Forum:Magic-Jinzo Deck

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Revision as of 11:29, 13 August 2010 by Shotguner159 (talk)
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Please give me some advice to make this deck better.

Side Deck: 1x Amplifier 1x Magic Cylinder, 1x Magical Dimension, 1x Magical Hats, 1x Royal Decree 1x Change of Heart, 1x Solemn Wishes, 1x Pot of Greed, 1x Magic Formula, 1x Magician's Circle. 1x Double Spell


The decks theme is to negate my opponents traps and spells, and reduce the amount of monsters they can summon, while I retain my ability to use spells and traps. Not meant to be used in tournaments.

When you say it isn't meant to be used in tournaments, do you mean you don't care about the banlist? (talk) 20:08, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

Yes I mean I don't care about the banlist, although I am open to suggestions to what I could replace the banned cards with. User:Shotguner159

1. The chance of getting Jinzo to negate traps is quite low if you use only 1. The chance is even lower to get Amplifier at the same time and if that is also at 1 you'll get the combo about 1 out of 1000 duells...

2. You have no lvl5 monster (or any monster combination) to tune with Arcane Apprentice to get your Arcanite Magican. He can't be summoned at all with the current setup.

3. As for your Ritual Spell and your Ritual Magican, see 1.

4. Wich of the Black Forest, Magican of faith, Pot of Greed and Monster Reborn are all banned ... if you care ... but even in Traditional format you can not use more than 1 of them (magican).

5. Sorceror of Dark Magic... how are you supposed to summon him? You only have 3 6 or higher magicans at all, getting out 2 at the same time will very rarely occur (in your current setup). I would throw him out.

6. Speaking of negating traps, if you focus on that I'd rather use 3 Jinzo along with 2 (3 if you don't care of lists) Royal Decree and perhaps one or another Trap Stun. And then you can get rid of all of your traps and Amplifiers without regreting anything. You can stop attacks from your opponent with other things (e.g. Shrink or Burden of the Mighty). Tribute fodder for Jinzo or any other Tribute monster can be aquired with Apprentice Magician. Summon him, let him being attacked and summon Old Vindictive Magician with his effect. Flip him in your turn and tribute him for anything you want.

7. As for Dark Magic attack, thousand knives and diffusion wave motion: See 1., you should run your dark magican at 3 in order to make good use of those. Othervise they simply become a dead draw.

8. You should run 3 villages along with 1 or 2 Terraforming, else your focus on prevent your opponent from using spells is nearly nonexistant.

phew, quite a lot. Have you ever tested that deck as it currently is? I guess not because I can hardly belive that you'd have ever won with that... -dest- (talkcontribs) 20:34, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

Never tested it. Thanks for all that by the way, very helpful. Not meant to be used in tournaments at all so I don't care about the banlist, but if you have suggestions on what to replace the banned cards with, be my guest. User:Shotguner159