Forum:Future Vision + Monarch Question

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How would this situation be ruled:

Player A: Activates Future Visions then tribute Summons a Monarch

Player B: Chains a Bottomless Trap Hole/Torrential Tribute to the monarch's summoning

Would Bottomless/TT destroys the monarch first, so Future Vision Does not activate, or would Future Visions Remove it from play before the Trap Card could? And would the Monarch's effect still activate? According to Caius's Rulings Page His effect would activate (although it is only under Semi Official) but what about the others?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me

"Bottomless Trap Hole" and friends would destroy the monster first.
When a monster is Summoned, the effect of "Future Visions" activates automatically and starts a Chain Link. The "Monarch"'s effect activates at the same time, so the two effects both activate and form a Chain. Only afterwards can the opponent activate "Torrential Tribute". In general,
  • Chain Link 3: "Torrential Tribute" destroys the "Monarch".
  • Chain Link 2: The effect of the "Monarch" resolves properly, and does whatever it does.
  • Chain Link 1: The monster is no longer on the field, so "Future Visions" resolves without effect.
(If the "Monarch" has a mandatory effect [like "Zaborg the Thunder Monarch"], then Chain Links 1 and 2 may be switched. This doesn't affect the outcome, in this situation at least.)
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 18:48, October 15, 2009 (UTC)