Forum:Bait doll rummor

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I heard from someone on youtube that you can use bait doll on your own trap cards that was set this turn, and the activation would be force to activated and he claim it would not be consider an incorrect timing and still work properly, this contradict the rule I heard before, the rules that I heard before was this If bait doll force the activation of a trap card that his just set this turn, that trap card effect his negated and the trap his destroy because it his consider an invalid timing, he claim that konami over turn this old rules and make bait doll force the activation of trap card even if they are set during the same turn, and will not be negated by bait doll even though the trap was set this turn. Supernickid (talkcontribs) 21:57, December 30, 2013 (UTC)

Card Rulings:Bait Doll.-- (talkcontribs) 01:14, December 31, 2013 (UTC)