Forum:Exodia Counter

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Lately, as i've been dueling on dueling network, i've seen a surge of exodia decks. I've put my deck up on here and i was wondering if any of you guys could give me suggestions on what cards to run in my side deck. (Include number of cards too, i.e. 1 mirror force, etc.) also, i'm open to suggestions on improving my deck.


a few pointers that may help...
First, I'd say it depends on the deck's strategy or engine.
How are they able to get Exodia in to their hand??
Are they stalling? Speed Drawing? Lots of searches?
Do they rely heavily on traps? Spells? Monster Effects?

Now, here are some cards that would piss me off if I was running an Exodia deck
(and, I have by the way) ....
Card Destruction, can you say: "Good bye Exodia!" ?
to a lesser extent, Hand Destruction, (if used right)
Protector of the Sanctuary, if they are speed drawing.
Thunder King Rai-Oh if they are doing searches w/ Sangan & such

Beyond these basic suggestions, just try to defeat their engine...
However, a good Six Sam control deck should do well at this.

You could try the classic Six Sams like:
the ones that kill traps & spells, and also the one that kills face down
monsters. Once again, keep in mind... defeat their engine!
That is how you stop most decks. If you stop the engine, you stop the deck! (talk) 01:06, May 27, 2012 (UTC)AceCloudKicker

First turn Shi En

Second turn Naturia Beast.

Exodia is dead.

IPlay4Fun (talkcontribs) 03:38, May 27, 2012 (UTC)

Not "much" to say

There are all sorts of the blasted decks. As a previous user has stated, what type of Exodia do you tend to encounter? Draw speed is the most typical so I'll give some suggestions for that which were not stated.

Draw: Droll & Lock Bird is particularly good, even against some aggresive "add from deck to hand" build that uses One Day of Peace or something. Neko Mane King can disrupt thier flow well (most 1st turn win draws tend to be discardy spells), espically if they were relying on something like Royal Magical Library to get a certain number of counters, you should be able to kill it in time before too much happens. Not too much can be done about it anyhow...

Add: Disturbance Strategy can do fine if the duel is dragging on long enough. If you know they got a sizeable number of peices you can use this to possibly restart the process. If they lack discards, then Exchange (despite how dumb it is) would pretty much make them lose. Deck Lockdown does it's job allright, the sams special summon from the hand more often then not anyways, also this would prevent stall floaters from thinning thier deck.

Some random ideas: Perhaps Forced Requisition could work? Unless they draw multipe peices by the end of what they do, it could be hard for them to work around with. If you face the kind of deck that likes to use Dark Factory of Mass Production and similar things, then I'd expect them to have cards like Magical Stone Excavation so in that case, Goblin of Greed could stop that (and some draw cards) too. Oh and if you face stall decks, then you should be able to build up your forces without too much of a problem so Six Strike - Triple Impact could do something for you maybe.

There's all sorts of way to approach facing these things. Besides D&L bird, you probably heard what is most useful against them already, including doing what sams do best. I'm just spewing out some things because I can. Meh you could try using...Drill Synchron or something if they spam "cannot be destroyed by battle" monsters...I really don't know what else to say but there ya go. (talk) 04:52, May 27, 2012 (UTC)