Card Trivia:Jurassic Impact

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  • This card is named after the Jurassic period, the "heyday" of the dinosaurs.
    • Ironically, this card's effect is a reference to the meteoric impact in the Yucatán Peninsula during the Late Cretaceous period 66 million years ago, leading to the dinosaurs' extinction: it requires two or more Dinosaur monsters to be activated, destroys all monsters and damages each player where they are unable to Summon anymore monsters for a certain time.
    • This card can be seen as an alternative to "Volcanic Eruption", where its artwork also depicts another likely cause of the dinosaurs' extinction.
  • This card shares similarities with "Jurrac Impact" both feature similarities:
    • Both cards have the word "Impact" in their names.
    • Both are Trap Cards with destruction effects that require Dinosaur monsters to be activated.
    • Both cards depict the meteorite impact that presumably destroyed the dinosaurs in their card artworks.