Forum:Interesting New Deck Idea

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So, after creating this deck on WC11, and then building it yesterday and taking it to locals today, this made top 8, beating out Six Sams, Fabled, and Agent Angel, but falling to Gladiator Beasts to close the Swiss rounds with a record of 3-1. I advanced to top 8 where I got beat out by Sams. For having the deck all of 1 day before locals, and only having played it against terrible CPU AI, I'm very pleased with these results. So, you must be wondering: what is this new deck? Well, it's kind of complicated. For the sake of a long, drawn-out name, I call it Nordic Beast Flamvell Gravekeeper's, or Nordic Flamvell for short. Here it is:

With unlimited money, I have only a few changes for the deck. 3 Reborn Tengu instead of the Spies, a second Effect Veiler instead of the Guard, a Scrap Dragon instead of Flamvell Uruquizas, a second Black Rose Dragon instead of X-Saber Urbellum, and 2 Solemn Warning instead of the Bottomless Trap Holes. That being said, I think the deck still runs very well, it's a lot of fun to play with, and it's totally original. Let me break it down.

Nordic Beasts. I have 9. I have 3 Tanngrisnir, who's basically a Dandylion but with level 3 tokens and he has to be destroyed into battle. Which combos nicely with my 3 Tanngnjostr, who Special Summons himself from my hand when one of my monsters is destroyed in battle, and when he's switched to attack mode, I get another Nordic Beast from my deck. This is usually Guldfaxe, who is the main Tuner of the deck, and I recently found out that he has a useable effect too! If the opponent has a Synchro and I have no monsters, I can Special Summon him from my hand. Follow up with any non-Tuner, and that's a Synchro right there. The Nordic Beast Engine makes level 7s like crazy, and it's so easy to drop a free BRD and then attack with a clear field. The Nordic Beast engine is completed with 3 Gleipnir, which is a Trap RotA for Nordics. Pretty cool. Great when the opponent tries to blow it up, and it makes a nice bluff too. The opponent feels safer attacking when my hand is empty, so I just activate this and grab Tanngnjostr, and then it's hello level 7 Synchro.

My original idea to make Nordics good was to combine the Nordic Beasts with the Flamvell engine. That worked really well, and added level 8 Synchros to the mix. I run 3 Firedog, who grabs any FIRE monster with 200 DEF from my deck whenever he destroys a monster in battle. This is always Flamvell Magician (the only possible target..). That gets me a level 8 Synchro for the price of one card. And of course, no Flamvell engine would be complete without 3 Rekindling. The card is broke shit. Bring back as many FIRE monster with 200 DEF as possible? That's a minimum of one level 8 Synchro, provided I've used one Firedog. Often it's two, and then a monster left over. Crazy good.

That wasn't as consistent as I would have liked, so I wanted to add in 3 Reborn Tengu. Lacking that, I used 3 GK Spy, and completed the trio with 1 GK Guard. I liked this engine a lot, and Guard was a nice one card out to any Synchro Monster. Spy gets Spy, that's 2 non-Tuners right there. If the first one got run over, I drop Tanngnjostr, and then I can summon 2 Synchros in one turn. Sweet. Anyways, this worked really well for me, and I imagine Tengus would be even better, and also would leave room for a second Veiler. The first Veiler closes out the monster lineup, as a useful card that stops a lot of cards in today's meta.

The Spells, aside from Rekindling, are all Staples. The Traps, aside from Gleipnir, are also all Staples with the exception of one card that I'd like to discuss. Horn of the Phantom Beast. This Trap card equips to any Beast or Beast-Warrior, giving it an 800 ATK boost, and you get a free draw anytime the Equipped monster destroys an opponent's monster in battle. Very nice. At the very least, it replaces itself, and everything else is a plus. I like the card a lot, I wish I drew it more often but it would Dead Draw at 3, so it has to stay at 2.

I plan to take this deck to YCS Providence, where I hope to have even more success with it. I was very pleased with how the deck did, especially with being able to come back and win against a first turn Shi En. If you have any suggestions to improve the deck, I'd be glad to hear them.

SIDE NOTE. Most memorable play: "Synch for 7, Ancient Sacred Wyvern. He's at... let's see... 14500. u mad, bro?" Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 03:20, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Off topic: I'll be monitoring the coverage, maybe I'll see this deck. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 03:29, June 16, 2011 (UTC)
I'm wondering why the lack of Hamster, as both targets for it are good, as Tanng sets up tokens, while Tanng sets up more summons, though Ryko could be another idea, which would be able to get round Shi-en, or Royal Oppression, and set up Rekindling?-Resk () 11:19, June 16, 2011 (UTC)
I tested Hamsters for a while, but I didn't really like it for a couple of reasons. 1: To be effective with Tanngnjostr, the opponent really needs to have only one monster. This is usually the first turn, and people don't always attack first turn set monsters, especially in game one. 2. If Tanngnjostr is not an option, as it often isn't, I have to set Tanngrisnir, which means the opponent will either let it sit there, or attack it and then take out the Tokens as well. For these reasons, Hamster's purpose basically becomes that of a wall, and I think GK Spy/Tengu is much better for that purpose. Spy is a 2000 wall that gets another 2000 wall, compared to an 1800 wall that gets what's basically a Dandylion. Even though the Hamster wall lasts longer, the Spy wall is more effective. Rykos would seem like a good idea too, but the only thing I benefit from milling is the Flamvells. Nordic Beasts I typically want in the deck, and same goes for GKs/Tengus. Considering that with 3 Rykos, there would be 6 things I wanted to mill, and 31 that I didn't, Ryko almost always ends badly. I appreciate the suggestions though, please keep them coming! Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 13:59, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Gravekeeper's Descendant would probably be a better choice than Guard, so I'd swap them. Battlemaniac (talkcontribs) 17:07, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

I'd keep Guard.BobaFett2 (talk)

I've heard that suggestion before too, but I like Guard because Descendant is a one for one that uses up a valuable Synchro Material and can be stopped by Stardust, whereas Guard gets around anti-destruction effects and is a big enough wall to stop many attacks from smaller monsters. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 17:27, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Well, I closed out the weekend with a record of 4-4. Round 1 I lost 1-2 to Infernities, getting OTK'd with nothing I could do to stop it in Games 1 and 3. I had similar results round 2 against Scraps, opening with 6 monsters game 1, again finishing the match with a 1-2 loss. Round 3 I succesfully 2-0'd X-Sabers. Round 4 I lost to Sams 0-2. Exactly the same round 5. Round 6 I picked up a 2-0 win against Plant Synchro. Round 7 I took 2-1 against Lightsworns. Finally, in round 8, I took down Gravekeeper's 2-0. I also entered one Win-a-Mat, beating Plant Synchro 2-1 in the first round and then losing to another Plant Synchro 0-2. I am neither pleased nor disappointed with these results, since the deck preformed average. I lost a couple of games due to my lack of Scrap Dragon, which was very frustrating. I will continue toying with this deck and trying new things. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 17:02, June 19, 2011 (UTC)