User talk:Durango95

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Revision as of 13:55, 9 October 2010 by FredCat100 (talk) (I am impressed)
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Man of my word

Alright, it's been two days... So here I am, MC - I am apologize for my act earlier. So are we cool now? --FredCat His litter 10:51, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

We always were my friend. That was only typical. And just for the record, yes, your apology is accepted. --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 10:58, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Cheer then. --FredCat His litter 11:03, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah. --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 11:08, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

Fred's Relate

Your list in your "User Page" seemed to learn my ideas, huh? You're alright with my own page? --FredCat His litterFR 22:49, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

I didn't really know you created cards as well, if that's what you mean. But dude, I'm telling you; posting all those cards is tough. And yes I like your user page. I'm honoured to be one of the guys you trust. --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 22:53, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
What "cards" do you mean? And yes, I give a honour to one who respect me and treat me like if I am one of you all. Of course, I am handicap, which most people out the world defy on, but I am not scare of that craps. Ahh... by "cards", you mean the decks that I moved from my original User Page? --FredCat His litterFR 22:56, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
You are right, you shouldn't give a damn for those jerks. Let them go to hell. By the word "cards", I meant this page. I thought you were making a comment on the cards I've created. --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 22:59, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
(chuckles) Damn straight, my buddy. I also have my create cards, which is on my User Page, check Note 1 (Which is Memoir's Page, with link included) I have created more cards than you thought. But I am pointing at "Friend" part of your User Page. >_> --FredCat His litterFR 23:47, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
I've had this list for quite some time now. However, it's not like yours. Seriously, I do believe that subpage is going to cause you trouble. It's against the rules to call sb else an enemy in your user page. Also, (and that's sth you really need to stop doing), you have given GrouchMan that nickname of yours. You are insulting him by doing that and if he complains to an admin for it then... --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 01:05, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Oh well, I mean the part of (No Order) on your list, I just noticed that. But who care about him, as long as he don't notice, I am sure I am okay. I also not have bother him for while. --FredCat His litterF.R.J.R. 01:10, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Still, you need to consider changing it. Better safe than sorry.
And btw, could you give me your opinion of my Talk Page? I re-arranged it a bit and modeled it after Dinoguy's. Do you think that "Screw the money, I have rules" thing is too much? --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 01:14, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Look good but little too large for the box, but the title is fine as it is that way. What's a matter to have some humor sense included? --FredCat His litterF.R.J.R. 01:21, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Well, I was a bit afraid of it being misunderstood by the others. You know, take it as a command to follow the rules or sth. --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 01:26, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
I know, but no need to be serious 100% times, and look at what we had done on this page, we are chatting like long time friend who not cared about the end of the world that coming on tomorrow. --FredCat His litterF.R.J.R. 01:27, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm...I guess you are right. Maybe I'm worrying too much about trivial issues. I guess I just need to chill.
And since we are chatting, in case you haven't noticed it yet I changed my signature. How do you like it? --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 01:32, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Pretty much, or my name won't be Fred-Cat... as of my trait could be sharper than you guess. So have you check out my "J.R." part yet? I am curious to know your opinion toward it. And if you have any question for me, I am glad to answer them and be able to return some questions for you. --FredCat His litterF.R.J.R. 01:35, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
So you are going to explain card rulings? --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 01:39, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Is that so hard to read there? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 01:54, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Ha ha yeah my bad. Now seriously, I find it an excellent thought. However, are you sure you gonna be able to do it all by yourslef? --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 02:04, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Depend, if I discovered the mistake that other players have not learning, or being asked and judging thought that. That's the reason why I am asking you if you have any question for me to judging on... not you, I mean the pace of the game technology. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 01:58, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Eh? Why am I speak so massive, monstrous tiny voice here? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 02:00, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry that was me. I'm testing my signature and it looks like I kinda messed things up. It's Ok now.
Hmm...I kinda lost you there. You mean you are going to answer to other users' questions? --Montechristo95 talkcontribscountdecksproject 02:04, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, depend on the situation. Sorry - Lemme word it again... If I saw the flaw in the combine that the duelists were such to not do so or have they questioning me of how the combine work, depend on my knowledge and discussion with other honestly judges/friends, I could set up the new card's ruling in my ruling pages so the future users will not get confusedly by some flaw that I collected. Like for Magical Citadel of Endymion part, it cannot collect all counters from spellcaster(s) if they were tribute or sent to the graveyard via effect/tuning. It stated to only be able to get all counters from them via destroy through effect or battle. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 02:08, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Oh, I get it. Yes it makes sense. That makes your subpage even more useful. If you are able to collect many different cases you might be able to create some sort of guide. Well, I have a question. I have a White Night Dragon in my hand. The current field spell is A Legendary Ocean. WN dragon negates the activation of all spells that target it. Does this mean that when it is summoned, it won't take the power boost from the field spell? And while it is in the hand? Does the field spell affect its summoning condition? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 02:17, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
That's good question but... it has same process with Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode timing. Like you're too late to stop that card from give it power to the certain monster's ATK/DEF because it's already on the field and it effect is continuous, which there is no start or end on that rope, almost like it's going on and on in circle. It's like I tried to negate Level Limit - Area B with /Assault Mode (up above) effect when I get him arrive to the field (er, in better word; Special Summon via Assault Mode Activate), I missed my chance and he is automatic put into DEF as soon as possible. Is that the answer you need to know? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 02:22, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Oh I see... Yes that answer covered me. That I look back to it maybe it was a bit silly question. But I don't really know much of the rulings myslef. Well anyway, I'd love to continue this conversation but unfortunately I have to go now. We can chat again some other time. Thanks for answering my questions so far and sorry for the unexpected ending. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 02:28, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Nonsense, it's not silly question, it's double-checking question. And what's an end is this? We don't have any end! It's also time for me to go on bed anyways. I am glad that you get your question answered. I am going to add this on my ruling page quickly. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 02:30, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Well, if you say it ain't over then it's not. But if we are to continue this conversation sometime, then you should start a new topic for it. I'm sick of adding colons. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 12:37, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Fred's Relate MK II

Hahaha, me too... I fixed all Ruling Pages so they're become easier to reach within click. Care to check it out if you like to. And now I just gain new knowledge, for White Night Dragon, he's strict version of Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8. Both have same way to prevent spells, only different choice, Horus give you decide while White Night does not. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 12:49, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Also, one of my opponents at tournament yesterday told me that I cannot Synchro Summon "Tempest Magician" with Non-Tuner Spellcaster-Type Monsters, as he thought that Non- part continued to include the Spellcaster-Type... that's one biggest misunderstand I ever see. If it said to be Non-Tuner, then it's not a tuner monster, but why Non-Spellcaster? He maybe need to know more English Grammar closely... --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 13:13, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah that was a big misunderstanding. I mean, Tempest is a Spellcaster, it's quite obvious that he needs Spellcasters in order to be summoned. And yes I'll pay a visit to your page. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 19:50, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
And it took you at least 6 hours to respond back, did the cat get your tongue? (/sarcasm) --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 19:52, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Well can't always be online. If you knew the speed of my internet connection I'm sure you wouldn't be so sarcastic. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 19:54, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
I could always being sarcastic to the one who having silly trouble like your's; friend or not; long or short. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 19:56, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Silly trouble? I don't really get what you mean. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 19:59, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, the silly trouble = slowly site speed or power out, whatever related to Computer. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 20:00, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
It's actually major trouble. A very frustrating condition. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 20:08, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Ah... So you are saying that your computer is having glitch bug? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 20:20, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
No my computer is fine. The internet connection however is really slow and it takes me too much time to load a page. That's what I'm saying. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 20:22, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Ah... that bug I am familiar with. Try reset your computer and I am sure it will work, it happened on me often that I am used to doing it, almost like it's a second nature to me. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 20:33, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
No you don't understand. It's not a temporary problem that's caused to my connection. It's the connection's nature to be slow. My computer has nothing to do with it. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 20:37, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Oh well...That's very big difference >_> so had fun slap all your make-up cards around with update? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 23:04, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Are you kidding me? I'm beat! I wish I had a bot... --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:06, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Sure, a bot that have no clue of how to change it in your way you want. If you have checked out my own create cards, you should check it out on YCM wikia... remember, your account is all over Wikia site, not just this one. And be sure to fixing your signature when you're at different wikia, since your profile affect here and there. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 23:08, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
I'm aware of cm wiki but since I'm not an active member there I chose to post my cards here in the form of subpages. Although I'm beginning to think it'd be much easier if I didn't. Well anyway, I don't really have time to see your cards right now but I'll definetely see them on some other ocassion. They are called "Memoir's Life", am I correct? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:13, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Actually; Memoir's Cards, but that's not only pack I produced... And there ain't too many comma colons if you copy and paste the latest one, then add one more, lazier and easier than pushing multiple time, eh? For Memoir's cards and decks, she's very complex player. You will know if you actually read my stories that included her. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 23:17, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Hey sorry I don't even know how that name popped in my head. I will read your story one day, maybe sooner than you think. I always enjoy reading fanfic anyway. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:19, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
It's okay, that kept happening to me as many as colons we have posted in here. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R. 23:21, August 15, 2010 (UTC)


hey do you want to duel on yvd? my username is bwinggale--bwinggale(talkcontribs) 21:08, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

Hello bwinggale, nice to meet you. Thanks for your offer but as I mention in my user page I don't duel people online. I know it's a bit weird but I prefer to duel people in person. So, I decline. No bad feelings I hope. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 21:11, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

Chat with FredCat MK III

Hello again. I came here to check you up. So if you have any free at this minute, just beep me. ^_^ --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:27, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

No I really didn't back then but I do now and probably for 1 more hour so if you have sth to tell me go on. And btw what does MK mean anyway? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 19:56, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
MK... oh, Mark... That show how long have we being chatting... So what do you think of my User Page? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:43, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
So you are a writer in real life? Interesting. And I also saw that you created a few subpages. Don't you think you should remove that "disease" part? I don't think it will be accepted by other users. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:46, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
Then what's the news should I upload there? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:49, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
I dunno, you can put sth regarding your ruling project. How you get your examples and stuff. You can tell real-life stories of people who have asked you questions. Unless you want to put that part to the coressponding subpage. You can also briefly express your opinion of the wikia and/or why you joined it. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:53, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
sth? And you want me to change the Update into some personality stuff like that?? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:55, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
There is no point in keeping an update section. What kind of project do you undertake that needs that kind of sector? Besides that's what user pages are for; expressing your personality. And also when you decide to leave the wikia the update sec will be of no use to you. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:58, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
Well, to speak truth, I still feeling paranoid toward some other dudes, such as... this... guy... and other guy who try to put me in some unflushed toilet before finished me off. Also, my question still unanswered; what's sth stand for, sh*t the hell? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:05, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Glad you called him guy and not that other nickname you're using. I see that you respect the rules.
And the damn sth stands for the word something. Also "sb" stands for somebody, "abt" stands for about and...I can't think of any others. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:16, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Do you mean by abbreviated? It's because I just noticed his latest edit, he did oppose of what he used to done, instead of double the name, he removed them and put correct one in. Such as [[Remove from Play|remove from play]] into [[remove from play]], so that's why I tried to respect as much as my paranoid's limit can push. Also do you notice something wrong in my User Page (Hint; Links of my Works)? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:25, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
I don't really know what he is up to in this wiki anyway. Judging from what you said I'd assume that he is really confused and abandons his previous style of work. Wasn't that why you argued in the first place and resulted in both of you getting blocked and a really enjoyable to read low comedy?
No everything looks fine; you mean the black colour of your links or sth? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:32, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Pretty much, Delt and I managed to slap his head right-up before he ever awake up from his bed for real. I did enjoy that for short time, till Blue-Dog smacked me down. And yes, I mean the link in my page are covered, which many other "idiots" didn't know the surprises. I love to laughing at them when they're sit there, trying to figure out why link is there for some reasons. XP --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:35, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Bluedog? He is an admin right? So Deltaneos helped you in your argue and Bluedog blocked you for...using explicit language I guess or was he with Grouchman's side from the beginning? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:38, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Blue is the one I think, but that was before Delt and I became more familiar with each other, Blue seemed cold toward me and Grouch for "Edit War" as he called it. Delt was only calm and clear-minded Admin, which I trust quickly, he reminded me careful and tell me to let the Admin take care of the trouble instead of banning me off the bat, unlike Blue. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:43, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah Deltaneos seems to be a very calm and experienced editor. Well can't really say Blue was entirely wrong; he should have waited a bit before blocking you but it's not like you didn't deserve it. You were both arguing like little stubborn kids. Besides, now that I look back to the conversation I see you were warned; a bit rough warning but a warning nonetheless. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:48, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Pretty much. So what do you think of my newest news? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 09:40, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
It's much better than the last one. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 09:47, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Good to know :-) And do you think it's OK to put the create card on my page, I mean like image... --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 09:53, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Uploading images of made-up cards ai'nt allowed here. You can however provide links to those cards. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 09:56, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
So Image version from other site, such as photobucket, can prove the wonder? I have 4 created cards made so far. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 09:58, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah I guess that could do the trick. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 09:59, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Good... I just fixed my Decks recipe as we spoke... Tired of it bored look... --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 11:14, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Cool. They look great. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 11:16, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, I also updated all decks that have/had going-to-be-banning cards and fixed them into two sections, so it make easier to know which is which. One is Advanced (with all legal cards) and one with "One-Forbidden Card Allowed", if you know and played some consoles (GBA, DS, PSP) you will know what it stand for. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 11:24, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
No I haven't but I think I understand what it stands for. So you are allowed to have 1 forbidden card in your deck or sth? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 12:20, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
That's good to know. And yes, I have 3 decks that having a banning cards - EXCH (Exchange of the Spirit), FROG (Substitoad) and SPCO (Dark Strike Fighter) --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 12:46, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Nice. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 12:49, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Yea, pretty much, huh? I am just glad that only 3 out of 35 accepted to be "traditional" feeling. If I had more than 1/3, I would be pissed off on them for selfish-keeping the cards closely. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 12:50, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Screw the ban lists. I never give a damn for them while creating a deck. Cards are for being used. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 12:53, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
THAT is the reason I had all YVD in various Banlist (from May 2002 to recently - March 2010). The reason why Banlist exist is to prevent recycle/stale/whatever you called it old bored decks (Chaos, Magical Scientist OTK, Exodia FTK, Exchange of the Spirit OTK, etc.). --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:01, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Still I hate it when cards are forbidden like that. Killing outdated decks is awful. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 13:04, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Oh wow... If you really don't like them, just go with Traditional Version, since that banlist don't have any forbidden cards. It's gotta be s***, eh? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:08, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
That's precisely what I'm doing. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 13:12, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
I see... What's your most favorite Deck with no banlist? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:15, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
Dunno. Can't really say I'm keeping up with them. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 13:18, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Fred's Trivia Page

I have scrap, face-lifted, surgery again, reborn and raised my Trivia Page, you can visit it simple directly from my front newspaper to see how the difference. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 14:47, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Judging from a quick look it sure seems quite interesting to say the very least. I'll carefully read it someday. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 23:15, August 20, 2010 (UTC)


How did you do that with multiple "Undo" part, like you undo the same page three times (Fallensilence, for example)? Sorry if I felt like newb, but I had to ask. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:51, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

It's actually quite simple. In this case the vandal had the page edited 3 times in a row. You first undo his last edit. Then the second from the end and then the first one. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:55, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
That's very strange technology this site have. *sigh* It's very hard for me to catch up with all new technology... But I am appeal of your certain skill. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:54, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
I'm having a hard time catching up with new technologies as well. If you have more questions regarding how the technique part of the wiki works then Dinoguy1000 is the perfect user to ask. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 01:57, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Deck Requirement

I had upload new forum in Deck Help two hours ago and no respond... would you mind check it out if you have time? It's up to you if you like to help or not. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:31, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

I will check it out if you give me a link to it but don't expect me to be of much assistance. I'm not a good deckbuilder and I'm not familiar with the new 5D's cards (in case you are using those). Why don't you get help from the Decks for Free! forum? They are proffesionals. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 13:35, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Actually it's GX version, base on Cyberdark style. And the reason I didn't go there is because of whole paranoid situation as well as him. So here's a link to that page Cyberdark Armed Deck --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:41, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
I thought the issue between him and you was settled. Well anyway I'll pay a visit to your forum sometime today. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 13:43, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
He does settle, but I am not. As long as this paranoid still glue on me, I still not trust him and perhaps never speak to him unless he offer me something that would do with the situation. After all, he was one who dare faced my offering earlier. As he said that they were too busy and limited 1 deck - though I already know about the ruling itself. And I will be glad to gain some knowledge from you soon or later, whenever you get chance. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 13:54, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
The rule "1 Deck per time" seems pretty logical to me. There is no point in keeping him as an enemy. Also please don't interfere in my conversation with YamiWheeler. It's true that he is a bit rough to me but I expected that kind of reaction to my comment.
And if you ever want to win sth with that new deck of yours, you shouldn't rely on my knowledge regarding card games; my skill reaches only the level of "updating starter decks". --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 16:46, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
I see... But the way he told me to wait was different, beside the rules. And I apologize for do so, I only try to give him some wise word of mine; to see if he could change his mind about the "argument" with you.
Honestly, one time my sister took out single starter deck that didn't change from it original recipe and defeated two Pro who ran top Meta Decks (one of them was Skill Drain Deck while other was Lightsworn, regular Lightsworn) alone. That starter deck was base on Elemental Hero 1 (with Edgeman included). --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 17:09, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
No need to apologize to me I understood that you were only trying to help. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 17:11, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Conversation with Kitty

Doing alright, my friend? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:21, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

Awesome. However can't really say the same for you, can I? Did that user leave you alone? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:23, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Lonupaly? I just deleted his insane comment and report it to Delta as he got one from him as well. I also noticed that you were having problem with signature, right? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:29, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Oops! You left a message to Deltaneos? I already left that user a message myself requesting him to stop. I don't think Delt is gonna like this...
Not exactly problems. I just wanted it to change colour. Dinoguy1000 did it for me. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:31, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
I am faster, eh? Quickly paw for Kitty, huh? Why not try the one [[Morphing Jar|<span style="color:goldencylinder;">OMG, it's lolcat jar!</span>]]? It would make much easier to evolve your signature? I already learned way back when you had some silly issue with Dino dude for "created" the signature a while ago. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:35, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Someone blocked you? Hmm it could be me. Did you check the message he left? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:38, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
What blocked are you blahing about? If I am blocked, then why am I still raining the comment on your page? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 00:47, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Simple. When I said "block" I didn't mean that you were blocked from editing. When two or more users are editing the same page simultaneously then the one who presses the "save" button first is the one who gets to leave his message. The second one is forced to adjust his message to the new text. I think that's what hapenned here; since I edited my message twice then your edit was blocked. Did you get it? --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 00:52, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, that's called an edit conflict. ;) ダイノガイ千?!? · Talk⇒Dinoguy1000 05:33, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Not quite. You didn't get me. The two users are not necessarily arguing. They might be having a normal chat as we are doing now. I leave my message-reply alright? The other user sees it and prepares to reply back. However, while he is editing the page, I notice an error in my message and make a quick edit in order to correct it. Now the other user's edit cannot get through because the text he was working on was changed. I'm not sure that applies to all cases but it sure does at Talk Pages. It has happened to me several times. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 08:36, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed... Only happened when I was in middle of my post... I have noticed all that in your history page. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 11:50, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah it's a pretty annoying situation but it happens. Glad you understood it. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 17:05, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
No, I got you, but in this case "conflict" doesn't refer to any type of argument between users, but to "clashing" edits - one edit is preventing the other edit from being made, hence they're conflicting. "Edit conflict" is thus simply the technical term for the situation; for more information see wikipedia:Help:Edit conflict. =) ダイノガイ千?!? · Talk⇒Dinoguy1000 17:18, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
Oops! My mistake then. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 17:47, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

Greek names (Toob)

Uhhh. Just to let me know, the anime-only card names you give come directly from a Greek version of the anime right? Toob (Talk page) 11:12, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

The ones that I do not tag as "Unofficial" yes. I actually explain that in the card names page. --Montechristo95 talkcontribs 11:32, August 23, 2010 (UTC)
I see. Thanks! Toob (Talk page) 10:23, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Greek Names (ATEMVEGETA)

Hi man! How do you do? θα σου μιλησω στα Eλληνικα γιατι δεν μου πηγαινει η καρδια να μιλαω με αλλον Eλληνα στα Aγγλικα. χαχαχαχαχα! (Αν δεν θες παντος τοτε το αλλαζουμε στα Αγγλικα, δεν εχω ιδιαιτερο προβλημα! Μεταφραζω και αυτο το post αν θες!).

Λοιπον! Σχετικα με τα ονοματα των καρτων που εχουν εμφανιστει στο anime, νομιζω πως ειναι καλυτερα να τα αφησουμε ακριβως οπως ειπωθηκαν στο anime. Χμμμμ.....Κατσε! Αυτο προσπαθεις να κανεις και συ σωστα? η οχι?

Εσυ τι κανεις ακριβως? Βλεπεις παραλληλα το anime και γραφεις τα ονοματα εδω? Αυτο παντως προσπαθω να κανω και εγω με σκοπο να σε βοηθησω λιγο με τα anime ονοματα.

Τωρα, σχετικα με τον Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress 1, ειδα οτι ξανααλλαξες το ονομα του. Βασικα αυτος εχει ειπωθει με πολλες ονομασιες. Το ονομα με το οποιο ειπωθηκε τις περισσοτερες φορες (νομιζω) ηταν το "Φτερωτος Δρακος, Φυλακας του Καστρου", γι'αυτο και εβαλα αυτο. Θυμαμαι κι αλλα ονοματα οπως "Φτερωτος Δρακος, Φυλακας του Πυργου", "Δρακος του Ανεμου, Φρουρος του Καστρου", και αλλα, αλλα αυτα ειπωθηκαν λιγοτερες φορες (μονο 1 δηλαδη) οποτε δεν θα ηταν καλο να αφησουμε ενα απο αυτα. Σωστα?

Τελος παντων! Εγω οπως ανεφερα παραπανω εχω παρει απ την αρχη το Ελληνικο Anime και προσθετω στις καρτες τα ονοματα που τους δωθηκαν στο anime. Αν σε μια καρτα εχουν δοθει περισσοτερα απ 1 ονοματα, τοτε αφηνω το ονομα με το οποιο ειπωθηκε τις περισσοτερες φορες και τα αλλα απλα τα αναφερω στη σελιδα με τα "Names".

Λοιπον! Αν θες μπορεις να αφησεις τα ονοματα των καρτων που ειπωθηκαν στο anime σε εμενα (μιας και εχω παρει απο την αρχη ολα τα επισοδεια). Μπορεις να προσθετεις αν θες τα ονοματα στις καρτες και να τα αλλαζω εγω μετα συμφωνα με το ονομα του anime. Οπως θες! Αν θες δεν τα πειραζω και καθολου και τα αφηνω ολα σε σενα. Κανενα προβλημα! :)

Λοιπον? Τι λες?

ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 23:21, September 5, 2010 (UTC)

Νταξει ρε φιλε ουτε εγω γουσταρω να μιλαω Αγγλικα με πατριωτη αλλα ειναι για να καταλαβαινουν και οι αλλοι χρηστες. Τεσπα ας τα πουμε ετσι που ειναι και πιο ευκολο!
Σχετικα με τα ονοματα, ναι αυτο κανω προσθετω τα official απο το ανιμε. Μερικα ειναι χαλια μερικα καλα αλλα πρεπει να μεινουν ασχετως. Εγω προσωπικα εχω φτιαξει μια subpage (User:Montechristo95/Revised Translations) οπου αναφερω τα λαθος official και δινω δικες μου μεταφρασεις. Αμα θες να κανεις καμια edit στη παραπανω σελιδα ελευθερα!
Δεν ηθελα να σε διορθωσω ρε φιλε ουτε να κανω τον εξυπνο. Το ξερω οτι ο γ.. ο δρακος εχει ειπωθει με χιλια δυο ονοματα εγω βαζω αυτο που επαιξε πρωτο. Το αλλαζω ομως αμα θελεις no problem
Βοηθεια στη μεταφραση ειναι παντα καλοδεχουμενη (καλα οχι και παντα αλλα τις περισσοτερες φορες!). Αμα θες να βοηθησεις ελευθερα, δεν χρειαζόταν καν να ζητησεις τη δικη μου αδεια. Μη σου πω και καλυτερα. Τωρα εγω ξεκιναω σχολειο και θα ειμαι busy.
Το λοιπον, προσθετουμε τα επισημα ονοματα απο το ανιμε, και αμα ειναι λαθος αφηνουμε και μια note στο card names page για να ειμαστε και ενταξει. Σε αυτα που δεν εχουν αναφερθει στο ανιμε τους βαζουμε το {{Unofficial name}} template. Μεταφραζε ο,τι καρτα βρεθει στα χερια σου (anime manga video). --Montechristo95 talkcount 23:33, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
Εγινε ρε μεγαλε. Θα σε βοηθησω οσο μπορω. Παντως, νομιζω πως ειναι καλυτερα να αφηνουμε το ονομα το οποιο ειπωθηκε τις περισσοτερες φορες. Αν αφηνουμε το ονομα που ειπωθηκε πρωτο τοτε η Harpie Lady πρεπει να τη βαλουμε "Η Κυρια Στριγγλα"! χαχαχαχαχαχα. Τι λες? ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 00:59, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
Χαχαχα που το θυμηθηκες...ναι ετσι την ειχαν πει. Ναι εχεις ενα point εκει ειναι αληθεια. ΟΚ ας το βαζουμε το ονομα ετσι εμενα ιδιο μου κανει. --Montechristo95 talkcount 02:15, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

Kitty Chatchat

I see that you had done allot of work on translation and names... Do well so far!

So, I am making sure that Dark Magic Curtain can only work for "Black Magician" or work for all monster that included "Black Magician" in their name? Check out the Discussion Page of the one I selected... --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 14:01, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

Oh yeah? How did you figure?
Pretty stupid question actually, not tricky at all. It's more than obvious that the Spell Special Summons only Dark Magician. If it were for the others as well it would say "A monster with "Dark Magician" in its card name" or sth. --Montechristo95 talkcount 14:06, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
I have seen your name popping all over page when you do the edits.
One user who I responded said that it such to summon "Dark Magician Girl" as well, which he countered it was not able. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 14:13, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah I'm really active lately and thus I'm flooding the Recent Changes page with my name and the pages I'm working on.
I already told you this question was pointless. Tell the guy who asked it to use some common sense. --Montechristo95 talkcount 14:16, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
Well, that ain't him, it was his buddy who summoned "Dark Magician Girl" and came here to ask. *shrug* --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 14:39, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
Whatever. --Montechristo95 talkcount 16:38, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

Undine hotter than BMG?

I'm not gonna get in the middle of that one, but how about both of them together? =D ダイノガイ千?!? · Talk⇒Dinoguy1000 01:30, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

What the- Is that Genex monster you're talking about? Water-Type? One that could toss other Genex into Graveyard... Ugh... *facepalm harder* --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:37, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Fred give me some time to reply damn it. I got into an edit conflict. Oh and btw we don't speak about Genex (an archetype I hate!) We are speaking about the sea goddess (Undine)
Dinoguy, no there is no comparison. BMG is cute and her eyes are breath-taking; however Undine has such a cute look in her face...OMG! And she has more revealing clothes. Too bad there isn't a toon version of her. She would be awesome, even cutter. --Montechristo95 talkcount 01:41, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
My apologize, friend... I got confused between two since their names were nearly relating to each other... But I still rather DMG because she's the Yugi's lady. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:46, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Now that's a bold statement there! What are you suggesting Mr.FredCat100? That the main character has some sort of sexual relationship with his hottest monster? You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm gonna call the 4Kids right now! --Montechristo95 talkcount 01:50, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Oh, by I mean "Lady", she only appeared for Yugi, never for Arkana, as that idiot didn't know who that magician is at first place. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:52, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm I will choose to believe that. You are damn lucky that I didn't call 4Kids to come after you. After that you would be damned to eternal censorship. Now seriously Arcana wasn't supposed to know; that was her first appearance in the anime. --Montechristo95 talkcount 01:56, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, and Yugi only know about her much but you're right, that's her first playable appearance >_> --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:02, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Undine and BMG aside, though, this has a pretty good list of some hot monsters... ダイノガイ千?!? · Talk⇒Dinoguy1000 02:47, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Dude that's one of my favourite pages; dont you think I have checked it out? I particularly like Undine (or Waterdragon Fairy for those who don't know) becuase her look is both cute and slutty the same time. --Montechristo95 talkcount 03:02, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
BTW man have you checked out this? In this pic BMG sure is hot and her posture is great. Oh and she is holding her magic stick in such a nice way. No wonder this artwork hasn't been released in TCG. --Montechristo95 talkcount 03:24, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Of course I have. ;) That's probably the one card I'd most like to see in English, and know it will never happen. I really like that artwork because it's so different from the others; it's almost a completely different characterization of her. =D ダイノガイ千?!? · Talk⇒Dinoguy1000 16:34, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Free Ticket to... Deck Ideas! Just visit here, you don't have to give me the whole deck recipe... I only ask for Deck's Theme and it Key Cards, then I can work the rest by myself since I am well with knowledge of what cards I need for certain deck relations. It's just new because I am tired of see missing space in my Deck Pages. However, you don't have to post any responds there, since it's only an idea page... It's not strict requirement. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:36, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for give me a recipe that would help me get brand new deck! ^_^ And be sure to answer my questions I asked in that forum. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:46, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Any respond? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:05, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
To what? --Montechristo95 talkcount 23:08, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
That page, I have responded and is about to post up a deck recipe there if you wish... --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:15, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Done, check it out ^_^ --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:24, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Man, that beatdown deck murdered my Assault deck, because I didn't Synchro Summon "Brionac" instead in that duel, it just immune to damage and beating my ass up and down like no tomorrow. So guess it's famous for the story of that little lizard's bad future. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:42, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
No I wouldn't say that. Most people don't know that story despite being awesome. --Montechristo95 talkcount 23:44, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Well, I never say that you're thinking of the deck that base on Gagagigo's dark heart story... I just compared that deck to the story to very monster who was part in that deck. I defeated that deck on second duel of match, but in third duel - it gone insane and crushed me like no tomorrow with two 2500 powered Fishes and single 4700 whooped-ass Shark that was supported with United We Stand on it side while I had no back-up planning to overcoming it. If it had been gone into "Aggro" version, my Flamvell Assault have no chance to win the duel since it's fill up the field faster with at least 3000 cream-ass monsters. It's honor for you to give this deck a life and lived to crush my champion! --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:53, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Don't you think you are taking it a bit too seriously? I mean it's just a card game... --Montechristo95 talkcount 23:55, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
I know that I am being this way, but I just tell you what it had done to me recently in first 2/3 winner match... It totaled me so bad I almost never see the light soon. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 23:59, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
Hey, new deck has been add to the list, visit it to check it out. ^_^ --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 20:22, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

Augh, mah eyes!

The link you showed to Delta had making my eyes crossed, then wall-crossed, and ever reverse angle points... plus rest of unexplained details of what happened to my sight! So what's that for? I am curious to know what it doing. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:15, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Are you talking about the card lores template? I changed the colours of the Ritual, Fusion and Synchro monsters in order to match the actual colours of the cards. You can see it here. --Montechristo95 talkcount 22:17, September 17, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed... that's what made my eyes gone weirdly. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:37, September 17, 2010 (UTC)
Oh btw, when my computer translated your Greek word into English, I saw one mistake - This card can only be called the ritual Ritual Magic Card, "Black Magic ceremony.
Notice that '"Black Magic ceremony' has missing " part. Just to reminding ya up. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:40, September 17, 2010 (UTC)
Generally don't trust auto-translators for whole sentences; they will most likely end up wrong. --Montechristo95 talkcount 22:45, September 17, 2010 (UTC)
Alright, I was just make sure... that's one awesome technology I ever see so far. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:49, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

So how are you? Everything running smoothly? I was a bit busy this week and forgot to congratulate you for finally befriending GrouchMan. Trully an unexpected and praise-worthy event. Bravo! --Montechristo95 talkcount 22:53, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

XD I am good... just some minor headache to get rid of soon. Just some little of rain here and there. And thanks for congratulation. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 22:59, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Hm, didn't I remember that you mentioned about curse? I spotted one from you recently. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 16:29, September 22, 2010 (UTC)

Jerks who mess up with my correct translations get my worst self. --Montechristo95 talkcount 16:32, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
Well, remember that day you warned me about edit war that I had with Grouch? I would answer that back to you, just reverse it back to normal and ignore that idiot. Admin who could see the new unheard language would try to seal up you the same way that I had done before. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 16:37, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
They can go straight ahead and do it! As if I give a damn! And don't compare me with you jokers. I didn't start a war with anyone. I try my best to translate everything and I have others to complaint about it. I have had enough from unregistered users who change my translations continuously. --Montechristo95 talkcount 16:44, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
Well then, if you are still unhappy with those clowns, I suggest you to answer the problem to Admins instead of fuss over with it. I am sure they will take care of the clowns for you when they tried to mess your work up. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 16:52, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
I wasn't referring to those jokers; I was referring to you. You and GrouchMan. And no I won't bother the admins. They will probably tell me some crap like, "Try to collaborate with them". --Montechristo95 talkcount 16:56, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
Alright then... just have cool head and clean up the jokers off your work. And remember that you said you won't curse earlier. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 17:03, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
Fair enough. Sorry for being rude to you mate I just get really annoyed when someone messes with my work. And that's me Montechristo95. Can't log in right now. -- (talk) 10:56, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

PG-13 Insults

I am enjoy laughing on your kids safe insult that you had done on Black-Wings #0605, I understand that you were upset about German word, but three different words that would be great to make him thinking harder. Impressive! And btw, what happened to your pretty avatar? Or was that just my set up that canceled the icon activate? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:18, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

Have no clue what you are talking about. Could you be a bit more specific? --Montechristo95 talkcount 01:26, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
This page and the picture behind your screenname, it used to have a guy with 1 eye and a nice old-fashion hat from 1770 or at least around that in there but now just a white background and grey shoulder with a head. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:32, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Not that you idiot. I was referring to that thing you said about Blackwings0605. Don't waste my time through vain web dialogues. --Montechristo95 talkcount 01:35, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Alright, didn't you know that I put a link for reference to first part... "Are you blind, idiotic, or a newbie" is the part that made me lol. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 01:37, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

dont listen to fredcat... he has a lot of vain web dialogue on my talk page too....Nameless0666 (talkcontribs) 01:42, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

@Fred I wasn't talking to him you dork. The outburst was meant for another user. Did you even bother checking my edit? A stupid newbie messed up the names (Greek with Thai). He/she is User:Sivilay.
@Nameless Don't butt in convesations. --Montechristo95 talkcount 01:49, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Oh yes... but the name you called that user is just humorous. XD --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:01, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
You do realize I'm really pissed off right now, don't you? You come at me accusing me of insulting a user without checking your sources, nothing. You degrade me by calling me a kid that insults others through the safety of his screen. Is this the opinion you have about me? --Montechristo95 talkcount 02:08, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry about that, my bad about that. I just found your motive toward that user humor, nothing more than that. If you feel calm and easy, message me at that time. Forgive me when you can. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:13, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Don't you ever again dare calling me a web coward or you will never edit this page again. Am I making myself clear? --Montechristo95 talkcount 02:17, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
I never mention this, I am just impressed that you keep yourself under control with words. But I never thought of you as "coward", but a mature and well-manner translator. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:19, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Really now? Then either I don't understand what the freaking hell you are trying to say or you are attempting to mock me. Needless to say that both these conditions are quite irritating. What exctly did you mean earlier by saying "I am enjoy laughing on your kids safe insult that you had done on Black-Wings #0605"? --Montechristo95 talkcount 02:26, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
That was bad grammar sentence, sorry. And by "Kids Safe", I mean the way you avoid using curse words that children must not know about. And the way you said sound, not speak, little silly to me that I laughed, not because I offended you, it's because I have see a humor sense from you, only on good side. And yes, I pointed at wrong user, like you pointed it out earlier. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:34, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
I see. *sigh* I let my rage run all over me again, didn't I? In the end this conversation turned out to be a couple of big misunderstandings. Let's just forget about it. --Montechristo95 talkcount 02:39, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed. Take care with your work ^_^ (This is not kidding, just being grateful.) --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:42, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Threat ^^...Nameless0666 (talkcontribs) 02:46, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Didn't MC told you to NOT butt in? --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 02:47, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Fred is right. Whoever the hell you are beat it. You are becoming annoying. --Montechristo95 talkcount 02:49, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
Defenition of a PG-13 Insult ^^...Nameless0666 (talkcontribs) 21:48, October 3, 2010 (UTC)
Oh really? Look who is talking. You come at my Talk Page, breaking the rules it has, you butt in a conversation I have with a friend of mine and then you start teasing him and generally make annoying and pointless posts. You were trying to lure Fred to an argument with you; knowing his quick temper you were sure he would accept. And then you would end up both blocked from editing (if I had let you do it). And come to think of it, that was your goal, wasn't it? You were involved in previous fights with Fred and you wanted to take revenge on him. You are a pathetic, sneaky little slime. And a joker too. Tell me, are you planning to start a forum regarding the constitution of America on a Yugioh wiki? --Montechristo95 talkcount 06:47, October 4, 2010 (UTC) glad you got so worked up over a measly line...also fred too, you guys are so easy to break its (talkcontribs) 22:01, October 4, 2010 (UTC)
You really need to get yourself a life... --Montechristo95 talkcount 07:15, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
talk about trolls your the one spamming my page and on everyday... so dont tell me to get a life until you get off your fat-ass and stop spending all your time on yugi wiki!!! LOL...Nameless0666 (talkcontribs) 19:21, October 5, 2010 (UTC)


Hi i cant ad the content to a page that i created Cards on the field cannot be returned to the Deck and seeing you have made 10904 edits can you help me DarthRishda 20:02/02/10/2010

*sigh* Really hate to disappoint you mate but I have no clue how to overcome this problem either. Take my word for it; edit number is not a sign of experience, in most cases. Creating categories and fixing templates ain't what I do here. You can however ask very tech-savvy and experiened users such as Deltaneos, Dinoguy1000 or Falzar FZ who can help you with anything you want. The latter has also created a guide that any beginner can/should refer to when he/she is in trouble. You can find the relative page here. Anyway, that's all the info I can provide you with. Again sorry for not being able to be of greater assistance to you.
And since I don't want you to leave empty-handed, I'll give you a tip of my own. Whenever you leave a message to another user or you write something at a forum, you can sign your messages/posts by clicking the Signature button which is right above the text. It is the fifth from the end. It will automatically add your name, date and a link to your user page. --Montechristo95 talkcount 22:08, October 2, 2010 (UTC)


yo, do u duel? Crimson88 (talkcontribs) 09:05, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

Online dueling? Well, thanks for your offer but I'll pass. I rarely duel online. --Montechristo95 talkcount 09:06, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

Letter to Admin

I sent Delta a notice that you discovered the mistake. Thanks for point it out and hope it get fixing. :-) --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 17:50, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

I'm not entirely sure it was indeed a mistake, I just pointed it out. --Montechristo95 talkcount 17:52, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, that's a good news. I didn't see that till you catch it. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 17:54, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, my quest to find each and every card name and translate it, FINALLY pays off xD. --Montechristo95 talkcount 17:57, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Enjoy the impress ^_^ --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 17:57, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Oh c'mon man have I given you the impression of the guy who enjoys being in the limelight? --Montechristo95 talkcount 18:01, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
One day, you will. But I just want you to earn it. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 18:04, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Screw it mate. Poirot just told me that it wasn't a mistake, based on the Japanese name. Check the card's Talk Page for details. So, I guess back in the shadows for me xD. --Montechristo95 talkcount 18:06, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Oh well... I noticed. And sometimes, you do have funny personality when you said the first line of most recently comment, I chuckled at it a little bit. No offense though, mate. --FredCat T.P.F.R.J.R.W.S. 18:14, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Well being funny was the actual goal of my post. If I'm not sarcastic of myself then who will be for me? --Montechristo95 talkcount 18:19, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

I am impressed

That you moved so many pages under your names so easily... That's just something I cannot do at same time. And no, I am not joking around this time. --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 00:27, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Wasn't that hard. Just followed the clear instructions. Btw mate, did you check out my userboxes? --Montechristo95 talkcount 00:36, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Ah... and yes, I just did. It's very awesome in your style ^_^ --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 00:39, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Careful there. I am extremely vulnerable to flatter; you can say it is my one and only weakness. A few more posts like the above and the size of my ego will start challenging that of Kaiba's.
Btw, have you checked out my new style of translating? Here, see an example. In a few months, all card articles in the whole wiki will have such a card names page. --Montechristo95 talkcount 00:50, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
I see... and indeed, saw that new style of your on "The Earth" not so longer ago before I came across your many pages moving part. So what happened to color background like you used to do that before? --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 10:27, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Colour background? I'm not sure I follow. Could you be a bit more specific? --Montechristo95 talkcount 10:37, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Like, for Normal (Non-Effect Monster), you put yellow color behind those text when you put in translation name/effect text. Same thing for Effect (orange), Ritual (Blue), Fusion (Purple), Spell (Green/Lime Green, depend), Trap (Pink/Lavender, depend), Synchro (White), etc. --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 10:42, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Oh I get it. Well those are only for the card lores; they are part of the relative template. They are not added in the card names page.
Just noticed a link in your sig; Theory of Evilness of Y.F. What is it abt? --Montechristo95 talkcount 10:53, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Just like Yami Yugi from original Yu-Gi-Oh! and Judai in GX have turned evil (Yami went for half episode, while Judai went for 7 episodes) so I just set up a theory if that is true for Yusei turn evil in 5D's. I just put up many theories to witness what will happening to Yusei depend on the result of the cause after end of "Infinity Era" which included three emperors. Though I have no proof for that now. --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 10:58, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Look like you had fun juggling your talk board around so much? --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 13:41, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

I haven't activated it yet. It's a future project and that's why it is stuck in my Sandbox. --Montechristo95 talkcount 13:42, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, gotcha, it's neat to see you move so many boards easily. ^_^ --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P. 13:55, October 9, 2010 (UTC)