Forum:No Tour Guide?!

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I'm currently playing Chaos Dragons, and I've almost gotten every card I need by now... except the frikin set of Tour Guides. So while I'm still at it, what cards should I try to replace the empty void with, that the 3 DARK monsters left? I was thinking something like Tragoedia, but what else? Suggestions? Also if I won't be able to play Tour Guides, do I need Sangan in there too? If I don't, then that's FOUR dark monster slots for me to fill... The Decklist WITH the supposed Tour Guides below:

—This unsigned comment was made by PlatinumVegitoSSJ (talkcontribs) 10:29, June 27, 2012

Deck help

Hello. Let's see what I can do.


I can see a couple of flaws with this deck in the sense that there aren't very many useful Dragon cards. I would be tempted to dock one of the "Effect Veilers" and add "Red-Eyes Wyvern" which then enables you to summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon"(REDMD) from your graveyard. It also has a healthy 1800 ATK points]] I would also be tempted to remove "Sangan" and replace it with a further REDMD as it is a very durable card as you can special summon some key dragons from the Hand or Graveyard. If you are looking for Dragon Dark Monsters, I would be tempted to add "Axe Dragonute" as it has a great 2000 attack beat-stick, plus it can be banished for REDMD.

The other Light and Dark cards look okay. A lot depends on your playing style.


I would be tempted to replace one "Solar Recharge" with "Pot of Duality" but apart from that, the spells look fine.


No Trap Cards? I would say you need, at the very least, "Bottomless Trap Hole" and/or "Mirror Force" if you want to compete with the current Meta game. They are good in case you get nuked via "Dark Hole" for example. You have cards in your back row to help you. ----SuperSponge!!(Talk)(About me) 19:08, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

Chaos Dragon's tend to work well without any Trap's at all, just look at all the one's who have topped at national and YCS level. Also try Mystic Tomato perhaps, it's a good floater, that is also DARK and gives you access to Sangan, maybe 2 Tomato and a Spirit Reaper as that also gives you access to a durable stall, if you ever find yourself drawing dead.

Doz Bate: Stay (sic)!! 23:26, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, Mystic Tomato can work as a replacement for Tour Guide, to a degree, and that's what Alex Reed used at Dallas because he didn't have Tour Guides. ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 02:09, June 29, 2012 (UTC)

If not Mystic Tomato, then try Armageddon Knight. He helps to dump REDMD into the grave, and also provides another Dark target. -- (talk) 23:08, June 29, 2012 (UTC)

I run Chaos Dragons as well, without Tour Guides. I have found that since you don't run traps, Jinzo is AMAZING tech into the build. its a dark, and is level 6 if you have Photon Strike Bounzer. I put a Plaguespreader in my build, sync it with Pulsar for a Void Ogre, if you tend to go out of a hand quickly. you could run a few traps if you really want to. i suggest torrential Tributes, so you can get Pulsar's effect off. The dirtiest card I've seen in Chaos Dragons is actually Destruct Potion. destroy your Pulsar and get his effect, while gaining 2500 Life Points at the same time. Decolico (talkcontribs) 21:34, July 2, 2012 (UTC)Decolico

well thats a shame becausew it misses timing--LaserGhost (talkcontribs) 18:02, July 3, 2012 (UTC)

Spirit Reaper is always useful. I'd even suggest Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite and maybe Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind along with it. Zephyros is quite useful in anything using level 4s, especially if you can mill it into the grave. And Gale is just that powerful tuner (that you can Special Summon from the hand if Zephyros is on the field.) Maybe not what you're looking but you might be surprised. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 18:29, July 3, 2012 (UTC)