Forum:Help with my Horakhty deck!!

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So I have decided to under the process of running a The Creator God of Light, Horakhty deck. I need help as I don't think this deck is good enough cause it relies mainly on traps.

Let me give you a break down of this deck. Troop Dragon, Masked Dragon, and Giant Germ are used to pull cards from the deck to use as stalling cards. Jam Breeding Machine is also used for this nature and I plan to combine it with Labyrinth of Nightmare to put my cards in defense position (put my tokens in attack position at Main Phase 1 that way they go to defense in the End Phase) and I have Mystical Space Typhoon there to take out my Breeding Machines when I wish to summon one of the Gods. One Day of Peace is there in case I need drawing power or feel like I'm going to take a big hit the next turn. Gravity Bind is used as a stalling card. Zoma and MRS work well with Tiki Soul since it keeps them from being destroyed and sets them in the S/T zone for use next turn. Imperial Order is there to protect my Trap Monsters.

Like I said though, it seems like it is lacking in something to me. Maybe Ultimate Offering? Maybe less Traps and more beatsticks? I don't know. I threw something together that seemed decent. So I come to you, members of the Yu-Gi-Oh forums, to ask for your guidance in helping this deck become a Meta beater, or atleast something that could pose a threat to those that stand in the way. I thank you!! Dexus 913 (talkcontribs) 19:49, May 20, 2012 (UTC)

When did a Hordkhty card come out?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 20:26, May 20, 2012 (UTC)

Ages ago. IPlay4Fun (talkcontribs) 06:53, May 21, 2012 (UTC)