Forum:Super Polymerization Deck

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Fusion Confusion

Monster Cards


  • Elemental HERO Bladedge x3
  • Elemental HERO Bubbleman x3
  • Elemental HERO Flash x3
  • Elemental HERO Heat x3
  • Elemental HERO Ice Edge x3
  • Elemental HERO Lady Heat x3
  • Elemental HERO Necroshade x3
  • Elemental HERO Voltic x3

Extra Deck (15)

  • Elemental HERO Absolute Zero x2
  • Elemental HERO Escuridao x2
  • Elemental HERO Gaia x2
  • Elemental HERO Great Tornado x2
  • Elemental HERO Inferno x2
  • Elemental HERO Nova Master x2
  • Elemental HERO The Shining x2
  • Five-Headed Dragon x1

Spell Cards


  • De-Fusion x3
  • Fusion Weapon x2
  • Mystical Space Typhoon x3
  • Polymerization x3
  • Pot of Benevolence x3
  • Super Polymerization x3

Trap Cards


  • DNA Surgery x3

Sapphowako (talkcontribs) 21:43, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

This deck is based off of Super Polymerization's ability to use your opponents monsters in your fusions. I'm having trouble with the right Elemental Hero support. Could someone help me? --Sapphowako (talkcontribs) 21:44, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

You can also go with Shaddoll monsters if it's Super Poly you're focusing on. And I may be wrong, but wouldn't you be wanting DNA Transplant rather than DNA Surgery? Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 21:53, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

You could add Quick Booster to retrieve and possibly even search for super polymerization. Also you could add Supply Squad to draw cards when some of your weaker HEROs are destroyed by battle so you have more cards to discard for Super Poly. Finally a cool combo with E-Hero Absolute Zero and M-Hero Acid is to fuse for Zero and then mask change for Acid to completely wipe out your opponent's field. --Venom assult trooper (talkcontribs) 23:16, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the help. I'm looking at using all of the stuff. Sanokal, the card I want is DNA Surgery, because that is for types. I can clear my opponent of monsters using Super-poly to get a Five-Headed Dragon. Although the DNA Transplant can help with counters to the Five-Headed Dragon. The only problem is I don't really know which heroes I should use. --Sapphowako (talkcontribs) 23:32, September 6, 2014 (UTC)

Ah, I see. Could probably help you out with using "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" if you so desired/you have the Extra Deck space. I'd say take out "Bladedge" myself and use "Woodsman," replace "Ice Edge" with "Ocean," and the "Heat's" with "Blazeman" as well as add in "Shadow Mist" - though I apologize, I haven't considered whether this is to be applied in real life, in which case, forget "Shadow Mist" (until the end of the year) and "Blazeman" (for **** knows how long.) Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 00:07, September 7, 2014 (UTC)