Card Trivia:Evilswarm Ouroboros

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  • This is the "Verz" counterpart of "Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier".
    • This card, like "Verz Bahamut" and "Verz Opion", has 50 ATK more and 50 DEF less than its non-Verz counterpart.
    • This card, like "Trishula", requires three monsters to Summon, but "Trishula" can have more than 3 monsters.
    • Both have effects that affect opponent's hand, side of the field and Graveyard, but Trishula affects these zones with only 1 effect, and Ouruboros affect them with three different effects.
    • They both have Duel Terminal packs named after them.

  • This card could be a reference to the uroboros(ouroboros is an alternative spelling of uroboros) virus from the resident evil series.
    • Also, the formation of tentacles on (what used to be) Trishula's body and the fact that both the Verz contagion and uroboros virus are mutagenic pathogens seem to support this fact.
    • In addition, this would be consistent with the fact that a lot of duel terminal archtypes are references to different types of monsters and warriors. (for example Masked HEROs are a reference to Kamen Riders, and the Dragunity archtype is a reference to Roman and Celtic Soldiers and/or weapons.