Difference between pages "Module:Card" and "Card Trivia:Meotoko"

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(Add `lang` attributes to "other languages" table. Don't need the `locale.getLanguageName` method anymore.)
Line 1: Line 1:
-- Import modules
TableTools  = require('Module:TableTools')
local Locale = require('Module:Card/Locale')
local Type  = require('Module:Card/Type')
-- Generic function for replacing parameters within a string
* This card's ''[[TCG]]'' name is a transliteration of the Japanese word for "eye man".
-- Might move to module of its own.
-- @param message string
-- @param params table
-- @return string
function replaceParams(message, params)
for param, replacement in pairs(params) do
message = string.gsub(message, '{$' .. param .. '}', replacement)
return message
* This monster has a [[recolored counterpart|recolored]] [[Flip monster]] counterpart: "[[Hiro's Shadow Scout]]".
-- Capitalize the first letter in a string
* This card is one of eight of [[Joey Wheeler]]'s [[Normal Monster]]s introduced to the ''[[TCG]]'' in ''[[Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack]]'' that have their English [[flavor text]]s written in his [[wikipedia:Brooklyn|Brooklyn]] accent. The other seven are "[[Anthrosaurus]]", "[[Hero of the East]]", "[[Kageningen]]", "[[Little D]]", "[[Skull Stalker]]", "[[Stone Armadiller]]", and "[[Wolf]]". ("[[Alligator's Sword]]", which is included in ''Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack'' but debuted in the ''TCG'' previously, also has this kind of English flavor text.)
-- @param text string
** All of these cards are seen in Joey's very first [[Deck]], except for "Hero of the East" (which is only seen when Joey has a dream of himself with his inexperienced Deck) and "Little D" (which has not appeared in the anime).
-- @return string
** In Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, these cards' flavor texts are also written in [[wikipedia:Eye dialect|eye dialect]] for the sake of humor. Apart from the French text which is translated more directly from the Japanese text in a little more serious way, texts in other ''TCG'' languages appear to be translated from the English text.
function ucfirst(text)
return text:sub(1,1):upper() .. text:sub(2)
-- Create an empty Card object
local Card = {
cardType = nil,
property = nil,
attribute = nil,
types = {},
isNormalMonster = nil,
isEffectMonster = nil,
isPendulumMonster = nil,
level = nil,
linkArrows = {},
atk = nil,
def = nil,
linkRating = nil,
password = nil,
effectTypes = {},
locales = {
en = {
name = nil,
lore = nil,
pendulumEffect = nil,
previousNames = {}
customColor = nil,
-- Params for rendered output
styles = {
main = false,
images = {},
rows = {},
-- Configuration options
-- Overwrite these in modules that extend this one  
config = {
baseClass = nil,
colorCoded = true,
defaultImage = 'Back-EN.png',
enableMainLinks = true,
icons        = {
level        = '[[File:CG Star.svg|18px|alt=]]',
unknownLevel  = '[[File:CG Star Unknown.svg|18px|alt=]]',
negativeLevel = '[[File:Negative Star.svg|18px|alt=]]',
rank          = '[[File:Rank Star.svg|18px|alt=]]',
unknownRank  = '[[File:Rank Star Unknown.svg|18px|alt=]]',
cardTypes        = '[[File:{$cardType_uc}.svg|28px|alt=]]',
properties      = '[[File:{$property}.svg|28px|alt=]]',
attributes      = '[[File:{$attribute}.svg|28px|alt=]]',
unknownAttribute = '[[File:UNKNOWN.svg|28px|alt=]]',
types            = nil,
langs = { 'en', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'es', 'ja', 'ko' },
-- Rows to show in the rendered output
rows = {
types = {
type    = {},
summon  = {},
ability  = {},
tuner    = {},
pendulum = {},
normal  = {},
effect  = {},
unknown  = {},
-- Create a new card object
-- @param args table
function Card:new(args)
-- Create a new instance of the class with all the default values
local c = {}
setmetatable(c, self)
self.__index = self
-- Type class to accept values based on the card's config
-- Fill with data from the arguments
c.number = args.number
c.property = args.property
c:setCardType(args.card_type, args)
c.property = args.property
c.attribute = args.attribute
c.atk = args.atk
c.def = args.def
c.level = args.level
c.rank = args.rank
c.pendulumScale = args.pendulum_scale
c.password = args.password
-- Set language related data
c.locales = Locale:createMany(c.config.langs, args)
c.customColor = args.color
-- Add template specific styles or use the ones from Module:Card
table.insert(c.styles, args.templatestyles or 'Module:Card/styles.css')
-- Set parameters other than those supplied above
-- Classes that inherit from this one can use this to set additional data
return c
-- Set the English name
-- @param name string - The card's name. Default to the page name.
function Card:setName(name)
-- Check if a name was supplied
if (name) then
-- Use the supplied name as the card name
self.locales.en.name = name
-- Get the name of the page
local pageName = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
-- Use the page name before the first parenthesis as the card name.
self.locales.en.name = mw.text.split(pageName, ' %(')[1]
-- Set the card type
-- @param cardType string
-- @param table args
function Card:setCardType(cardType, args)
-- If the card type is explicitly stated use that
if (cardType) then
self.cardType = cardType
-- Default to 'Monster' if the arguments contain any monster properties
elseif (args.atk or args.def or args.attribute or args.types) then
self.cardType = 'Monster'
-- Set Types-related data by passing in the type string
-- @param typesString string '/'-separated list of types as printed on the card
function Card:setTypes(typesString)
-- Blank everything and start from a clean slate
self.isNormalMonster  = false
self.isEffectMonster  = false
self.isPendulumMonster = false
self.types = {}
if (typesString) then
-- Split the type input by forward slash
-- Allow spaces at either side of the slash
local typeNames = mw.text.split(typesString, '%s*/%s*')
-- Set these values if their Types are anywhere in the array
self.isNormalMonster  = TableTools.inArray(typeNames, 'Normal')
self.isEffectMonster  = TableTools.inArray(typeNames, 'Effect')
self.isPendulumMonster = TableTools.inArray(typeNames, 'Pendulum')
-- Fill the Types table with an object for each type.
for _, typeName in pairs(typeNames) do
table.insert(self.types, Type:new(typeName))
-- Set the Link Arrows data
-- Doing this will also set the Link Rating equal to the number of arrows
-- @param linkArrowsInput string
function Card:setLinkArrows(linkArrowsInput)
-- Split the input by comma to form an array
self.linkArrows = mw.text.split(linkArrowsInput or '', '%s*,%s*')
-- Link Rating is equal to the number of Link Arrows
self.linkRating = #self.linkArrows
-- Set the main link
-- @param main string - manually specified main link.
--                      The link will determined automatically otherwise.
function Card:setMainLink(main)
-- If main links are not enabled, "main" is always `false`.
if (not self.config.enableMainLinks) then
self.main = false
-- If the input specifically says not to use a main link, "main" is `false`.
if (TableTools.inArray({ 'no', 'none', 'false' }, main)) then
self.main = false
-- If the main link is specifically provided, use that.
if (main) then
self.main = main
table.insert(self.styles, 'Module:Hatnote/styles.css')
-- Get the page name, strip out parentheses text.
local pageName = tostring(mw.title.getCurrentTitle())
local cardName = mw.text.split(pageName, ' %(')[1]
-- If there's a difference, use the non-paretheses version as the main.
if (pageName ~= cardName) then
self.main = cardName
table.insert(self.styles, 'Module:Hatnote/styles.css')
-- If "main" is not found at this point, assume there is none.
self.main = false
-- Set images data based on the input parameter
-- @param string input
function Card:setImages(input)
-- Clear existing value
self.images = {}
-- Default to backing image if no input
input = input or self.config.defaultImage
-- Split input by new line for multiple artworks
local inputLines = mw.text.split(input, '\n')
local previousArtwork = nil
-- For each line (artwork)
for _, line in pairs(inputLines) do
-- Ensure each item on the line ends with `;` to help pattern matching
line = line .. ';'
-- Content before first `;` is the image
local image    = mw.text.split(line, ';')[1]
-- Content after `artwork::` in the params string is the artwork number.
-- Defaults to 1
local artwork  = tonumber(line:match('; *artwork::([^;]-) *;') or 1)
-- Content after `thumb::` in the params string is the thumbnail
-- Defaults to the full image
local thumbnail = line:match('; *thumb::([^;]-) *;') or image
-- Content after `name::` in the params string is the artwork name
local name      = line:match('; *name::([^;]-) *;')
-- If the params string contains `current`, mark as the current image
local isCurrent = line:match('; *current *;') ~= nil
-- If the artwork has the same base number as its predecessor
-- its number is .1 higher than it
if (previousArtwork ~= nil and math.floor(artwork) == math.floor(previousArtwork)) then
artwork = previousArtwork + .1
-- Add object to list of images
table.insert(self.images, {
image    = image,
thumbnail = thumbnail,
artwork  = artwork,
name      = name,
isCurrent = isCurrent
-- Prepare for the next iteration of the loop.
previousArtwork = artwork
-- Function inherited classes can override to set additional parameters
-- @param args table
-- @return void
function Card:setCustomArgs(args)
-- Get the card's summon Type
-- @return string
function Card:getSummonType()
-- Exit early, if not a monster
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return nil end
-- loop through the Types until the Summon Type is found
for _, type in pairs(self.types) do
if (type.category == 'Summon') then
return type.name
-- Summon Type was not found, return `nil`
return nil
-- Get the CSS class for the card's color
-- (Does not include Pendulum)
-- @return string
function Card:getColorClass()
-- If the card has a custom color, use that
if (self.customColor) then
return self.customColor .. '-card'
-- If the card is not a monster, base the color on the card type
if (self.cardType and self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then
return string.lower(self.cardType) .. '-card'
-- If the card has a Summon type (Fusion, Ritual, etc.),
-- base the color on that
local summonType = self:getSummonType()
if (summonType) then
-- Lowercase, replace spaces with dashes, append "-card"
return string.gsub(string.lower(summonType), ' ', '-') .. '-card'
-- If the card is an Effect Monster, base the color on that
if (self.isEffectMonster) then
return 'effect-card'
-- If the card is a Normal Monster, base the color on that
if (self.isNormalMonster) then
return 'normal-card'
-- If the color couldn't be determined above, use this as the default
return 'blank-card'
-- Get the variable CSS classes used in the HTML output
-- Includes the main color class and the pendulum color class
-- @return string
function Card:getCssClass()
local cssClass = ''
-- If there is a class to be used for all cards, add that
if (self.config.baseClass) then
cssClass = cssClass .. self.config.baseClass
-- If the cards are color-coded, add more classes
if (self.config.colorCoded) then
cssClass = cssClass .. self:getColorClass()
if (self.isPendulumMonster) then
cssClass = cssClass .. ' pendulum-card'
return cssClass
-- Render an icon representing the card type
-- @return string
function Card:renderCardTypeIcon()
-- If the card is not a Spell or Trap, exit early
if (self.cardType ~= 'Spell' and self.cardType ~= 'Trap') then
return ''
-- String containing a pattern matching the card type icons
local pattern = self.config.icons.cardTypes
-- If there's no pattern, don't try to render an icon.
if (not pattern) then return '' end
-- Replace variables in the pattern.
-- e.g. replace '{$cardType}' with 'Spell' if this is a Spell Card.
local params = {
cardType    = self.cardType,
cardType_uc = string.upper(self.cardType)
return replaceParams(pattern, params)
-- Render an icon representing the Property
-- @return string
function Card:renderPropertyIcon()
-- If the card is not a Spell or Trap, exit early
if (self.cardType ~= 'Spell' and self.cardType ~= 'Trap') then
return ''
-- String containing a pattern matching the property icons
local pattern = self.config.icons.properties
-- If there's no pattern, don't try to render an icon.
if (not pattern) then return '' end
-- Replace variables in the pattern.
-- e.g. replace '{$cardType}' with 'Spell' if this is a Spell Card.
local params = {
cardType = self.cardType,
property = self.property
return replaceParams(pattern, params)
-- Render an icon representing the Attribute
-- @return string
function Card:renderAttributeIcon()
-- Exit early, if not a monster
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return '' end
if (self.attribute == nil or self.attribute == '???') then
return self.config.icons.unknownAttribute
local pattern = self.config.icons.attributes
-- If there's no pattern, don't try to render an icon.
if (not pattern) then return '' end
local params = {
attribute = self.attribute
return replaceParams(pattern, params)
-- Render the list of Types as a string with links and separators
-- @return string
function Card:renderTypeString()
-- Exit early, if not a monster
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return end
-- Array containing links to each of the card's Types.
local linkedTypes = {}
-- Loop through all the card's Types
for _, type in pairs(self.types) do
-- Create a pipe link and add it to the array.
local linkedType = ('[[%s|%s]]'):format(type.pageName, type.name)
table.insert(linkedTypes, linkedType)
-- Join all elements in the array, separating them with slashes.
return table.concat(linkedTypes, ' / ')
-- Render the Level as star icons
-- @return string
function Card:renderLevelStars()
-- Don't show for non-monsters
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return '' end
-- Don't show for Xyz or Link monsters
local summonType = self:getSummonType()
if (TableTools.inArray({'Xyz', 'Link'}, summonType)) then return '' end
local icons = self.config.icons
-- If unknown Level, just show a single instance of the unknown icon.
if (self.level == nil or self.level == '?' or self.level == '???') then
return icons.unknownLevel
-- Now that unknown is out of the way, this can be cast as a number.
local level = tonumber(self.level)
-- Exit early if the Level is 0
if (level == 0) then return '' end
-- Use different icons if Level is positive or negative
local icon = level >= 0 and icons.level or icons.negativeLevel
-- Repeat the same icon a number of times equal to the Level/Rank (stars)
return '<span class="card-stars">' ..
string.rep(icon, math.abs(level)) ..
-- Render the Rank as star icons
-- @return string
function Card:renderRankStars()
-- Exit early, if not an Xyz Monster
if (self:getSummonType() ~= 'Xyz') then return '' end
local icons = self.config.icons
-- If unknown Level/Rank, just show a single instance of the unknown icon.
if (self.rank == nil or self.rank == '?' or self.rank == '???') then
return icons.unknownRank
-- Exit early if the Rank is 0
if (self.rank == 0) then return '' end
-- Repeat the same icon a number of times equal to the Rank
return '<span class="card-stars">' .. string.rep(icons.rank, self.rank) .. '</span>'
-- Render a grid showing the Link Arrows
-- @return string
function Card:renderLinkMap()
local gridPositions = {
'Top-Left',    'Top-Center',    'Top-Right',
'Middle-Left', 'Middle-Center', 'Middle-Right',
'Bottom-Left', 'Bottom-Center', 'Bottom-Right'
-- `div` for a 3x3 grid
local map = mw.html.create('div')
:css('display', 'inline-grid')
:css('width', '36px'):css('height', '46px')
:css('grid-template-rows', '12px 12px 12px')
:css('grid-template-columns', '10px 15px 10px')
-- Add an element for each position in the grid
for _, position in pairs(gridPositions) do
if (position == 'Middle-Center') then
-- Nothing in the center square
-- Arrow will be highlighted in in the list of Link Arrows
local active = TableTools.inArray(self.linkArrows, position)
-- These two images have a different width than the others
local size = TableTools.inArray({ 'Top-Center', 'Bottom-Center' }, position) and 'x10px' or '10px'
-- Form the file name
-- Remove '-' from the position name, add "2" if the position is inactive
local file = 'LM-' .. (position:gsub('-', '')) ..(not active and '2' or '') .. '.png'
map:wikitext('[[File:' .. file .. '|' ..size .. '|alt=]]')
return tostring(map)
-- Render the card image section
-- Either a single image or a switcher for multiple images
-- @return string
function Card:renderImages()
-- If there's only one image, show it
if (#self.images == 1) then
return '[[File:' .. self.images[1].image .. '|200px]]'
-- Create the HTML for the image switcher wrapper
local imageSwitcher = mw.html.create('div')
:css('margin', '0 auto')
:css('max-width', '200px')
:css('text-align', 'left')
-- Add a child element for each image and its label
for _, image in pairs(self.images) do
local title = image.name or ('Artwork ' .. image.artwork)
local imageDisplay = '[[File:' .. image.image .. '|200px|alt=' .. title .. ']]'
local labelHtml = mw.html.create('div')
labelHtml:attr('class', 'switcher-label'):wikitext(title)
if (image.isCurrent) then
labelHtml:attr('data-switcher-default', 'true')
:css('margin-bottom', '5px')
:wikitext(imageDisplay .. tostring(labelHtml))
return tostring(imageSwitcher)
-- Add something to the list of rows to be rendered in the output
-- @param string label - Text to display in the label cell
-- @param string value - Text/icons to display in the data cell
function Card:addRow(label, value)
if (value) then
table.insert(self.rows, { label = label, value = value })
-- Add row specifically for the Number
function Card:addNumberRow()
self:addRow('Number', self.number)
-- Add a row specifically for the card type to be rendered in the output
function Card:addCardTypeRow()
if (self.cardType == nil) then return end
local text = '[[' .. self.cardType .. ' Card|' .. self.cardType .. ']]'
local icon = self:renderCardTypeIcon() or ''
self:addRow('[[Card type]]', text .. ' ' .. icon)
-- Add a row specifically for the property to be rendered in the output
function Card:addPropertyRow()
-- Exit early if no card type or property
if (self.cardType == nil or self.property == nil) then return end
local text = '[[' .. self.property .. ' ' .. self.cardType .. ' Card|' .. self.property .. ']]'
local icon = self:renderPropertyIcon()
self:addRow('[[Property]]', text .. ' ' .. icon)
-- Add a row specifically for the Attribute to be rendered in the output
function Card:addAttributeRow()
-- If it's not a monster, don't continue
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return end
local text = '[[' .. (self.attribute or '???') .. ']]'
local icon = self:renderAttributeIcon()
self:addRow([[Attribute]], text .. ' ' .. icon)
function Card:addTypeRow()
-- If it's not a monster, don't continue
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return end
self:addRow('[[Type]]s', self:renderTypeString())
-- Add a row specifically for the Level to be rendered in the output
function Card:addLevelRow()
-- Don't show for non-monsters
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster') then return end
-- Don't show for Xyz or Link monsters
local summonType = self:getSummonType()
if (TableTools.inArray({'Xyz', 'Link'}, summonType)) then return end
self:addRow('[[Level]]', (self.level or '???') .. ' ' .. self:renderLevelStars())
-- Add a row specifically for the Rank to be rendered in the output
function Card:addRankRow()
-- Only show for Xyz Monsters
if (self:getSummonType() ~= 'Xyz') then return end
self:addRow('[[Rank]]', (self.rank or '???') .. ' ' .. self:renderRankStars())
function Card:addLinkArrowsRow()
-- Not a Link Monster, exit early
if (self:getSummonType() ~= 'Link') then
return nil
-- Cell contains the map showing the different arrows and a textual list
-- Wrap the two in a flex div to vertically center them
local cell = mw.html.create('div')
:css('display', 'flex')
:css('align-items', 'center')
:css('gap', '.25em')
:wikitext(table.concat(self.linkArrows, ', '))
self:addRow('[[Link Arrow]]s', tostring(cell))
-- Add a row specifically for the Pendulum Scale
function Card:addPendulumScaleRow()
-- Only allow this row for Pendulum Monsters with a Pendulum Scale
if (not self.isPendulumMonster or self.pendulumScale == nil) then
return nil
local icon = '[[File:Pendulum Scale.png|22px|alt=|class=noviewer]]'
self:addRow('[[Pendulum Scale]]', icon .. ' ' .. self.pendulumScale)
-- Add a row specifically for ATK and DEF to be rendered in the output
-- Only shows for monsters that are not Link Monsters
function Card:addAtkDefRow()
if (self.cardType ~= 'Monster' or self:getSummonType() == 'Link') then
return nil
local atk = self.atk or '???'
local def = self.def or '???'
self:addRow('[[ATK]] / [[DEF]]', atk .. ' / ' .. def)
-- Add a row specifically for ATK and Link to be rendered in the output
-- Only shows for Link Monsters
function Card:addAtkLinkRow()
if (self:getSummonType() ~= 'Link') then
return nil
local atk = self.atk or '???'
local link = self.linkRating or '???'
self:addRow('[[ATK]] / [[Link Rating|LINK]]', atk .. ' / ' .. link)
-- Add a rowspecifically for the lore
function Card:addLoreRow()
local lore = self.locales.en:getFullLore(self.isNormalMonster)
if (lore == nil or lore == '') then return end
local loreHtml = mw.html.create('div')
loreHtml:attr('class', 'lore')
if (self.locales.en.pendulumEffect) then
-- Place Pendulum Effect and monster text in a description list
local dl = mw.html.create('dl')
dl:css('margin', '.5em')
dl:tag('dt'):wikitext("'''Pendulum Effect'''")
dl:tag('dt'):wikitext("'''Monster text'''")
-- Place lore in a single paragraph in the
self:addRow(nil, tostring(loreHtml))
-- Add row specifically for the Password
function Card:addPasswordRow()
self:addRow('[[Password]]', self.password)
-- Create a TemplateStyles tag
function renderTemplateStyles(page)
if (page == nil or page == '') then return end
return tostring( mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = page } } )
-- Generate the HTML output
function Card:render()
local output = ''
-- Add template styles
for _, style in pairs(self.styles) do
output = output .. '\n' .. renderTemplateStyles(style)
if (self.main) then
output = output .. '<div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main card page: "[[' .. self.main .. ']]"</div>'
output = output .. '\n<div class="card-table ' .. self:getCssClass() .. '">'
output = output .. '\n  <div class="heading">' .. self.locales.en.name .. '</div>'
output = output .. '\n  <div class="card-table-columns">'
output = output .. '\n    <div class="imagecolumn">'
output = output .. self:renderImages()
output = output .. '\n    </div>' -- .imagecolumn
output = output .. '\n    <div class="infocolumn">'
output = output .. '\n      <table class="innertable">'
for _, row in pairs(self.rows) do
output = output .. '\n<tr>'
if (row.label) then
output = output .. '\n  <th scope="row" style="text-align: left;">' .. row.label .. '</th>'
output = output .. '\n  <td>' .. row.value .. '</td>'
output = output .. '\n <td colspan="2">' .. row.value .. '</td>'
output = output .. '\n</tr>'
output = output .. '\n      </table>'
output = output .. '\n    </div>' -- .infocolumn
output = output .. '\n  </div>' -- .card-table-columns
output = output .. '\n</div>' -- .card-table
output = output .. self:renderLocalesTable()
return output
function Card:renderLocalesTable()
-- Needs to have at least two languages
-- i.e. Needs at least one language other than English
if (TableTools.size(self.locales) < 2) then return '' end
output = '\n==Other languages=='
output = output .. '\n<table class="wikitable">'
output = output .. '\n  <tr>'
output = output .. '\n    <th scope="col">Language</th>'
output = output .. '\n    <th scope="col">Name</th>'
output = output .. '\n    <th scope="col">Card text</th>'
output = output .. '\n  </tr>'
for _, locale in pairs(self.locales) do
local langCode = locale:getHtmlLang()
if locale.lang ~= 'en' then
output = output .. '\n<tr>'
output = output .. '\n  <th scope="row">' .. locale.language.name .. '</th>'
output = output .. '\n  <td lang="' .. langCode .. '">' .. (locale.name or '') .. '</td>'
output = output .. '\n  <td lang="' .. langCode .. '">' .. (locale:getFullLore(self.isNormalMonster) or '') .. '</td>'
output = output .. '\n</tr>'
output = output .. '</table>'
return output
-- Function to be invoked by the module
-- Takes all template parameters and returns the HTML
function Card.card(frame)
-- Get the template parameters
local args = frame:getParent().args
-- Create a new card object
local c = Card:new(args)
-- For each row configured to show, call the function to add it
for _, row in pairs(c.config.rows) do
    c['add' .. ucfirst(row) .. 'Row'](c)
-- Render the output
return c:render()
return Card

Revision as of 14:48, 19 August 2023

  • This card's TCG name is a transliteration of the Japanese word for "eye man".