Forum:Karakuri (They Have a LOT of Draw Power)

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So I started experimenting with Karakuris. And hot DAMN do they have a lot of draw power! Not to mention they're good at Synchro Summoning too. Here's my list.

For those of you unfamiliar with Karkuris, allow me to briefly explain their general effects:

Ninja Kuick is Flamvell Firedog. Soldier Nisamu is XX-Saber Emmersblade. Ninja Sazank is Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo. Watchdog Saizan is Flamvell Magician (the other half of Kuick/Firedog). Strategist Nishipachi is a generic Tuner. Merchant Inashichi is Elemental Hero Stratos. Komachi Ninishi is Marauding Captain in Tuner form. Karakuri Anatomy is Six Samurai United, a.k.a. Pot of Greed. Karakuri Cash Cache is Reinforcement of the Army.

Ok, now that introductions have been made, let's get down to business. The main idea is to Synchro Summon Bureido and start getting plusses off him. I have many methods to achieve this end. Kuick revives Saizan when he destroys a monster in battle, making any level 8 Synch. Nisamu searches out Karakuris from my deck, and when attacked he triggers position change effects like Bureido and Anatomy. Sazank SENDS a monster to the Grave when flipped up. Bye Stardust, bye Shi En. Saizan serves as the deck's main Tuner, and I try to get him to the Grave as early as possible. Nishipachi is good for triggering Anatomy and Bureido, and as a Tuner, but not much else. Inashichi grabs and Karakuri CARD from my deck, usually Karakuri Cash Cache. I then use Cash Cache to grab the monster I actually wanted, and get a position change in the meantime. Ninishi lets me get out Burei, who in turn pulls monsters from my deck and brings me closer to Bureido. Anatomy lets me draw 2 as soon as I get 2 position changes (including Flip Summons). Limiter Removal OTKs, and Mind Control steals opponent's monsters for Synchro Summons.

Other than that, the deck is mostly Staples. Thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions? Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 20:38, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

I am complete familiar with Karakuri monsters. And I just remind you that all "HERO" are now updated to "HERO", not anymore of their former names - "Hero". Unless if you still stuck to that habit, it's up to you. Other than that, just be sure to be in well-control of your strategies, sometimes they can screw by Anti-Meta or by Lucky Lady on your opponent's side. --FredCat 20:43, June 5, 2011 (UTC)