Forum:Magician's Deck!

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Hey everyone Sandy here, now with the release of Spellcaster's Command, I decided that my poor spellcasters which were till very recently not in use needed a boost. So today I got the deck and put together some old cards with the new and came up with the deck I have before me and you. Any suggestions, hints or otherwise tips would be greatly appreciated. Just as long as we can stay within the 42-44 card limit here, 44 is really pushing it so I usually like to stick within the 40-42 region. Sandy Sagebrush 08:30, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

Difficult to say... what kind of deck your running or want to run? Secret Village Control? Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode?

Well I know one thing, you need more copies of Magical Citadel of Endymion, Spell Power Grasp, Arcanite Magician, and a Chaos Sorcerer.

KnightRider25 20:05, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

oh my ~0_0

my dear sandy, this deck will be way too inconsistent to work, i think. u need one more sdsc. u need, for the assault mode supports, 2 more assault mode activate, or 1 more, (and 2-3 assault beasts to search it. this is optional). then 1 more arcanite/asault mode, and several assault teleports. then more copies of key cards like kycoo, marrionettes, dark red enchanter, spellpowergrasp, endymion citadel, etc. silent magician lv 4 maybe better if replaced with cerberus. take out lamp and mandragola or cards that are too slow, or dont really work with the theme. imo, master magician isnt needed. id rather save those counters on citadel for marrionette and arcanite. lastly, wheres defender? hes one of the best spellcasters up to date imo. Jetronix 12:25, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

What? That makes no sense what so ever, I am building this with cards that I either already can have or get them cheaply and or through trading. So yeah most of the suggestions about assault mode's I am not sure about and I do not understand why I would want to put in Cerebus whom after battle his spell counters go to the graveyard, sure he would be good for gathering up some needed spellcounters for the citadel but otherwise, no thanks. The lamp? Why? It redirects an attack! I have redone my deck with cards that I have recently added so yes, it is reaching 46 cards which is pushing it I know, but some help would be good too. Sandy Sagebrush 00:41, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Friendly Edits:

Take out these cards:

  • -1 Frequency magician (Not a very good spellcaster, Nights end is better.)
  • -2 Silent magician lvl 4 (Your opponent will know not to draw cards if you have a face up silent magician and gathering spell counters on this is a slow task)
  • -1 Ancient lamp (Its ok but there really are better spellcasters out there.)
  • -1 Magical marionette (This one's effect isn't that good and you need to remove it for space.)
  • -2 Arcane apprentice (Replacing it with Night's end)
  • -1 Magical Plant Mandragora (Needed space and its effect works too slow to use in a spell counter deck)
  • -1 Crystal Seer (Needed space and its effect is too slow)
  • -1 Magician's Valkyria (not easy to use and it is tough to get two on the field.)
  • -1 Arcanite magician assault mode (Too few assault mode activates to use.)
  • -1 Lightning vortex (Cost is bad D:.)
  • -2 Arcane barrier (Spellcasters don't get "Destroyed" that fast and this card does not generate spell counters fast enough in my opinion, not faster than the draw power you get from allure of darkness anyway.)
  • -1 Magicians Unite (3 Cards to use this, two spellcasters and it so its pretty tough to pull off in the first place)
  • -1 Spell absorbtion (More LP is nice but you shouldn't need this card.)
  • -1 Assault mode activate (one is not enough to run the deck and summon arcanite, you have no way of putting the assault mode back into the deck as well if you draw it.)
  • -1 Magic Cylinder (It works sorta well however with all the sp/tr destruction out now this will likely be gone before an attack occurs.)
  • -1 Hidden book of spell (Not a very good card, adds two cards to the deck and though it sounds good this is not worth it.)
  • -1 Negate attack (Threatening Roar is a better alternative.)
  • -1 Pitch Black power stone (Exemplar is and should be your new source for spell counters.)
  • -1 Sakuretsu armor (Again an "Attack" is late in the turn and this is really vulnerable to destruction.)

Now that is -22 cards, 6 of which are taken out to make the deck 40 cards.


  • +3 Night's End sorcerer (Best spellcaster tuner out there)
  • +2 Magical exemplar (Best generator of spell counters ever.)
  • +1 Summon Priest (Summoner Monk, Great card.)
  • +1 Rose warrior of revenge (great tuner, works well with summon priest and other spellcasters)
  • +2 Terraforming (For searching the field/discard for summon priest.)
  • +3 Spell Power Grasp (Thins deck, adds spell counters, and is a good discard for summon priest. Generates 3 spell counters on exemplar if used.)
  • +2 Allure of darkness (It comes out as a promo card in Raging battle special addition apparently, so it will be cheap.) - If you do not like this choice due to the time it will take to get at a lower price, put in 2 Bottomless trap hole since it is extremely good in this format since removing key monsters works well. Another choice is 2 Book of moon, great card in short.
  • +2 Threatening Roar (Great card, prevents attacks and can be chained if destroyed unlike negate attack.)


  • You can add this card and make the deck 41 cards which is pushing it but it could still work.
  • Add a third copy of bottomless or book of moon whichever you choose above. If you use Allure of darkness try adding in another Rose, I didn't put two rose warriors since I needed space for other choices.

Extra Deck:

  • After looking at your extra deck I found several cards which you SHOULD have but do not have in that extra deck.
  • +1 Goyo Guardian (He is a great and splashable synchro, theres a good reason why he is limited and its best if you use him.)
  • +1-2 Stardust dragon (Great card to prevent destructions.)
  • +1 Dark Strike Fighter (excellent card, probably will be on the next limited list for synchros so don't get 2-3 of them, of course only put this in if you pull it from a pack. Buying it is quite expensive. I pulled mine from a pack so...glad I didn't have to spend for it.)
  • Hope this helps, I spent a lot of time writing it XD and in theory it looks like it works on paper but of course tell me if some changes need to be placed. For example my friend says dark red enchanter didn't work too well in his deck for some odd reason.
  • By the way I don't know if you have a side deck for this deck type but if you need help with that I can probably help if you change the deck list of your main deck so I can see what you would need. Good luck!--Takuma. 02:23, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Are You Sure?

I am not sure about these suggestions Takuma, I actually liked some of them since they helped to thin out my deck some but others I did not get at all. Like for instance the need for so many Magical Exemplar's over Pitch-Black Power Stone, sure she can gather them all up but she cannot move them around, the only good I would see would be having 2 at max because when they are destroyed their spell counters go to the citadel and they can special summon monsters from the grave yard back onto the field. Which is nice yes, but she cannot move those spell counters anywhere else can she?

I will admit an Allure of Darkness would be very helpful since it seems that most spell casters are dark types anyways. Can someone explain to me what is so good about Spell Power Grasp? It only puts a single spell counter on one card on the field, two or more if said card gains more through their effects but otherwise it is three card which seem to be just taking up space and can only provide three spell counters at the very least and you have to wait a turn for you to activate the other card. I will admit Night's end is very nice.. when it is special summoned but otherwise I like having a Arcane Apprentice since if he is used in a synchro I get the assault activate card in my hand to boot.

I do not think I would add Rose, since she is a warrior but I know she is a 4 star tuner which is great to getting out a level 7 or more out when combined with other cards but kind of works against the Rivalry of Warlords card I put in my side deck. Also Threatening Roar is great, yes but it is spell speed 2 and can be countered but Negate Attack is a spell speed 3 card that I think I will keep onto and simply take out something else in it's place. No offense of course, thank you for your input and because of it I have reformulated my deck a little.

Sandy Sagebrush 18:59, 15 April 2009 (UTC)