Forum:JD vs Monster Reborn

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My friend wants to know why she can't monster reborn her Judgment Dragon. I told her cuz its a nomi monster...she doesnt like that answer and says that she should be able to bring him back cuz she has four lightsworns in her graveyard...she also doesnt like that I can monster reborn my semi-nomi chaos sorcerer but she cant monster reborn her JD. Someone with some experience with this plz help. She wants a better/more detailed answer on why she can't monster reborn judgment dragon. Thanks alot. (talk) 23:07, October 18, 2010 (UTC)

The wording for the initial Summoning of Nomi and Semi-Nomi monsters apply only to the hand; so you can't Special Summon JD from the Graveyard just because you have 4 Lightsworns.
It's how the game works; there's a good explanation of the pages for them Nomi and Semi-Nomi.
-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 00:31, October 19, 2010 (UTC)