User:Shining Angel

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Hi There! My Name is Shining Angel (no duh) and I have been coming onto this site for quiet some time and I have finally made myself become a user. I am pretty new to this kind of thing so if any of you users out there, for the love of God, I will praise you for ever if you can find the time to help me (my email is [email protected], worst choice of an email name ever). I have been a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! for a long while, basically since it began, and I have collected many cards and created, and still have 12 decks, with many more cards to spare. I still haven't quiet got the hang of creating those 40 card super good decks (that seem so easy to make) so once again help, anyone? That's enough about me let's talk Yu-Gi-Oh!.

My Likes and Dislikes of Yu-Gi-Oh!


First of all my favourite character of Yu-Gi-Oh! is Mako Tsunami, which would probably already make out that my favourite type of cards are Water Type. I would also have to say that I have a weakness for the Crystal Beasts, especially Sapphire Pegasus. My favourite card is Eria the Water Charmer.


My least favourite character would have to be Weevil Underwood, his voice makes my skin crawl. My least favourite card is Dark Ruler Ha Des.


Seriously, I do need some help, like how do I make that table, you know, that show monsters, spells and traps, please can you send me an email or something, anything because I need help.