Forum:I really want to get a legendary collection 2

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but just how many should i get and is it worth it to buy multiples? thanks for your help

30 bucks each, 27 if you kept the sticky from previous one. Those packs hold randomly cards (though rarity stay same, 1 Secret, 1 Ultra, 1 Super and 1 Rare) - So if you want a complete collection, just buy 3 set for 90, then get rest from Ebay or whatever site are. --FredCat 01:18, October 15, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, but most stores sell for 35 or are sold out, and so do most sites. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 22:05, October 16, 2011 (UTC)
I just said to get 3 copies of each Sacred Gods, various set that released only from Manga, then if not get anything - just buy them from Ebay single cards till you get one of each for collection. --FredCat 22:06, October 16, 2011 (UTC)

It is always cheaper to buy single cards (unless you have to pay exorbitant amounts for shipping). You can buy a $30 pack, and get lots of good cards, but how many will you actually use? You could spend $30 online and only buys cards you want. You'll wind up saving money that way, since youre only spending it on ones you want. If you buy the pack, hoping to get a certain card, you'll be risking not getting it at all. The Legendary Collection looks really cool, but I wouldn't buy it.Trak0don (talkcontribs) 01:26, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

I would by one just for collector's purposes. but only one if you have the option ordering singles is better because it gives you a lot of control. You can pick the pack it came from the rarity in some cases and for a set price you are guaranteed to get the card you want.

Shinkirou 01:33, October 17, 2011 (UTC)