Forum:Alien Atk/Def Reduction

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The ruling saying that " (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.) " Does this mean that my opponents monsters initially lose 300 atk and def when battling my monsters or just after battle while I'm taking damage to my life points? -Rawrey

See Breakdown of the Battle Phase

The attack loss is for the duration of the time in which it is battling your alien monster, for the duration of that battle.

IE: Blue-Eyes White Dragon with 1 A-Counter, attacks Alien Warrior. For the duration of the damage calcuation, B-EWD is at 2700. Once it destroys your Alien Warrior its attack returns to 3000, though it still has the A-counter on it.-Resk (talkcontribs) 13:25, February 2, 2011 (UTC)

Another example
Alien Warrior attacks a Gene-Warped Warwolf with 1 counter.
Only Gene-Warped Warwolf will be destroyed, and the controller of Gene-Warped Warwolf will take 100 damage. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 13:40, February 2, 2011 (UTC)