Forum:Anti-Meta Beatdown

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I'm working on an Anti-Meta Beatdown. I don't need someone to make me a deck-I have one but it's incomplete. I'm looking for comments on the ideas behind this deck:

First-as we all know, Synchro Monsters rule the game. For this reason, I'm sticking in a Discord and a Royal Oppression. To further annoy Synchro users, Legendary Jujitsu Master, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, and Penguin Knight will all be included in this deck (one of each). And even more on the anti-Synchro side, there's two Dimensional Fissure and two Begone, Knave!.

Now, Begone, Knave! has MANY strategies with this deck. First and foremost is my use of Koa'ki Meiru. They have an annoying cost that makes the deck too difficult to use. However, there are a few ways to get around this. The first and most obvious way is to use a few Koa'ki of one type, such as Rocks for Rock Stun or another type. The second is to use cards like Mist Valley Falcon and Begone, Knave!. I don't use Falcon since it's not necessary for my strategy, but Begone Knave! helps more than you would think. It lets me use my two Koa'ki Meiru Monsters that are in this deck (two copies of Ice and Powerhand) to fulfill their duties-getting rid of Special Summoned monsters for Ice, or getting rid of cards like Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, etc, for Powerhand and then I can reveal a spell or trap (not preferable) or I can use Begone Knave! to return them to my hand. The strategy isn't perfect, but it doesn't matter too much-they can die-I have more monsters to replace them.

I also use other strong monsters-none of my attackers, save Grand Mole, have less than 1900 attack. I have six level 5 or higher Monsters: two Big Piece Golem, one Power Invader, one Majestic Mech - Ohka, and two Lava Golem. Lava Golem isn't perfect, but it gets rid of Stardust Dragon or other cards so that I can start using my Monster Destruction cards (Fissure, Smashing Ground). Ohka is a dispensable card, like the Koa'ki Meiru monsters, but they can also combo with Begone Knave! to return to my hand. Power Invader is a rather easy-to-summon 2200 monster, and Big Piece Golem is as well.

My Spell and Trap lineup is made up of some Monster Destruction: Nobleman of Crossout, Fissure, Smashing Ground, Dark Hole, Torrential Tribute. It has those Anti-Special Summon cards: Royal Oppression, Discord, Dimensional Fissure, Begone Knave!. It also has a few defense cards-namely Magic Cylinders which in today's meta can be game-ending, Bottomless Trap Hole, Chain Dissapearance, and other cards. And of course Mystical Space Typhoon.

What makes this deck pretty different is that it has NO use of Graveyard. It doesn't need the Graveyard AT ALL. It also has no Special Summons. And so far, it works.

What I want to add that I don't have room for:

  • Starlight Road: Should I use it, and if so should I have one, two, or three?
  • Shrink: A great card that allows my monsters to destroy ANYTHING there is and works against Trap Stun-however, I'm not sure if I should add it.

What I want to add that I don't own:

  • Thunder King Rai-Oh: Should I use it?
  • Pot of Duality: Would solidify my strategy but until the price goes down I'm not buying it

This will be a work in progress over the next few days. Updates will be posted and a decklist will be posted by Saturday. I plan to take this to a tournament.BobaFett2 (talk)

I'll bump this until Saturday so that I don't forget it.BobaFett2 (talk)

Bump.BobaFett2 (talk)

Now then, for those of you who have been waiting:

So then-comments? Suggestions?BobaFett2 (talk)