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The Synchro Mach Anti-Trap deck speaks for itself. It is a fast deck with unique style. This deck doesn't just focus on one type or attribute, it uses weak monsters to get out stronger monsters to use to your advantage at a fast pace. It needs a big Extra Deck with Staple Synchro Monsters like Stardust Dragon and Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. It is a pretty easy deck to master. It uses Machina monsters, Tuner Monsters, and a majority of Spell Cards.




Extra Deck[edit]

How To Use This Deck[edit]

This deck is a total control deck. It takes control of the field by negating Trap Cards and summoning strong monsters.

Since Machina Fortress needs Machine-Type monsters to be Special Summoned, why not use itself and a Quillbolt Hedgehog? That way, you still have your Normal Summon. This is when you can summon out a Tuner Monster like Junk Synchron or Mist Valley Soldier. Even if your opponent uses Effect Veiler on your Junk Synchron, Quillbolt Hedgehog can use its ability to Special Summon itself to your field from the Graveyard, enabling you to Synchro Summon the first turn.

Another good combo in this deck is Nimble Momonga and Junk Synchron. When Nimble Momonga is destroyed by battle, not only do you gain 1000 Life Points, you also get to Special Summon two more Face-Down Defense Position. That's when Junk Synchron comes into play. Normal Summon Junk Synchron and Special Summon Nimble Momonga (or any level 2 monster) from your Graveyard. Next, Flip Summon your two face down Nimble Momonga, then Synchro Summon for Junk Warrior. since you have two face up Nimble Momonga, Junk Warrior will gain 2000 attack points, putting him at 4300 ATK.

Summoning all these monsters may seem risky to any other deck, but not to this deck! Jinzo and Royal Decree will negate all Trap Cards, keeping your monsters safe from your opponents Trap Cards, allowing you to summon monsters with ease. Also, My Body as a Shield is a Quick-Play Spell Card that can negate any card effect that will destroy one or more monsters on the field by paying 1500 Life Points. That way, if your opponent decides to pull out a Dark Hole or Lightning Vortex, you can save your monsters and keep control of the field.

The Decks Weak Points[edit]

This Deck, as far as I know, doesn't have many weaknesses. The major two weaknesses that i know of are Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure and Anti-Spell.

Macro Cosmos is a Trap Card that removes every card from play instead of going to the Graveyard. That will make it really hard to summon Machina Fortress. You can't send itself to the Graveyard while Macro Cosmos is in play or you will only remove it from play right when it hits your Graveyard. Also, Nimble Momonga and Quillbolt Hedgehog will be no use to you since they will never hit the Graveyard. If you get Jinzo or Royal Decree on the field, it can easily be stopped. Dimensional Fissure only removes Monster Cards, but is a Spell Card. So you won't be able to stop it unless you summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and return it to your opponents hand for the turn. Still, once you run out of cards to discard, there will be nothing you can do.

The other weakness to this deck is Anti-Spell. Basically, if your opponent is running a deck that negates Spell Cards, then you will have a rough time since this deck doesn't have many Trap Cards and relies on Spell Cards. Luckily, it won't effect the summoning of your monsters, but you won't have many support cards when it comes to Spell Cards and Trap Cards.