Forum:Scrubbed raid and shrink

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if i attack my opponents monsters with one of my monsters and my opponent activates shrink (which would destroy my monster) can i chain scrubbed raid to end my own battlephase? also can you activate quickplays like shrink or book of moon durring damage calculation?

also can i activate a quickplay spell card (like book of moon) from my hand and then chain scrubbed raid to send that spell card to the graveyard to end my opponents battlephase? i am pretty sure i can do this as the cards dont leave the field until the chain resolves right? so when i quickplay my spell card it is on the field and i should be able to send it to the graveyard using scrubbed raid.

thanks for any imput

Redeagler (talkcontribs) 02:27, August 30, 2010 (UTC)redeagler

-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 06:04, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

yeah sorry if it's inconvienient i have 2 cousins who absoloutely insist upon getting feedback over certain questions, i was 99% sure i could use a quickplay from my hand and then send it to the graveyard using scrubbed raid but they called it bs, one of them also claims i cannot activate a quickplay from my hand upon the activation of card destruction, which can't be right because its effect hasn't resolved yet and i am sopose to be given a chance to chain. none the less this seems to be a very complicated game that was intended for a 6 year old and i think i am starting to understand the mechanics properly.

thanks for the help and sorry for the inconvience i will search harder next time.

Redeagler (talkcontribs) 18:28, August 30, 2010 (UTC)redeagler