Forum:Spellcaster lockdown deck

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This is my idea of a Spellcaster Lockdown Deck so far, really need help deciding the rest

Okay... look these are my ideas for the lockdown and i want to say thanks to everyone that has helped me so far, but as u can see it consists of ONLY 35 cards and here are my ideas, tell me what u think...

First if i choose to add monsters, should i add a Flamvell Magician? He goes really well with Summoner Monk I can fish hm out and synchro for a 8 star, the only problem is that sometimes i draw flamvell and not every time is that a good thing, let me know your ideas.

Second and this ones common, should i add any Magical Dimension to the deck, 1? 2? i mean it ends up a dead draw at times but also a great draw at others, what do you think?

Third should i run Nobleman of Extermination Doubting my opponent runs royal decrees. Or should i stick to Mystical Space Typhoon Let me know

Look Akiza, u are like my only help dude, everywhere i research nobody seems to build their decks like how u and I have constructed and i really would like to know what u think, u said u had this deck before so please tell me what am i missing? how did u run it?


You called? Personally, I don't think you need Jinzo. He can be just as much of a dead draw, and he can't start a lock with Village by himself. As for Flamvell Magician, I don't think he's necessary. Night's End is a good enough Tuner, and as for his combo with Summoner Monk, there are no Level 8 Spellcaster type Synchro monsters, so I don't recommend it. If you want to add more of a control aspect, I recommend Gravekeeper's Guard. He's great for a first turn Set, and he can easily get rid of Synchros. Another option that is open to you, is to put in a couple Thunder King Rai-Oh. He may not be a Spellcaster, but he adds to the lock. He'll shut down Sangan, Black Whirlwind, Elemental Hero Stratos, and many other things. He can also give his own life to blow up a Synchro. Remove Dark Armed Dragon if you decide to include him.

Magical Dimension could come in handy, but you don't have very many high level Spellcasters to Summon. Plus, Breaker and Defender only activate when they are Normal Summoned. I wouldn't run this. Also, Mystical Space Typhoon will beat out Nobleman of Extermination. Nobleman was good when everyone was running three Solemns, but not since Solemn was Limited. You will get a lot more use out of MST. One spell you really need though, is Book of Moon. I would put in a full set, and take out both Shrinks to compensate. It can reuse your Gravekeeper's monsters, and be used to put Synchros away. More Spell options include Burden of the Mighty or Pot of Avarice. Burden can help Spy and Guard survive being attacked, and Pot of Avarice can reuse them.

I hope this helped, feel free to ask me for more help if needed.--Akiza Izayoi 15:20, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

Ok I see what u are saying, i will definately test them out, but look at this i have posted a deck i tried out several times and it seems to work great, tell me what u think please. Chaos Sorcerer seems to be a huge help and he fits nice with a synchro for 8 stars, i know your thinking why? when i only run 4 lights, well the Foolish Burial helps in sending them to the grave, plus the Frequency Magician can be special summoned by exemplar as well. I find this deck very strategic. The side deck is just what i think i need because As a way to replace Thunder King Rai-Oh i take out my Royal Decree and throw in Royal Oppression, for special summons, the Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon for trap removal. Tell me what u think.

Well, I don't recommend Frequency Magician. He may be LIGHT, but Night's End is one hundred times better. Still, I highly recommend Thunder King Rai-Oh, in multiples. Royal Oppression can't stop deck searching like Rai-Oh can, and he's also LIGHT to be removed for Chaos Sorcerer, so he still has purpose in the Graveyard. I would take out Dark Armed Dragon and both Frequencies, and really give him a chance.

In the Spell department, the Spells I most recommend would be 3 Book of Moon, 3 Secret Village, 2 Forbidden Chalice, 1 Foolish Burial, 1 Giant Trunade, and 1 Terraforming. The rest would be up to you.

I hope this helped.--Akiza Izayoi 04:05, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Well, I guess thats it lol, thanks dude imma try out the Thunder King's

Ok, this probably is the last time i say this, but hows this lol