Set Card Lists:Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition (TCG-IT)

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Variant cards[edit]

Booster Packs[edit]

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
MVP1-ITS01"Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon""Neo Drago Occhi Blu Finale"Secret RareEffect Fusion Monster
MVP1-ITS02"Kaiser Vorse Raider""Predatore Vorse Kaiser"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS03"Assault Wyvern""Viverna d'Assalto"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS04"Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon""Drago Chaos MASSIMO Occhi Blu"Secret RareEffect Ritual Monster
MVP1-ITS05"Deep-Eyes White Dragon""Drago Bianco Occhi Profondi"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS06"Pandemic Dragon""Drago Pandemico"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS07"Dragon's Fighting Spirit""Spirito Combattivo del Drago"Secret RareQuick-Play Spell
MVP1-ITS08"Chaos Form""Forma del Chaos"Secret RareRitual Spell
MVP1-ITS09"Induced Explosion""Esplosione Indotta"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS10"Counter Gate""Contro-Portale"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS11"Krystal Avatar""Avatar Krystal"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS12"Sentry Soldier of Stone""Soldato Sentinella di Pietra"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS13"Marshmacaron""Marshmacaron"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS14"Berry Magician Girl""Ragazza Maga Bacca"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS15"Apple Magician Girl""Ragazza Maga Mela"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS16"Kiwi Magician Girl""Ragazza Maga Kiwi"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS17"Silver Gadget""Congegno d'Argento"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS18"Gold Gadget""Congegno d'Oro"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS19"Dark Magic Veil""Velo Magico Nero"Secret RareNormal Spell
MVP1-ITS20"Magical Contract Door""Porta Contratto Magico"Secret RareNormal Spell
MVP1-ITS21"Dimension Reflector""Riflettore Dimensionale"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS22"Dig of Destiny""Scavo del Destino"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS23"Dimension Sphinx""Sfinge Dimensionale"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS24"Dimension Guardian""Guardiano Dimensionale"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS25"Dimension Mirage""Miraggio Dimensionale"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS26"Dark Horizon""Orizzonte Oscuro"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS27"Metamorphortress""Metamorfortezza"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS28"Magicians' Defense""Difesa del Mago"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS29"Final Geas""Imposizione Finale"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS30"Metalhold the Moving Blockade""Metalhold il Blocco Semovente"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS31"Spiritual Swords of Revealing Light""Spada Rivelatrice Spirituale"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS32"Vijam the Cubic Seed""Vijam il Seme Cubico"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS33"Dark Garnex the Cubic Beast""Garnex Nero la Bestia Cubica"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS34"Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast""Garoodia Lama la Bestia Cubica"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS35"Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth""Combattente Gundil il Behemoth Cubico"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS36"Geira Guile the Cubic King""Geira Astuzia il Re Cubico"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS37"Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King""Vulcano Dragni il Re Cubico"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS38"Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor""Indiora Volt Destino l'Imperatore Cubico"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS39"Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord""Nova Cremisi il Signore Cubico Oscuro"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS40"Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic Lord""Nova Cremisi Trinità il Signore Cubico Oscuro"Secret RareEffect Fusion Monster
MVP1-ITS41"Cubic Karma""Karma Cubico"Secret RareContinuous Spell
MVP1-ITS42"Cubic Wave""Onda Cubica"Secret RareNormal Spell
MVP1-ITS43"Cubic Rebirth""Rinascita Cubica"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS44"Cubic Mandala""Mandala Cubico"Secret RareContinuous Trap
MVP1-ITS45"Unification of the Cubic Lords""Unificazione dei Signori Cubici"Secret RareNormal Trap
MVP1-ITS46"Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon""Drago Bianco Alternativo Occhi Blu"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS47"Clear Kuriboh""Kuriboh Trasparente"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS48"Celtic Guard of Noble Arms""Guardia Celtica delle Nobili Armi"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS49"Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition""Gandora-X, il Drago della Demolizione"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS50"Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight""Signore Gaia il Cavaliere"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS51"Lemon Magician Girl""Ragazza Maga Limone"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS52"Chocolate Magician Girl""Ragazza Maga Cioccolato"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS53"Palladium Oracle Mahad""Mahad Oracolo di Palladio"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS54"Dark Magician""Mago Nero"Secret RareNormal Monster
MVP1-ITS55"Blue-Eyes White Dragon""Drago Bianco Occhi Blu"Secret RareNormal Monster
MVP1-ITS56"Dark Magician Girl""Ragazza Maga Nera"Secret RareEffect Monster
MVP1-ITS57"Slifer the Sky Dragon""Slifer il Drago del Cielo"Secret RareEffect Monster