Forum:XX-Saber Darksoul

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XX-Saber Darksoul adds a whole new dimension to X-Sabers. Obviously Rescue Cat into X-Saber Airbellum and Darksoul for XX-Saber Hyunlei comes to mind. However, this guy is basically a Sangan/Goblin Zombie that searches any X-Saber monster in the deck. Here is the Konami article on it. What do you all think about this new monster, and the potential it brings to X-Sabers? --Sub (Talk | Contribs) 02:49, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

Konami loves this going to be Meta soon archetype.Jason Ng 03:13, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

I was basically thinking WTF? This think is amazing. X-Sabers can now run 9 searchers (6 if you don't count Garsem) and one of them can be used proactively. It's ####ing broken. And that's how I like it. Runer5h 03:25, April 27, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

All I'm thinking is, "It's still not as broken as Infernities" since Starlight Road completely owns Hyunlei. Falzar FZ 11:38, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

Personally, I don't like him; weak stats for a level 3 and an effect that's basically a more versatile version of Garsem's doesn't appeal to me. The fact that it isn't a tuner, itself, and the fact that it doesn't even resemble a Beast in the artwork (a big pet peeve with me) puts it in the negative, as well. I just don't see this being preferable over Garsem. 12:36, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

This is just... Wow. Somewhat dissapointing that only a few archetypes are getting all of the support. Yes, you can argue that Amazoness and Gravekeepers are getting hyped up, but answer me this: Where are their cool new Tuners and Synchros?--Akiza Izayoi 14:41, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

They seemed work ok without need Tuner/Synchro, unless Konami decided to add them in future booster. So I maybe agreed with you, girl. --FredCat100 14:49, April 27, 2010 (UTC)
Well, I began proxy testing Darksoul yesterday, and it is infinitely better than Garsem. My build leaves Garsem out in fact. Darksoul doesn't just make Hyunlei, it makes any Level 6 Synchro and STILL searches. Rescue Cat can now make the Deck explosive, whereas before, Rescue Cat couldn't really be much of a turn 1 play unless you had Faultroll. Darksoul can be brought back with Gottoms' Emergency Call, giving it multi-use. It also makes sure that there will be at least 1 X-Saber in your hand, as what was previously explosive for them left the hand drained of monsters. DemonGodAsura 15:10, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

They may be "ok" without Tuner or Synchro monsters, but imagine what they COULD do if they had some Synchro capabilities that had a bit of synergy with their Archetype? Imagine...

Gravekeeper's Oracle

  • Level 2
  • DARK
  • Spellcaster/Tuner
  • ATK = 700
  • DEF = 800
  • This card cannot be Special Summoned. While "Necrovalley" is face-up on the field, increase the Level of this card by 2.

Gravekeeper's Anscestor

  • Level 8
  • DARK
  • Spellcaster/Synchro
  • ATK = 2500
  • DEF = 2100
  • "1 Gravekeeper Tuner Monster, and 1 or more non-Tuner monsters"
  • This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Synchro Summon. This card cannot be destroyed by card effects as long as "Necrovalley" is face-up on the field. While you control this card,

"Necrovalley" cannot be removed from the field by card effects. When this card is destroyed, you can search your deck or Graveyard for 1 "Necrovalley", and place it in your hand. Then shuffle your deck.

Thoughts?--Akiza Izayoi 15:14, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

Cool. But back to the issue at hand... I do think that Darksoul will be great for hand advantage, like DGA said, and I love the +4 combo that you can use with Rescue Cat - destroying 3 of their cards, getting a synchro and getting a new X-Saber, all with one card. Runer5h 19:35, April 27, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

True, but that's assuming they overextend and have 3 Spell or Traps out. All in all though, amazing card. The fact that it can't miss the timing is just insane.--Akiza Izayoi 20:34, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

Me personally, I think this cards is a sub for emmersblade, esp if you don't have one and don't want to pay a huge amount for it. DSoul will be easier to attain and it searches like Eblade( sort of). 00:02, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Speakin' of X-Sabers... would Equip Spells such as Sword of Sparkles that equip to X-Sabers work for XX-Sabers too?-Legendlink

Yes. "XX-Sabers" are "X-Sabers" because their name includes "X-Saber". DemonGodAsura 02:49, April 28, 2010 (UTC)