Quiz Action - Trivia for 500

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Quiz Action - Trivia for 500
クイズ: なぞなぞの500
Kuizu: Nazonazo no 500
Quiz - 500 of Riddle
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Effect types

Answer the following question. Apply the appropriate effect, based on the answer.
(Question: What is the game that you lose by laughing?)
● Correct answer: Gain 500 LP.
● Incorrect answer: You take 500 damage.[Notes 1]
Links yugioh.com
Anime cards (Galleries: ARC-V)

Other languages

Name Lore
Japanese クイズ: なぞなぞの500 ①:自分は以下の問題に答えなければならない。また、正解・不正解で以下の効果を適用する。
Kuizu: Nazonazo no 500
Quiz - 500 of Riddle
Korean 퀴즈 : 수수께끼 500
Kwijeu : Susukkekki 500

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  1. In the dub, the question is "True or False: Comedians make great doctors?"