Forum:Lightsworn/zombie deck

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anyone got any ideas other than 2 chaos sorcerers? plz post

  • Well it would be nice if you posted your current format, but I guess we’ll have to answer blind. Okay I pretty sure that the following are must have: Zombie World, Immortal Ruler, Zombie Master, and Book of Life. To start, Zombie World’s only real drawback is that it will stop both you and your opponent from Tribute Summoning monsters, which is only truly bad if you use Celestia, Lightsworn Angel. This is because her destruction effect can only be used through a Tribute Summon while Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon, the other Lightsworn that needs a tribute is unaffected. Because of the Lightsworn aspect you may want to add in some Immortal Rulers because they can return your milled Zombie World to your hand. If you use Zombie Master (and Zombie World is on the field) you will have no reason to have Lumina except for mill purposes because she can only revive Lightsworns, which are all consider Zombies now thus Master can get them and the other Zombies for the same cost. Book of Life is good from bring back any Zombie (and Lightsworn if Zombie World is out) and for removing your opponents monsters from play (which can be a bad thing as I will state later). Oh and it you don’t want to use Solemn Judgement to kill off you opponents monsters (now Zombies) you can use The Selection which is only better than Solemn because it requires a usually lower, but fixed, payment of 1000 Life Points. Other Traps like Bottomless Trap Hole don’t require a payment, but then you can’t take your opponent’s monsters with cards like Il Blud. How this helps. Dmaster (Talk Contribs Count) 20:26, September 11, 2009 (UTC)