Forum:Help A Noob Out: Toon Deck

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Toon Deck

Monster Cards (18)

  • Toon Ancient Gear Golem x2
  • Toon Barrel Dragon x2
  • Toon Cyber Dragon x2
  • Toon Gemini Elf x2
  • Toon Mermaid x3
  • Nimble Momonga x3
  • Toon Cannon Soldier x2
  • Rose, Warrior of Revenge x1
  • Toon Dark Magician Girl x1

Spell Cards (18)

  • Toon Kingdom x3
  • Toon Table of Contents x3
  • Comic Hand x2
  • Magic Reflector x2
  • Shadow Toon x2
  • Terraform x1
  • Mystical Space Typhoon x1
  • Toon Rollback x1
  • Vengeful Bog Spirit x1
  • United We Stand x1
  • Limiter Removal x1

Trap Cards (5)

  • Draining Shield x2
  • Stardust Flash x1
  • Shooting Star x1
  • Starlight Road x1

I'm trying to build a decent toon deck, but not only do I suck at deck building, I have a few limitations. I'm doing a challenge with a few friends, and they gave me a few restrictions: attempt to build a Toon/Machine Deck, and make Stardust Dragon a prominent member.

My Extra Deck has two Stardust Dragons, and I wasn't sure on XYZ's, so I didn't add all that many.

I did my best with what I had. Any advice? Hakima123 (talkcontribs) 08:51, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

For Starters, I would still have an actual toon world in there. There is plenty of backrow hate to go around for only 3 Kingdoms.
Anyway, a lot of your options are sub-par. With Toon Kingdom, the Idea is to have your monsters tank everything while hitting back harder. with that in mind, teh Vengeful Bog spirit is really obsolete option. Lose 1 Turn is a better way to slow the opponent down as you are more afraid of monster effects then being destroyed in battle now. Downside is you can't have any specialed toons on the field to activate it, so you will get caught by its effect too. which isn't a big deal.
Magic Reflector can go. Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer exists and its as likely to hit your toon kingdom off the field as an MST is. Everyone runs him (you should to) and if they see you put a reflector on something, they will just go to it to go around it since castel doesn't destroy. Replace those with Negation cards, more Teraforming to replace the kingdom, or toon world to replace the kingdoms that would get castel'd. your choice.
Comic hand is pure Rage in spell form. run 3. Hell get Hidden Armory to make people want to punch you.
Nimble Momonga can go too. I see its life recovery and tribute fodder in 1 go, but its dependant on opponent to kill it in battle. being dependant on opponent is VERY bad. and there are better sources of tribute fodder. Scapegoat, if you do not know, CAN have its tokens tributed for the special summoing toons....which you don't seem to be running any of. on that note Toon cannon Soldier sucks
Those Traps.....All of them can go, cept for starlight road. Toon Briefcase is REALLY annoying, Toon Mask can summon almost anything you want.
Toon Masked Sorcerer, draws cards. its good
Toon Goblin Attack Force, 2300 ATK for nothing can STILL be incredibly threatening. even if you can't attack with it you can just have it sit there as a wall. when you DO attack with it, sync or xyz it off. Speaking of
For xyz......anything rank 4 can be thrown right in, no particular xyz in mind
For Synchros. grab these tuners:
Genex Ally Birdman, bounce mermaid, summon self, resummon mermaid, free lv 7 synchro. or instant Tribute fodder for Golem
ANY Tuner that can special summon itself from hand.
Stardust and Clearwing are the primary synchros you'd want, but with the variable levels of the toons, you can honestly run any synchro you own.
Since you already have stardust, Malefic Stardust Dragon is an option. it prevents your toons from attacking but keeps the kingdom alive too.
Whew that toook longer then I thought but that should be a good start. let us know how that goes
Dread (talkcontribs) 12:11, September 4, 2015 (UTC)
Field Barrier is way better than Malefic Stardust because you get what Malefic Stardust has for less effort and it doesn't self-destruct if there's no Field Spell. Too Masked Sorcerer is also weak so you'll need to protect it if you're actually going to use it. --MasterMarik (talkcontribs) 15:11, September 4, 2015 (UTC)
Field Barrier is a HORRIBLE Idea. It would be better if it DID sefl destruct with lack of field spell. If the field spell gets Castelled off, Field Barrier would prevent you from simply activating a new one. Given how crucial Toon kingdom is to the deck that CANNOT be allowed to happen. Also Toon Kingdom DOES protect Toon Masked Sorcerer, Kingdom makes all of the toons basically invincible which combined with the direct attacking abilities makes games VERY short.
Dread (talkcontribs) 15:33, September 4, 2015 (UTC)
Except Malefic Stardust forces you to waste Stardust Dragon and that's just as vulnerable as any Field Spell, except bringing out again is much harder.--MasterMarik (talkcontribs) 16:04, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

I made the revisions that were suggested. Question: is 42 cards too cluttered for a Toon-deck? I currently have 18 monsters, 17 spells, and 7 traps. I also have tried to use Field Barrier before, and it hurts my deck more than anything, because I get stuck without my Toon Kingdom when my opponent inevitably manages to get it off the field once. Hakima123 (talkcontribs) 15:39, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

Nah 42 is fine. naturally 40 flat is best if you want to go for it but by my own standards 42 is acceptable.
Yeah Field barrier just paints your field spell with a CASTEL ME target. unless they make a field spell that is targetting immune, NEVER, EVER Even consider using field barrier.
Anyway Playtest the deck and see how it goes, should be a marked improvement.
Dread (talkcontribs) 15:47, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

I would consider adding "Steelswarm Roach" to your extra deck, as it can prevent your opponent from summoning something big enough to hit over your own larger Toons. Yeeeeeah! Now it's a party! (talkcontribs) 16:28, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

@MasterMarik, Thats why its only really there as a last resort beater, and even then I wouldn't use it. I simply stated an Option for him to consider as it IS the best way to protect the field spell from MST without leaving a massive victory condition for the opponent if they have Castel in their extra.
Further, Toons barely need their extra deck to begin with and Stardust himself isn't what he used to be. Given Stardust is just as vulnerable as malefic aside from Bottomless and torrential (which toons laugh at while the field is up) and really only protects against MST, which Malefic also does for the 1 card that matters as that 1 card makes the rest of the deck destruction proof.
I fail to see how he Wastes stardust. Especially since he has only 2 tuners to summon it with to begin with so he isn't going to be dropping it consistently so it would probably sit in his extra anyway. Even moreso since the overall goal of a toon deck amounts to Field spell + 2-3 Toons to end game in 2 turns. Attempting to access the extra to begin with isn't something he should be going out of its way for.
not to mention he can simply run a second stardust, this is a toon deck, Extra deck space is not tight
Further Still, it opens easy rank 8 options with Ancient Gear or Blue-eyes toon if he wants to do that.
Toon decks barely utilize their extra deck to begin with, even when they do its mostly Rank 4s
TO Summarize that: Malefic is the best way to protect a field spell, if he wants to run it. It has its issues but field barrier has MANY more issues.
@Blankslate, not a bad Idea, but most of what you will be seeing, and thus being afraid of, is rank 4s. which Roach does nothing to. As I said they barely use their extra deck as is so there is really no wrong answer to what can go in there but there are better options then roach.
Now if he is up against SYNCHROS, then thats another story as roach would keep Trish from ruining his day.
Dread (talkcontribs) 16:52, September 4, 2015 (UTC)
Yeah Trish is one reason I suggested it lol Yeeeeeah! Now it's a party! (talkcontribs) 18:41, September 4, 2015 (UTC)
Toon Deck V2

Monster Cards (17)

  • Toon Ancient Gear Golem x2
  • Toon Barrel Dragon x2
  • Toon Cyber Dragon x2
  • Toon Goblin Attack Force x2
  • Toon Mermaid x3
  • Toon Gemini Elf x3
  • Rose, Warrior of Revenge x2
  • Toon Dark Magician Girl, x1

Spell Cards (18)

  • Comic Hand x3
  • Shadow Toon x2
  • Terraforming x2
  • Mystical Space Typhoon x1
  • Vengeful Bog Spirit x1
  • United We Stand x1
  • Toon Rollback x1
  • Limiter Removal x1

Trap Cards (5)

  • Toon Mask x2
  • Toon Briefcase x2

This is my latest rendition of the deck. So far, it has performed a lot better than the old deck in general. I know it was suggested that I remove Bog Spirit, but so far it's been a pretty useful card for stalling until I can draw the proper cards to get my OTK set up.

It was mentioned in one of the posts that I should run Toon World still, as well. If that's true, what should I drop to make room in the deck for it? I know Toon Rollback and Limiter Removal can be very situational, but they've saved me enough times to easily earn their spot in the deck. Should I drop United We Stand? It's a good boost once my monsters are out when they can attack, but it's not all that useful if I can't get a Toon Kingdom/World on the field.

Any and all advice is appreciated, and thanks for the help so far.

Hakima123 (talkcontribs) 11:35, September 6, 2015 (UTC)

I personally would ditch the Toon Mermaid in favor of Toon Masked Sorcerer, as he not only lacks her life points costs, but can net you a draw each time he inflicts damage. Yeeeeeah! Now it's a party! (talkcontribs) 11:50, September 6, 2015 (UTC)

Toon Mermaid's not really meant to attack, or even ever actually stay on the field. Since she can be special summoned, she's tribute fodder to allow you to place her down and summon a bigger monster--like Toon Ancient Golem or (my personal favorite) Toon Barrel Dragon--all in one turn.

The other type of Toon Deck can do this better using her, Scapegoat, and Blue-eyes and Summoned Skull, but I'm enjoying this deck and it has its own benefits. Hakima123 (talkcontribs) 11:56, September 6, 2015 (UTC)

Less you "Should", more of something I would do both because I avoid OTK tactics (no fun for me if the other guy doesn't even get a chance to play) and for Aesthetic reasons. Since I don't go for OTK's, it helps me to have more replacements.
and yeah there is a reason I didn't recommend you to remove those, they can be useful, especially if your goal is an OTK.
Anyway it looks good to me, I can't see anymore obvious flaws that need to be corrected, cept for the lack of Toon Kingdom on that list but I assume THAT is a typo
@Blank, HELL NO. Mermaid isn't there to attack and Mermain > Masked sorc for 1 reason. Mermaid is special summoned.
She is not there as a monster, she is there as fast fodder to be tributed, sync'd or xyz'd off quickly. Sorc can't do that.
I recommended Sorc already for the draw
Dread (talkcontribs) 11:59, September 6, 2015 (UTC)