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Rock Spirit (TSC)

DM2 / DM3 / DM4 / DM5 / DM6 / DM7

Rock Spirit
Ganseki no Seirei
Level 5
Number 619
Type Spellcaster
Summon Earth
Deck Cost 61
ATK / DEF 1650 / 1900

A fairy of boulders that looks like an earthenware statue.
It is quite strong in terms of both attack and defense.

Password 82818645

Obtained by

"Rock Spirit" can be purchased in the shop.

  • When the player wins a Duel, up to 50 cards are added to the shop. Each has an intended probability of 54/30,000 being this card. But due to a bias in the random number generation, it is actually a probability of 108/65,536.
  • When the player enters this card's password (82818645), it appears in the shop.


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