Continuous Trap Card

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Continuous Trap cards are Trap cards that stay on the field. The effect of these cards will go on until the owner can't keep up with the requirements, or if it's destroyed. One example of a Continuous Trap Card is the Spellbinding Circle card, which effectively freezes an enemy Monster on the field, so it can't change battle position, or declare an attack.

Most Continuous Trap Cards require a cost to maintain, or posess a conditon under which the card is destroyed.Two Examples of these are Imperial Order, and Call of the Haunted. Imperial Order requires a cost of 700 Life Points to maintain, but Call of the Haunted is destroyed when the monster used with it is destroyed.

Another such example of a Continuous Trap Card is Royal Decree, which negate's Trap Card's effects. However, since it's still Spell Speed 2, it can't be used against cards like Magic Drain, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Negate Attack, or Trap Jammer, since they are all Spell Speed 3 Cards.

Continuous traps are seperated into 3 groups: Continuous effects, Trigger effects, and Ignition effects.

All non-continuous trap cards can not use their effects in the same chain that they were activated in.

Relevant Icon: Continuous.png