Forum:I need help with my dragon deck

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Monster Cards


Cyber dragonx2, twin-headed behemoth, blue-eyes white dragonx3, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, horus the black flame dragon lv8, obelisk the tormentorx2, armed dragon lv7, armed dragon lv3x3, flamvell guard, armed dragon lv5x2, lord of d.x2, paladin of white dragonx2, horus the black flame dragon lv6, horus the black flame dragon lv4, hyper sychronx2, influence dragon, kaiser sea horse, masked dragonx3, number 17:leviathan dragon, wind-up zenmaines, light end dragon, kachi kochi dragon, five-headed dragon.

Spell Cards


stamping destruction, mystical space typhoonx3, the graveyard in the fourth dimensionx2, the flute of summoning dragonx2, white dragon ritualx2, polymerzation, level modulation, level up!x2, mountain.

Trap Cards


call of the haunted, seven tools of the banditx2, black horn of haven, trap holex3, threatening roarx2.

this is the second deck i have ever made and i was wandering if its any good please tell me what improvements i need to make. (talk) 02:27, March 21, 2013 (UTC)

I just want to know what needs to be done to make my deck better. (talk) 02:36, March 21, 2013 (UTC)

First off, make the table more organized, adding bullet points (Shift +8) in front of cards makes it easier to read and your likely to get help. Second, here on wiki, it helps if you can add brackets around your cards to create links, like this [[Cyber Dragon]] = Cyber Dragon. But it's probably your first time here, so no worries.
Now as for advice, I suggest making the deck have a stronger theme to it over all. If your going for Blue-Eyes, then go for just Blue-Eyes, if your going for Armed Dragon, make sure you don't include Horus, as they don't mess incredibly well together, and vice versa for just the Horus series.
I suggest seeing Forum:Decks for Free!/Attribute/Type Gallery D-F. That particular gallery has Dragon based decks in it, as well as other types and attributes. --Dark Ace SP (Talk) 18:19, March 24, 2013 (UTC)