Forum:Alien deck pleas help

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this is my alien deck i need some help in speeding it up. it works alright but its too slow it stalls allrigth but i cant getthe cads i need in time it stays vonureble for too meny turns too pleas i need help

allso need some good Synchro monsters
  • Well first off, I suggest getting rid of Evil Dragon Ananta and Des Feral Imp. They don't do you much good in a Alien deck. Ananta belongs in it's own deck. Removing from play your own Alien monsters isn't a good idea. You need those aliens in the graveyard. I'd replace them with an Alien Mother and another Alien Kid. I really suggest getting rid of "A" Cell Breeding Device. It's not very quick, and soon becomes useless as a center-piece to a strategy. I'd replace that with another "A" Cell Scatter Burst. You'll find it's a lot quick, especially if you have something like Code A Ancient Ruins. Also, I suggest replacing Stumbling with a different continuous Alien support card, like "A" Cell Incubator. Unlike it's counter part, it's a lot quicker, gaining A counter faster than other cards. It's good because it keeps your A counter supply current for each time you actually use a counters or remove them from the field altogether. I suggest getting rid of Crop Circles for another Planet Pollutant Virus. The main goal of an Alien Deck is to be able to have enough counters on the field to utilize them. So the more A counters on the field the better. Keep it up, I like Alien attempts. They're very cool.--VylitLovesViolence 07:32, September 12, 2009 (UTC)