Forum:Gig Control Deck

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this is my deck, it seems to do good but i wanted to see some opinions... can i get some advice... Psychic Duelist 23:22, September 11, 2009 (UTC)

I don't see the point of Tomato, other than summoning more Tomatoes , Snipe Hunter, and Sangan. I really think the Darks can go. And I see Commander, but where are the Synchros? I think Power Tool Dragon would be better suited. And I think Teleport is a good choice for this Psychic deck, especilaly since it brings out Gig as a Special Summon, and your opponent won't be able to take advantage of it, like Mausoleum. Morphing Jar can probably go as well, Flips aren't really worth it, unless they're in a deck of their own. I also don't see the point of Breaker, since Destructotron is better, letting you pay LP. If you do decide to throw in a Power Tool Dragon Psychic Sword draw engine, then you can probably get rid of the Iron Blacksmiths. Fissure can probably go, since Gig is always wiping the field, and I don't really see any way to abuse Telekinetic Power Well. Try a Krebons or two, and the one Mind Master that you're allowed. That will really let you swarm. Play Teleport, use it to bring out Mind Master, then Normal Summon Destructotron, wipe your opponent's back row, then abuse Mind Master to dump a bunch of Krebons/Doctors into the grave, then use Power well to bring them all back, Synch for a Power Tool, search a Psychic Sword, then Synch for Hyper Psychic Blaster, use Snail to make it attack twice, give it a sword and smack for game. If any monsters get in the way of that, Gig will shove them out of the way. Hope I gave you a few suggestions that will end up working!!--Akiza'sRose66 00:03, September 12, 2009 (UTC)

... you have no methods of ameliorating your LP lloss or gaining back LP. This is a very very very bad thing. You could use some Nimble Momongas, Drain Shields, Metaphysical Regenerations, and others. Runer5h 00:32, September 12, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

In my Psychic decks, I don't even bother gaining back LP. I guess it's a matter of opinion, but if i'm going to burn up my own LP, I'm going to try and make use of it and finish them off as fast as possible, without spending time getting more LP that i'm just going to burn up. There is a Psychic LP gain deck though.....--Akiza'sRose66 03:55, September 13, 2009 (UTC)\

yeah, i know that i have no way to recover if my opponent finds a way to turn this on me but in this deck the lower your points the better the combo sets up. Use Mausoleum to summmon Gig, use his ability and equip Megamorph and Psychic Sword. Assuming your LP are lower than your opponents, Gig is easily a 7200 attacker, which could mean game... Oh yeah, i do have synchros; they are Psychic Lifetrancer and Hyper Psychic Blaster. Psychic Duelist 23:05, September 13, 2009 (UTC)