Forum:Spiritually Connected?

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You know how some of the duelists in the anime feel connected to their cards spiritually? As in, they trust the cards in their deck and believe in the heart of the cards? Well, does anyone in real life feel spiritually connected with the cards in their deck, and I mean it like on a pretend level. As in, does anyone use their imagination when they play with their deck?

I do, and I was recently ridiculed for it, because I wrote a poem about how I liked my Lightsworn deck. It was a good poem too, but apparently the only thing they saw from it was a chance to ridicule me.

Anyway, does anyone else feel as though their cards are more than just cards to them?LightMasterJ 08:44, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

For me, I'm not too sure. I usually doubt things like this, but I sometimes (big emphasis on sometimes) just whisper/call the card name (when in a desperate situation) just before I draw and then I happen to draw that card (no I didn't stack). Seemed to work with Lonefire Blossom and Debris Dragon (this card makes good comebacks) a lot last year, that was when I had my Debris-Hime deck (then I dismantled it when it got hit by the ban list). I now run a Gladiator Beast deck and since I usually get what I need in my starting hand to win, I don't do that any more, in the situation where I do lose, I usually lose in one turn (cheap ass Blackwing and Infernities these days...). Also, I have a friend who says "Storm, storm, storm" continuously when in a bad situation and then they get it, either that or I hear an "ahhh cr**"" from them. xD Falzar FZ 08:58, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

Of course there is as connection, when u playd with my morphrtonic deck, in every 1st hand i drawed the scoped and any lvl 4 monster, 2 make a PTD in the first turn. the same happend when my opponent had very few life points, i either draw scoped or celfon. now i run an inmortal deck n when i need the hardened casuse i have 2 many inmortals, i draw it.

if u really really really need a card as a last hope, u sure will draw it, but u truly have 2 believe in ur deck. somethin similar happens with boosters packs, if u want a SR, UR or others, if u believe in the heart of the pharaoh u may get somethin good. oh btw, drawin a gold sarchofagus isnt a ´´destiny draw´´ as calld tis in the TF´s games Pato M 09:17, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

lol at Pato M's comment, where not in the anime you know. OjaOwnage 09:24, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

I had a little feeling that, the more you use the Deck, the better it will perform. The more duels you win with it, the better the consistency of its performance. Decks that go unused for a long time will probably grow resentful of its disuse and may deliberately screw you over.

But I have a little more faith in the Random Number God nowadays, which determines everything luck-based, be it shuffling, coin tosses or die rolls. Screwed-up hand after shuffling? Your RNG's not liking you today. Failed coin tosses in succession? RNG's being mischievous. --Gadjiltron 10:12, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

you know i feel conected to my cards when i need something good i draw it. i like to keep my deck clean in the right order after every duel. i think this contributes to my wins. and my friends make fun of me but they dont act the same way and they dont respect there dack as much as i do. Har-Magedon 17:00, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

I trust my decks the same way I trust my bed to be soft and my clothes to be warm. It's not trust like in a person - it's trust in a reliable inanimate object. Runer5h 20:46, March 10, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

honestly how more nerdy can we get? -.-

playing the game,"card chants" and now this!??! come on people DX no wonder we get so much shit for playin this well i dont cuz its just a game to me but people who say chants before they bring out a card or feel "spiritualy connected" to a piece of paper. god D: i dont wanna be mean or offend anyone but damn -.- Raiga 22:02, March 10, 2010 (UTC)


Yes i do. As a wiccan i feel spiritual auras and my water deck's aura blends with my aura of air perfectly. So yes, i do feel connected to my deck

I don't believe in that whole "heart of the cards" stuff. If I draw a certain card, I know it was only a matter of luck. So when I need a specific card during a duel, I'll calculate the odds of me drawing it while I'm waiting for my opponent to end their turn. And if I draw the card I needed, then yay. If not, I try to think of ways to improve my deck so I'll always have the card I need. --Blue (Talk) 23:25, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

I also don't believe that there is a "spiritual connection" with my cards. If we all had a spiritual connection with our decks, then we would never lose. We'd all end up topdecking ala Yugi. DemonGodAsura 23:31, March 10, 2010 (UTC)
Well, someone would have to lose. Runer5h 23:56, March 10, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

I do as Blue does. I calculate the odds. It helps for a fact that I know all of my decks card for card, and how many copies of each all in my head. :B BTW, that's just common sense we should all know and use. --Lifisali 00:13, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

The guy above is right but sometimes a card appears at the momment you need it the most for it to be considered just luck... let's call it extreme luck for now.