Card Trivia:Lyna the Light Charmer

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  • Eria and Raina are the only charmers seen holding their staffs right-handed in their flip effect forms.
  • Both "Raina" and "Dharc" have a handcuff with chain on their left hand, possibly hinting the fact that they were released after the first four "Charmers".
  • This charmer, along with "Dharc", do not have any advanced forms as of yet.
  • Because of the common confusion of 'L' and 'R' in the Japanese Language, an example being Luna and Leo, it is possible that this cards name will be changed to "Laina", or something similar, in the TCG. This is also assumable because if it were so, the last three charmers, Wynn, Dharc and (should the name be changed) "Laina" would somehow sound like their attribute ("Wynn" = WIND :: "Dharc" = DARK :: "Laina" = LIGHT) whereas Aussa Eria and Hiita all use non-similar names.
  • Both "Raina" and "Eria" are Right-Handed in flip-effect form(though no other form exists for "Raina" as of yet), the other four charmers, "Aussa", "Hiita", "Wynn" and "Dharc" are left-handed in their flip effect forms(though, like "Raina", "Dharc" only has the one form).
  • The top of her staff somewhat resembles the "faceplate" of some of the "Ally of Justice" monsters.
  • This card looks a little like Shirma from the video game Chocobo's Dungeon, the White Mage has a staff which looks very similar to the one Raina is holding. She even has the same type of hair-cut as Raina even though her hair is pink.