in a duel scenario, so I'm using a Constellar deck and I have Constellar Omega and Constellar Kaus out.

Now I've already used the effect of Omega this turn making my constellar monsters unaffected by spell/trap effects and my opponent controls Number 39 with xyz wrath on the field. I activate the effect of Kaus for the second time when he is level 5 to make him 6 can my opponent chain Xyz wrath to negate the effect of Kaus? or since my monster is unaffected by trap effects does the effect still go through?

Also separate question, if my opponent destroys call of the haunted targeting my monster with MST is it possible to negate the destruction effect of call of the haunted with Stardust Dragon?--Eternumblaze (talkcontribs) 03:29, May 19, 2014 (UTC)

Not sure about the second, but what I think happens is that the effect is negated, but Kaus isn't destroyed, because the negation affects the EFFECT but the destruction affects the CARD. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 05:00, May 19, 2014 (UTC)

Oh okay, just had to get that visualized in my head and I can see how that works. However, the call of the haunted question with stardust dragon is still a concern of mine.--Eternumblaze (talkcontribs) 16:03, May 19, 2014 (UTC)

He CAN chain Wrath, but since its immune nothing actually happens, effect goes through, monster lives. opponent wasted a card. and no Call of the haunted, or any take you with me when i die effect like that, do not start a chain, Stardust can not respond to itDreadKaiser (talkcontribs) 16:55, May 19, 2014 (UTC)