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help with a plant deck?

so i'm new-ish (been playing for a month now?). could you still help me? =]

i've gotten to the point where i'm satisfied with my deck, but would like another (more seasoned) duelist's advice and input. money isn't a factor for me here. i'm just looking for your opinion/ideas ^_^

so here are my cards:

i just got a "card of safe return" today and was thinking of adding it in there, too.

what do you think? =]

p.s. i know this might be a fruitless effort, but, to everyone reading this, please don't copy my deck =[ it took me forever to put it together. plus, it's even more rewarding when you customize your own =]

  • Will get working on this one Right away. --Tantara 13:49, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
  • You can go several directions with this deck, you can do a Black Garden deck (an extreme control deck), Gigaplant OTK, Debris Plants (uses Debris Dragon, a very decent deck), or skill drain plants. These are the plant decks that are the most competitive at the moment. You can also decide to do plant aggro, but I really recommend one of the above. Would you like me to make the least expensive one for you? --Tantara 02:43, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I'm not sure which direction I want to go with my deck. I feel there are so many at this point. I was thinking of running Black Garden in my deck, and I have also considered Skill Drain...

I have a Black Garden I keep on the side, but I'm not sure on how to use it effectively. What cards should I add if I do want to make mine a Black Garden deck?

Currently, I think my deck is really close to a Gigaplant OTK. I pulled it off a few times with an Ultimate Offering coupled with three Gigaplants and a Tytannial. Was this what you had in mind?

As for Skill Drain, what cards do you think I should add?

I don't want to ask you to make me a deck, and I don't want to change mine too much. Which cards would you run in my deck?

I'm sorry for all the questions ^-^;; Thank you for taking the time to help me out -nekoshii

  • Black Garden is a control deck in which you summon Tytannial and then activate Black Garden (tytannial keeps 2800 atk). Tytannial and Polinosis then use the tokens spawned by Black Garden to control the field. Unfortunately, Solemn Judgment is a big card in Black Garden so that may not be the best deck for you (it's still my favorite Plant variant deck out though.) Skill Drain plant decks are currently one of the most powerful as Lonefire Blossom is unaffected by Skill Drain allowing you to summon Tytannial and negate all effects. The deck also uses Trade-In and Pot of Avarice making it a very quick deck as well. Gigaplant OTK is an OTK in which you... well, this is easier lonefire->lonefire->lonefire->Gigaplant->Supervis->Lonefire->Gigaplant->Polymerization->Superalloy Beast->Supervis->Gigaplant->Gigaplant->Lonefire->Gigaplant->lonefire->Tytannial. Sorry for the confusing explanation of the Gigaplant OTK, but it's one of the best OTKs out there (utilizing only 3 cards!) --Tantara 18:55, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I'll just make a Black Garden deck as that's the one that'll be least affected by the ban list. --Tantara 23:20, 17 August 2009 (UTC)


I've just started getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh! after not playing for about a year, so I'm new to these Synchro Monsters, so could somebody make me a Morphtronic deck that incorporates the Boarden OTK, Boomboxen OTK, and Beatdown strategies. Also, if it can use tuners and synchros, that would be great.

  • I'll get to work on this one. --Bluedog (Talk) 19:50, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I forgot to ask, is there a certain price range you had in mind? (60 dollars, 100, etc.) --Bluedog (Talk) 01:18, 15 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Bluedog, if this user doesn't respond within the next twenty four hours, abandon and delete this request. The user is being rude and disrespectful in making you wait. --Tantara 20:31, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Gravity Burn

Hey, would you look at this deck for me it really needs help? Its called Gravity Burn.

  • Please put this in the Deck Template and we'll help you. --Tantara 17:25, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Fixed this one too, ugh. @.@ Berserkfhurer
  • May I ask what the strategy is? I might be able to help... if I knew what your deck was... --Tantara 16:05, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Alrighty then. --Bluedog (Talk) 21:22, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Paladin Deck

how would one go about getting the deck and giving the money?

  • Getting the cards is YOUR job. My job is to create the perfect decklist for you. --Tantara 01:31, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Ah. The way you worded your post you made it seem as though you were actually making the decks yourself.

In that case, I have a post about 2 or 3 threads down about a Dark-Paladin based deck that I'd like to make as well-balanced as possible. Help with that would be great. Watermelonman 01:36, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

  • When I'm done with the Fairy project I've taken on, post whatever you have of your Paladin deck here and I'll take that up next. --Tantara 01:48, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Here's what I have so far

I also tried to make another variation to fit in Sorcerer of Dark Magic, but it feels a little crowded (10 extra cards) and not as good as the above

In the extra deck I have Dark paladin, B. Skull Dragon, Stardust Dragon, and Colossal Fighter.

Extra Deck

Thanks, but using Hex-Sealed Fusion strategy wouldn't work in this situation, due to Dark Paladin only being possible to special summon via fusion summon :p Watermelonman 22:09, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Crap. That's why I didn't use it in my old Paladin deck... Fixed, the deck isn't what it was before, but it can still get out Paladin in a decent amount of time. (the hex-sealed fusion could consistently get out Paladin by turn 3...) --Tantara 22:26, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Thanks! It looks real nice. I'll give it a test run and see how it works Watermelonman 00:07, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
  • No problem, I do have to warn you about overextending yourself. This deck is low on summonable monsters so you need to be sure to play conservatively and not overextend yourself. --Tantara 00:36, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Fairy Deck

This is the core for the "ideal" fairy deck that I am wanting. Money is not an issue besides getting Honest and Solemn Judgment at the moment. Feel free to put those cards in your idea of the deck though and I will just find temporary replacements for them. For the deck I was thinking of taking Athena and making her a power house with Synthetic Seraphim while still maintaining a counter fairy deck. Thanks for the help. Dutchels8 01:18, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I'll get on this one right away. Can you afford Nova Summoners or Gellenduos? Solemn Judgment is just $15 off ebay right now. after the release of Gold Series 2 --Tantara 01:31, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Yes I can afford those. Solemn Judgements are that cheap now? Last I checked they were $50, guess thats better for me then =D and thank you Tantara :D you rock! Dutchels8 01:39, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I was wrong, Solemns are $20, but if you can afford Gellenduos I'll guess that you can do Solemns as well. I'll have your deck posted on this thread within the next few days. --Tantara 01:48, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Alright, thanks a bunch =D Dutchels8 01:54, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Spell Cards

Trap Cards


  • Along with slightly editing your skeleton (removed unnessecary cards; Sanctuary, Heralds, Storm, etc. have been replaced with something that helps the strategy of the deck more), I've added a draw engine of Trade-In and Bountiful Artemis to increase the deck speed. If you'd like, I'd also like to make a side deck for this (This deck may have problems with Lightsworn and other decks, this problem can easily be fixed). If this deck isn't to your liking, please tell me your issue and I'll revise it to your liking. --Tantara 02:21, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Please feel to make a side and thanks the deck looks good!! lol its soo hard getting back into yugioh with all these new cards out :( but your a life saver!!

Dutchels8 02:56, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I've added a skill drain side, as almost none of your monsters are affected, you'll destroy unprepared decks such as Lightsworn and Gladiator Beast. Other cards in your side allow you to take on Synchro Cat as well. I've also dropped the popular side deck card, Mirror of Oaths, in favor of Rivalry which allows you to decimate all the top decks to an extent. --Tantara 03:14, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Very nice side deck from just looking at the cards. Although, how will Skill Drain not affect me? Wouldn't that hurt me just as much as my oppenent? Dutchels8 04:11, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I was wrong, I thought that Skill Drain wouldn't touch Artemis. I'm fixing your side deck, hehe sorry. --Tantara 13:49, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Counter Fairy/Synthetic Angel Deck

Can you make me a deck out of the counter fairy and synthetic angel cards? It doesn't matter how much the cards cost, I'll get them one way or another.

  • Sure, do you want Sanctuary incorporated, or..? And this deck COULD become VERY expensive. --Tantara 04:23, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Whatever would make it work the best.
  • This was a tough one, Majestic Mechs are better used in Valhalla based fairy decks, here, Goryu is being used with Trade-In for speed. --Tantara 13:49, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Wetlands deck

if you aren't currently on a project, is there any chance in you helping me create the perfect wetlands deck with side? Money for cards isn't a problem, can't to crush people with my frogs :D

Extra –

Side –

chaos dad monarch deck

please help me with my dad/chaos/ monarch i dont have destiny hero malicious and all that so dont say that u need to put in 2 malicious also i know this deck isnt completer and i have to much monsters so help me decide wat to add and remove (i dont have solemns or mirror force, torrential or any other expensive staples) my money limit is 50 because i already spent a lot on this deck

Extra deck =

hers how the deck works dad is the main component of the deck its helps mantain control on the field gorz is just for beat down and its dark caius for field control and its dark for chaos and dad raiza also for field control prime material for monster protection and burn protection and also its a light for chaos sorceror cyber dragon for tributing for my monarchs and its a light for chaos the tricky so i can discard dark monsters to special summon dad breaker is good ofr spell/ trap advantage and and its dark for chaos and dad dd. warrior lady for field control and for chaos snipe hunter for field control and its dark for chaos and dad mystic tomato to seach out just about all my low level monster including sangan and its dark for chaos and dad x3 krebons for stalling and for synchroing and its dark for chaos and dad 2 gk spys so i can tribute them for monarchs or for dad sangan to search out my tuners/ low level monsters and for dad plague spreader is for synchroing/dad / chaos/ sacrificing for monarch lyla the lightsworn sorceror for chaos and magic/ trap control Anhoang11 16:34, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I'll help this one, if nobody minds. It'll be ready (or close enough) in a few days. --Bluedog (Talk) 21:20, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Well first off, this deck is only 35 cards. Second, would you be willing to buy a Stardust Dragon? They're not too expensive and one would really help this deck. So would Goyo Guardian (again, not horribly expensive). Those are just a few things, I'll have more changes/fixes by tomorrow. --Bluedog (Talk) 04:39, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

i know it has 35 cards i mentioned it at the top also i no longer have marshmallon but now i have a bottomless trap hole and a escape from dark damension and i also put gale the whirlwind in here too 18:54, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

There ya go.


  • 1 Krebons - Deck had a few too many Tuners and not enough Synchros to make it worthwhile.
  • 1 Soul Exchange - Deck managed to produce Tribute fodder on its own when I tested it, didn't think it needed two that badly.
  • 1 Trap Hole - Bottomless was a better alternative anyway.


  • 2 Foolish Burials - Perfect for this sort of deck, shouldn't be too expensive, maybe a dollar or three at the most for one.
  • 1 Giant Trunade - Useful for clearing opponent's s/t cards. Not very expensive.
  • 1 Heavy Storm - Also useful for clearing s/t cards and not really that expensive either.
  • 1 By Order of the Emperor - Just in case you summon a Monarch and don't want to use its effect and also provides extra speed.
  • 1 Magic Jammer - A little negation never hurt anyone (except your opponent) and helps get monsters in the grave for DAD/Chaos.
  • 1 Seven Tools of the Bandit - Again, negation.

None of the cards I added should cost much more than a dollar or so, unless you opt to buy Stardust and Goyo which will cost maybe 20 bucks each, but they're not that important, so don't worry about them. I hope this helped. --Bluedog (Talk) 03:32, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

Aliens for hire

Hello, i am also getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh! after not playing for about two years and I have seen something that I think I want. An alien control deck based around rapidly putting a-counters on the opponent's monsters (overlord, Gol'Gar, "A" cell scatter burst), then taking control of them to beat them into the dust. EDIT: Alien cards are pretty cheap to my knowledge, but nothing over $50 please--Gere102 19:42, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Extra Deck

Hope this is to your liking. --Tantara 17:25, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Oh thank you so much! This deck looks amazing! I will go out and get the cards ASAP. Also: do you know of any good card dealing websites? I was thinking of using, but if you know of a cheaper one please reply. Thank you sooooooooo much.

  • glad you like it. I recommend using and eBay(some of troll's cards are really overpriced). One last thing; some lvl 8 synchros are needed (ammonite+dog+lvl4=lvl8) just try and get a colossal fighter and a stardust, they're not hard to get--Tantara 21:41, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
    • maybe helpful as well. I can't tell if they're inflated or not though. Berserkfhurer 04:04, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

It looks good but I don't understand how the deck is supposed to work. Oh and is there a side deck coming? I'm pretty clueless tyring to come up with one.--Gere102 13:47, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Darklord_Zerato (a TCGplayer user) has a guide should show you how the deck works The deck plays by summoning Gol'Gar as soon as possible and using his incredible effect to destroy at least 1-2 cards per turn (and attacks without any resistance as it bounces back trap cards!). The side deck has to be requested btw.


--Tantara 16:20, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Thank you for all of your help Tantara! I am glad that you made this, or else i would have never moved anywhere in Yu-Gi-Oh!--Gere102 17:31, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

  • It was a pleasure to finally make an alien deck. If your're ever in need of help, come again. --Tantara 17:40, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Are they seriously banning monster reborn and card of safe return? Should I just take it out of the deck?--Gere102 20:48, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Yeah, replace with Call of the Haunted and maybe a Cell Explosion Virus/Planet Polutant Virus --Tantara 23:23, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

Crystal Beastdown

So guys this is my current deck. It runs very smoothly but it will often get stuck with only unused spells in hand. I've been working on this deck for as long as the Crystal Beasts have been in the TCG. Any suggestions would be Greatly appreciated.

--GritS 06:33, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Will get on this one at once. --Tantara 17:49, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Crystal Abundance OTK is the most competitive Crystal Beast variant that I know of. Here's my version of it.

Hope you're satisfied. I can tell that you like the Rainbow Dragon variant, but Rainbow Dragon just isn't competitive enough to base a deck around. --Tantara 00:43, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

Psychic Deck

hello im building a psychic deck and side deck plz look at it thanks. Tell me what i should do to make it better.

  • Please put this in the deck template and we'll help you --Tantara 17:23, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Fixed it for them. Berserkfhurer 02:54, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I'll get this. --Tantara 14:26, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Extra Deck

Hope you'll like this. --Tantara 15:57, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Help my Harpies?

I bought an off-brand tin a few years back, thinking I'd get the XYZ Dragon Cannon that they displayed on the can... Instead I opened it to find half of the Harpie Starter deck, and one or two 5-card packs. Needless to say I wasn't pleased, but as I glanced over the deck slowly I figured why not? I had more than enough cards to reconstruct it, and maybe make it better! unfortunately I never found another full structure deck to combine with it and my friends never get any good support cards.

A little help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I can't really tell you what kind of deck this really is, so I can't really tell you where I want the deck to go. I will trust the decisions you make will only improve what's been started. Berserkfhurer 04:12, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Time for me to live up to my promise, I'll get onto this one right away. Do you have a set budget? --Tantara 23:16, 17 August 2009 (UTC)
    • Thar's a really good question, I don't really get to duel very much. So I guess no more than $35 or $40, I doubt I'll need as much but I can add the cards as I go.

These won't cost much and if you decide to buy these, you could probably get all of them off of Trollandtoad for $20. The most expensive thing is probably be Cyber Harpie Lady (it's $5 MAX). I'm sure that you're smart enough to figure out how to use the deck ;]. Hope that you're content with the deck, --Tantara 03:35, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Interesting,I've noticed that it's rather simplistic. That should make it all the easier to use, and I've already got most of the cards listed here. What about a side deck, or would this need one? Berserkfhurer 05:10, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
    • As Winged Beasts/WIND has virtually no support, the deck is forced to remain simplistic. Here's a side deck that should be able to counter MOST of the future meta.


      • Alright then, I'll go through my collection tomorrow and see what I have available then start comparing prices on the other cards. Thanks for your help! Berserkfhurer 08:17, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Help with a Twin Headed Thunder Dragon Deck

  • D.D.Thunder. The goal of the Deck is to Summon up to three Twin Headed Thunder Dragon with the help of remove from play cards, also to power up Golden Homunculus and Gren Maju Da Eiza. I´d like to get some ideas on how to make it work, the main point is to summon and use Twin Headed Thunder Dragon with the help of the Removed form Play zone, everything else is secondary. I'm not able to pay more than $4 per card, so that is the catch, hope you can help. HouseholdCatDeity 02:02, 17 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I call this one! This deck looks like so much fun --Tantara 20:01, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Nevermind, that was not fun. Removed Helios and Maju Da Eiza as their power ups are too small to use.

Hope this is to your satisfaction, if not, tell me what you don't like and I'll fix it. --Tantara 03:28, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

I worry a little about the deck becoming more of a pure D.D. deck with a Twin headed Thunder Dragon than a Twin headed thunder Dragon Deck with support via removed from game Cards, it seems the fusion bit of the deck has not support enough (since there deck allows for one way only to fusion summoning Twin headed thunder dragon) and most of the duels would be won by either Caius or Golden Homunculus HouseholdCatDeity 00:29, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

  • There are three lights of redemption here as well as three polymerizations. That should be enough to get out Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. There's Different Dimension capsule to search out Thunder Dragon as well. (u just need one removed and then you can use Light to get it back). --Tantara 18:25, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Thanks a lot, i just wish I had't traded my hole set of Different Dimension Capsule last month HouseholdCatDeity 16:46, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Lava Golem?

All I want is a good Lava Golem Deck that includes Lava Golem and Sakuretsu Armor.

I only have one LG though, my money limit is $40.


LavaGolemGuy 03:23, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Would you be willing to buy cards off the internet? To make a Lava Golem deck you'd have to have more than one Lava Golem --Tantara 19:54, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
  • This post will be moved to the archive unless you respond within the next 24 hours. --Tantara 18:20, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

Yes, I get most of my yugioh cards of LavaGolemGuy 00:54, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

  • All right, I'll get onto this one. --Tantara 03:28, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Do you REALLY need Sakuretsu Armor? I have one h*** of a build here that'll be messed up by Sakuretsu. --Tantara 03:37, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Nah. I dont need Sakuretsu Armor. LavaGolemGuy 16:13, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Excellent, this is the BEST burn build I have ever seen. It's called a Cylinder Burn and was invented by Kris6345 (a very talented tcgplayer user). This is a burn deck using EFFECTIVELY NO STALL. Instead of stall, the deck uses a cumulative 15 magic cylinders. This deck utilizes Lava Golem by giving an opponent a 3000ATK beatstick that burns and, if it attacks, can inflict a further 3000 damage to the opponent through a magic cylinder. --Tantara (talk) 22:34, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

elemental hero neos deck.

if you could i would really appreciate it if you made me a tournament worthy elemental hero neos deck.

i have no problem with the cost.

thank you

  • Alright, I think I can help you. --Bluedog (Talk) 19:34, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Okay so basically, this deck works by using Hero Mask and Prisma to send Neos/a Neo-Spacian to the grave from the deck in order to make Contact Fusions a lot quicker. The Transmigration Prophecy restocks the deck with Elemental Hero Neos' in case they're all in your grave when you need them. Hero Signal, Stratos, and Emergency Call help search out whatever Hero you need at the moment. Oversoul, Birthright, and Call of the Haunted are mostly for summoning Neos or Neos Alius from the grave to set up a Contact Fusion or just for a beatstick. Necroshade is there to make summoning Neos easier. Lightning Vortex is for discarding Neos or Necroshade to help summon Neos (by Oversoul and stuff or Necroshade's effect). Same goes for Foolish Burial. Pathfinder and Magical Merchant search out Neo Space so you don't lose your fusions during the End Phase. Please note that this deck requires A LOT of luck to work properly, anyway, good luck and I hope this helped. If you're not satisfied with the way this deck turned out, ask me or one of the other deck-builders to help fix it. --Bluedog (Talk) 04:48, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

blackwing deck

hey here is my blackwings i am willing to pay $55 bucks on it i dont have any solemns and gale will soon be limited to 1 and i need a armor master

help me im only getting 2nd and 3rd place so help me Blackwingggys 16:25, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I've got this, it's already VERY good.
  • I've added different tech choices that should be interesting this format. As BW usually revolve around LV7 synchros, it's essential that you get Armor Master ($15-$20), but if you're unable to get him I've added Tomatos which should turn Black Rose into a fun toy. --Tantara 18:43, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

Hand Control Deck

First of all, thank you for taking the time to look at my deck. Your (my) budget is unlimited, after all it is my job to get the cards together. I just want your input on the deck. Also, if you can please include a side deck and an extra deck. I would like the deck to be able to compete with Gladiator Beasts, Lightsworns, and Blackwings. The strategy that I am requesting is opponent hand control. As the name of the deck implies: No-Hand

Here it is:

Oh... feel free to create 3 different variants of the deck. One to combat Glads. One to combat Lightsworns. One to combat Blackwings. Or, just one good deck and one good side deck with an extra deck that can challenge all three deck types. Here are some details on the current deck:

With this deck I attempt to clear their field of monsters and directly attack to get to their hand.

I think I ought to explain two of my monster choices.

Pitch-Black Warwolf acts as a Jinzo when I go to battle.

With him out I do not have to worry about traps messing up my attacks.

Masked Sorcerer assumes I have a clear field and provides a source of draw power.

Once again thank you for the help. 04:17, 20 August 2009 (UTC) AceCloudKicker

  • I've got this. --Tantara 19:11, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

  • This is what I've come up with. The deck does a great job of hampering your oponents hands until they have no resources left. --Tantara 19:11, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Thank You Very Much

The deck looks awesome. I am looking forward to trying it out. Thank You for a wonderful job, Tantara! 04:17, 23 August 2009 (UTC) AceCloudKicker

Ojama Deck

i need to build the ultimate ojama deck(if that's even possible). me and a friend of mine are having a contest where we got to build the best one possible within 2 weeks and we duel to see who's is the best. only rule is all 5 ojama's and the 2 ojama fusions must be included.

money limit:below 50 preferred but not necessary

I got this one. I <3 Ojamas. -bewk
Ojama Control Beatdown by bewk

If you combine massive deck-thinning with hand advantage and control tactics, you can make a great deck. The most expensive card in the deck is Tragoedia, but it won't break the bank. Tell me if you find any faults with the deck, for I will make another. -bewk

  • Whoo! What a deck BEWK! Nice OCG flavoring with Raigeki Break. This lucky duelist has one fine decklist. Interesting choice with Cold Enchanter as well. --Tantara 03:25, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
  • i think i might use this deck also do you think adding united we stand to the deck would be good
  • First of all, sign your post with 4 tildes (~) and second of all, no. United We Stand is a terrible card and not worth it in anything but Equip Warrior decks. --Tantara (talk) 20:40, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

a volcanic deck or a armed dragon deck

i want to know what would be a better deck out of armed dragon or volcanic

note: not a dad deck

also do you sell me the deck

  • You buy the deck yourself --Tantara 19:56, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

so will you make me a list for whatever deck is better

  • Yeah, we'll make the best decklist we can for you, all you do is buy the cards. You'll have to wait a bit though, we've got a bit of a line. --Tantara 20:48, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

witch deck would be better armed dragon or volcanic

  • I'll take this request. I prefer Armed Dragon, but a consistent Armed Dragon deck would need to include Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon which makes it rather expensive. Please choose one of these ASAP so I can get started. --Tantara (talk) 23:31, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
armed dragon because i have the dragons already whitch makes it cheaper for me--Earthboundmortal 02:05, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
  • The armed dragons are cheap, it's the Red-Eyes that's not. --Tantara (talk) 02:43, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

i found a good deal on it and also is there other promo cards in the deck

  • There may be Red-Eyes Wyvern, but it's going to come out in the next Special Edition. Just wait and get it cheap. --Tantara (talk) 02:49, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Here ya go. Hope you like it. --Tantara (talk) 20:04, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

  • oops

Extra Deck

  • F.G.D.

--Tantara (talk) 22:21, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

what fusion monster is there

Fairy Build

This is a deck I created from some old and new cards I have. Recently, I obtained from a retailer two Premium Pack 2 packages, and I found some Fairy Support, namely Athena and Valhalla. So as you can imagine, I wanted to make some sort of small Fairy build.

I mixed in some old cards to add some fun to the deck while trying to keep a "serious" tone to the deck as well, but I don't know if my work is done yet, as I can still acquire more copies of certain key cards...

My spending limit, I suppose, can be around $40. This is not a competitive deck by the way, or rather, it isn't supposed to be one; but if it can hold its own in most duels, I'd be happy with that.

Extra Deck:

A note about a certain card: I have played with this deck before, and found that my hand is drastically burned off, and so I incorporated a Shifting Sand just for the fun of it. It works well when I do play it at the right time. --Kaibadragon999 04:21, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Fairies... my specialty. I'll take this. --Tantara (talk) 20:51, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
  • You can go in several different directions of utilization with the graveyard. You can run Pot of Avarice to provide speed and recycle shining angel, you can run Freed and Soul of Purity and Light, and you can run triple athena, your choice. --Tantara (talk) 23:03, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Unless there is activity on this request within the next 24 hours, this will be moved to the archive. --Tantara (talk) 21:30, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Can you tell me how many copies of Pot of Avarice, Freed and Soul, that I should run? Should I add in one or two more Valhalla? And anything else I should consider? --Kaibadragon999 22:06, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Ok, you're alive. You don't use Avarice, Freed/Soul, and Athena at once. You choose one way to utilize your graveyard. Which would you like to utilize? --Tantara (talk) 22:17, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I suppose Pot of Avarice, since I would like to see what can be done with this card. --Kaibadragon999 22:46, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Not like me to take so long, but this will be done sometime tomorrow. I'm taking some personal time with these fairies. I lovezem. --Tantara (talk) 23:13, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Here, the point of the deck is to get to Valhalla as soon as possible and then summon a high lvl monster and then procede to summon other beatsticks such as Guardian of Order and Athena through cards like Reasoning. --Tantara (talk) 23:19, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Alright, thanks, I'll try this deck out. --Kaibadragon999 03:41, 30 August 2009 (UTC)

Needs a look over

I'll help Kihjan on this one. Messengerofthedark 07:46, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

This is the current state of my deck. I want to improve it, feels as though I'm not getting enough of it at times. I want something to compete with the synchro cat / black wing hybrids I sense coming up. I am missing a few cards as well. 2 Mezuki, 1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari, 1 Gladiator Beast Laquari. A Gladiator Beast Gyzarus for my extra deck.

Update I got Bestiari and Gyzarus tonight.

My side-deck:

1 of each Foolish Burial and Burial from a Different Dimenion will probably be replaced with X-Saber Airbellum. 1 or 2 Mirror Oaths might even help out or 2 Shiny Black "C"'s. My extra deck can be listed if required. But yeah I would like some constructive critisism as to how my deck can be improve. And If possible would there be a way to make a BlackWingZombie combination or even a BlackWingGlad variaton. I'd be willing to put out at least 30$ to improve this deck. --Kihjan

  • Monsters: Well, first off, Breaker didn't really have much of a place in this particular deck, so he gets to come out. Spartacus and Hoplomus were next. With there being only one card in the whole deck to summon him, Spartacus already is on a limb, but having just 2 Hoplomus wouldn't cut it; tagging two turns for one card. So he came out. Octavius is good as an easy beatstick to get out, and Darius can easily summon something from the grave to end up tagging out. The biggest thing that was missing, was having just Plaguespreader as a Tuner, and with Cat in the deck, who doesn't like the idea of Airbellum and Samnite for a Goyo or Iron Chain?
  • Spells: Well, the spells didn't have much wrong outside of Heavy Storm, which was easily subbed with Trunade, having Zombie World in the deck. And what better way to get Zombie World than Terraforming? At worst, it's discard fodder for Monk or Vortex, and at its best, it thins the deck. Magical Mallet can shuffle cards back into the deck that aren't very useful, and the rest is defensife, as the monsters pack a lot of punch.
  • Traps: I saw another version of the deck, and was confused. Some of the cards were straight up security, with very little benefit. A second Chariot is a must with DaD and JD going around like the common cold, and to protect the smaller monsters, a Mirror Force was added (take that Blackwings). If Zombie World is consistently played, then Call should be removed for another Book of Life, what a double whammy that card is, disrupting LS and DARK decks.

Enjoy your new and improved Gald Zombies, Kihjan. We'll have to rematch against my BW's to put it to the real test, even if you have to proxy. Messengerofthedark 07:46, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

blue eyes synchro +eartbound

hi i already have a blue eyes deck based around special summoning blue eyes anyway possible and synchro summoning but it lacks the power and speed for a quick finish and i like the earth bound immortals allot so i would like to make a blue eyes deck combined whit them but i have no idea how to begin so i wanted to ask you to make one

many thanks Knightofwhitedragon 07:08, 23 August 2009 (UTC) ps i am only 16 years old so i don't have the mony to buy cards like red eyes darkness metal and solomn judgement

Blue Eyed Earthbounds?? - Takuma.

Monster Cards

Normal Monsters

Effect Monsters

Spell Cards

  • Deck count up: 20+16+4 = 40
  • Synchros are Generic: Goyo, Magical Android, Black rose dragon. That is the bare minimum in this deck because of lack of real synchro materials.
  • I am not very experienced with Blue eyes decks, or Earthbound gods. However Blue eyes decks itself cost money to run. Assuming you are making the deck from scratch this would cost around 50$ total. From scratch, however if you have the staples or easy to get cards such as MST, Heavy, trunade, brain control, ect. The cost is quite a bit less. Also, the deck costs more if you use spell strikers vs. level stealer, its also slower without level stealer. In THEORY this deck should work, however there are a lot of good cards which I just could not put in there such as Elemental Hero Prisma. For obvious expense reasons.
  • Endymion was chosen as the main field for the deck because of its protection ability. You will not be able to use the counters for the most part however it does protect the field and your earthbound god very well. Other field spells were not used because of easy destruction, or bad downsides. (Was thinking of Masoleum of the emperor).
  • Comments, concerns? I would be happy to listen to them. Lets hope my first time using the deck template worked out well.
  • P.S. As a note, I am not available a lot so I did this to try and keep up with strategies.
  • Second P.S.: I didn't know your budget so I went with, Cheap as you can get without ruining the deck. Hope it works.--Takuma. 08:21, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

ty verry much for your help i will build the deck as soon as i have the cards needed Knightofwhitedragon 16:34, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Machine Deck

Could you update this deck, please? It was created by my 12-year-old son, who asked me to list it here. In watching him play it, it seems like a good deck that needs some expert tuning - and we are REALLY out of touch with the new cards. Limit is $50. Thanks so much for your help.

Kungfu-mama Updated to show most current version. He bought cards this weekend! Thanks again.

I'll see what I can do. --Bluedog (Talk) 19:12, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Alright, I took the deck and turned it into a Reactor deck that focuses on using the Reactor monsters and summoning Sky Fire while also using Black Salvo and cards that dump machines in the graveyard to Synchro Summon Power Tool and Ancient Fairy and Black Rose.

Here are the changes:

Monsters Removed:

- Ancient Gear monsters work in their own sort of deck, and most of those cards were making it difficult to use the Reactors.

Removed Spells:

- Reinforcement is for a completely different sort of deck, Mask wasn't too helpful, Fighting Spirit was useful, but this deck doesn't swarm too often, Steelcage was replaced by Swords of Revealing Light (much better counterpart), Synchro Boost... well, this deck doesn't need it since Level 7 Synchros are easy to pull off, and Spell Absorption just wasn't relevant.

Removed Traps:

-1 Scrap-Iron and Fake Explosion were enough and Drop Off did more harm than good in some cases. Draining Shield is nice and you can use it if you want, but I chose not to because the deck had enough ways to deal with attacks.


- Needed more Reactors. Phantom is essentially a free Reactor so you can summon Sky Fire easier, Armageddon makes it easy to pick and choose monsters for Black Salvo or Phantom of Chaos' effects. You mentioned you had a Cyber Dragon, so I figured, "why not?" and added it. Sangan and the Tomatoes just search out monsters. Black Salvo works great here since you can use it with Trap Reactor Y FI and Dekoichi. Dekoichi is just for drawing cards and also works well with Black Salvo.

- Level 7 Synchros are the most widely-used for this deck, so I added Black Rose. Gaia Knight is a just-in-case sort of thing (Black Salvo + Sangan or something). Chimeratechs are for taking advantage of Cyber Dragon and for when you have a lot of Machines on the field of in the grave.

- Foolish Burial and Card Destruction are helpful in using Phantom/Armageddon/Dark Eruption. Dark Eruption can recover a Reactor that got sent to the grave. Overload Fusion is in case you have a lot of Machines in the graveyard. Limiter Removal can be used for a surprise OTK. The rest are staples.

- SO useful when your opponent summons something powerful.

Well, that's all, and I hope I explained it all clearly. Oh, and about the prices: None of the cards I added are too expensive, but you'll probably end up spending quite a bit on Chimeratechs, though. One Chimeratech Fortress Dragon should be enough, 2 are just nice. --Bluedog (Talk) 21:41, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

Bluedog, you are simply AMAZING!!! Thanks for all the work and the GREAT explanations too!

Blackwing help

Monsters x17 Cyber Dragon Caius Shadow Monarch Blackwing-Shura the blue flame x3 Blackwing-Bora the Spear x3 Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn x3 Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow x3 Blackwing-Blizzard the Far North x2 Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind

Spells x 14 Junk Barrage Premature Burial Smashing Ground MST Lightning vortex Heavy Storm Brain Control Giant Trunade Monster Reborn Swallow's Nest Raptor Wing Strike Black Whirlwind x3

Traps x 9 Bottomless Trap Hole x2 Call of the Haunted Reckless Greed Icarus attack Torrential Tribute Dimension Wall Magical Arm Shield Negate Attack

Sychros x 6 Colossal Fighter Gaia Knight,the Force of Earth Stardust Dragon Ancient Fairy Dragon Black Rose Dragon Red Dragon Archfiend

Thank you for reading and i hopeyou can help me make this deck so much better,and please,try to make the cards you suggest to be in a tight budget,im nott known for money,lolz

  • Please put this deck in the deck template format and sign this request with 4 tildes (~) --Tantara (talk) 20:45, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
  • If there is no activity within the next 24 hours, this request will be removed --Tantara (talk) 21:31, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

Mill Deck

I want to build a mill deck based on Needle Worm, Morphing Jar 2 and, or Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower combined with Inferno Reckless Summon. I have 3 Inferno Reckless Summon and Im willing to spend up to 50.Anush1 21:55, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

dont mean to step over the bounds here but this is a mill deck i made that you might like, 54 cards i think.--Kights

Go ahead and scratch what i put, i didnt take into account the Sept 1st banlist so that deck wont work for tournys. -- Kights

Zombie? Mill? - Edited, Morphing jar 2 based. Takuma.
  • Complete Deck total: 22+12+7 = 41.
  • On your post you said based on morphing jar 2 "and, or" so I went with making you a build that works for the "Or" part. A morphing jar 2 deck. I tried to keep as many of the zombies in the deck, however that became problematic as dumping stuff in the grave is tougher when using morphing jar 2. Only 5+ stars get dumped, and spells and traps. All four stars or less that you WANT in the grave will be special summoned, making it significantly tougher to dump them without foolish..
  • From what I've seen of mill decks this is generally how one looks like. However I did put a zombie twist to it in hopes of making it effective. This build won't break the bank, but I am not completely satisfied with it due to the inability for me to incorporate a working zombie mill based on the jar effectively.
  • Most of your defense is Chainable, waboku and threatening are standard. The lack of some "Staples" is due to the fact that your deck really won't attack as much. Other defense includes the new card Shiny Black "C" (Hurray for the roach!). Which I might say is pretty OP. It works well vs. Synchros and thats the whole purpose. Less Synchros = Good for you. Black rose will be the only thing screwing you over.
  • Eer long post so I am going to just stop here - This is NOT in any way shape or form my best work (Disclaimer Disclaimer). But it should work if you will allow a mostly Morphing Jar 2 based mill deck. It might take me some time if you want a zombie based one, that one is tricky.
  • P.S. - Wondering about the 41 cards? All decks, even mill decks dont really run off of any more than 40-41 cards. The only exception I can think of is Necroface mill. But that is a diff story entirely.--Takuma. 08:33, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Tyranno Infinity/Helios Deck

An idea I was working on. I was thinking of a Tyranno Infinity and Helios Power up Deck. I have Tyranno and plenty of Dinos and Macro cosmos, but not much else except the staples like MST. Money limit is $50. Thanks! P.S. Yes this is the same deck I posted in the main forum but as it's not getting any help there...

Two decks. One is a Yubel deck with no more than 42 cards. I used the Shaman engine before but it's dated now. Yubel is useless to me. I prefer to have Terror Incarnate on the field because it opens up the oppenent to direct attacks. Getting him on the field as fast as possible, with few cards, is the main goal. I then supplemented that with Calculator,Don Zaloog, and Black Ptera to get some strikes in and a Montage Dragon for the finsisher. I'm thinking more in terms of milling. Next deck sort of goes with the first. A Phantom of Chaos deck containing Sky scourge Nore, Demise, and Gandora maybe? But if you could incorporate PoC into the Yubel deck without it missing a beat then do so, but if it would be better to make two seperate decks I'm fine with it. The main things I'm looking for are speed and milling for either deck.

  • Please sign your request with 4 (~) --Tantara (talk) 20:58, 30 August 2009 (UTC)

  • If there is no activity within the next 24 hours, this request will be removed --Tantara (talk) 21:31, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

The Fog of War

I am terribly sorry for coming to this page again, but I am asking for another decklist. You see, I had initially decided that my two favorite deck types were Alien and Cloudian. I have already asked you for the alien deck, but because burden of the mighty is not being released as a common until the release of the next structure deck (October 27), I thought I might get the other decklist so that I may purchase them at the same time. If you think I am being pushy, aggressive, or needy feel free to delete this post. If someone does decide to take it though, I have a money limit of 50 dollars. Thank you for your time.--Gere102 15:26, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I've got this, pleasure to help you again --Tantara 19:59, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Thank you so much Tantara! I really owe you one--Gere102 20:38, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Cloudians aren't my specialty, but this is what I've come up with. It's a cloudian stall/burn, main point is to use cloudians to stall your opponent until you finally burn them to death with Updraft and Wave Motion Cannon. If this isn't good enough, I'll let one of my colleagues take over and help you. --Tantara 00:54, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

It looks good... for a cloudian burn deck. I was actually thinking more of a cloudian control that morphs into a beatdown. Involving acid cloud, cirrostratus, and altus for spell and trap, monster, and hand control respectively. Once you have gained enough control over your opponent it brings out a high attack nimbusman or eye of the typhoon for the finishing blow.--Gere102 01:28, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

  • You should have clarified that first, lol. I'll see if I can get a coleague to take over. --Tantara 18:29, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

Sorry, but the last time i asked for a control deck I got what I wasn't expecting. My bad--Gere102 18:40, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

  • It's fine, Blue-Eyes White Kid will take this request over. Thanks BEWK! --Tantara 19:04, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
  • You are most welcome. I'll get this done within a couple days. -bewk

Ty sooo muck BEWK!--Gere102 20:03, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

How do like the build? It follows the Sept. '09 list. Get Cloudian Squall out as soon as possible with this deck, it will be all up from there. It is the equivalent of Black Whirlwind in a Blackwing deck. I didn't use Turbulence and Smoke Balls because drawing a Smoke Ball will kill your hand, and the lack of Altus is explainable because in this deck, you will need your counters for mainly Nimbusman. I hate double-Tributers, that is why there is no Eye of the Storm.
This deck tested well, as far as Cloudians go. I do not recommend them for tournament use, but in the end, it is your choice. Feel free to personalize this deck; I prefer a small trap count. You may not. So, here is the structure of the deck, and feel free to mess around with it. -bewk

Looks pretty good. Can I have a side deck? Sorry to ask so much of you guys.--Gere102 22:04, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Can I please have a side deck--Gere102 23:50, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

Pretty please--Gere102 21:14, 27 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Moved this to the main forum. --Tantara (talk) 21:30, 27 August 2009 (UTC)

Ty tantara--Gere102 21:54, 27 August 2009 (UTC)

Sorry, here is the Side Deck:

Threatening Roar x 3

Swords of Revealing Light x 1

Light of Intervention x 3

Messenger of Peace x 3

Royal Oppression x 2

Light-Imprisoning Mirror x 3

This should help against LS and GBs, while still containing cards to stop your opponent from setting their monsters. And, since you will only be Special Summoning Cloudian - Storm Dragon, Royal Opression will not hurt you that much. -bewk

Neos Deck

Can someone build a Neos Deck for me with all the Neo-Spacian fusions? Money won't be an issue. But can you make the deck actually usable against actual people? Thanks in advance :D - Blaver 04:26, 28 August 2009 (UTC)

Magician/Spellcaster Deck help please

I would like to make a deck with Magician of Black Chaos, Dark Magician Girl x2, Dark Magician x3, and a Dark Magician Of Chaos, even though it is banned. Also, i would like to incorporate other spellcaster monsters, such as the ones from the "Spellcaster's Command" and "Spellcaster's Judgement" decks. Can I get some help? Also I would like to have the spell card "Spell Economics" in there, but I want the deck to also be able to function without it.

  • Please sign your request with 4 tildes (~) --Tantara (talk) 20:57, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
  • If there is no activity within the next 24 hours, this request will be removed --Tantara (talk) 21:31, 31 August 2009 (UTC)


Gladiator Beasts

This deck runs pretty quickly (like all Gladiator Beast Decks do), however, there are a few problems with it. Hedge Guard and Shield Warrior protect my Beasts, but if I draw them instead of a G.B. it usually seems to just ruin things, so I took them out in favor of Arcana Force XIV - Temperance. I could fix that problem pretty easy before Rescue Cat got Semi-Limited, and now Limited, but now that I can only have one, if I'm unlucky enough to not draw a G.B. in my starting hand or on my first turn, I'm usually SOL, considering my two best friends that I usually duel with use Lightsworns and Blackwings, respectively. My Tele-DAD scrap has no problem, but the Gladiator Beasts just don't cut it as well. Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated. By the way, I already have as many copies as I need of the expensive cards (Heraklinos, Octavius, War Chariot, etc.) so budget isn't much of an issue.

Gladiator Beast's Respite is here in case I draw Alexander or Spartacus so I can summon them without Tributes. It also adds a little Draw Power, and speeds the deck up even more.

  • NOTE: I realize there are a lot of monsters, but the purpose is to field swarm for Contact Fusions and Synchro Summons, ftw. Most of my spells and traps are for protection since Heraklinos, Murmillo, Bestiari, and Gyzarus have plenty of removal power and I can continuously summon them.
Gladiator Beasts Running Free

Monster Cards

Effect monsters

  • Gladiator Beast Alexander x2
  • Gladiator Beast Dimacari x3
  • Gladiator Beast Secutor x2
  • Gladiator Beast Bestiari x1
  • Gladiator Beast Darius x2
  • Rescue Cat x1
  • Gladiator Beast Samnite x2
  • Gladiator Beast Spartacus x1
  • Gladiator Beast Hoplomus x2
  • Test Tiger x2
  • Gladiator Beast Laquari x3
  • X-Saber Airbellum x2
  • Arcana Force XIV - Temperance x3
  • Gladiator Beast Murmillo x3

Extra Deck

  • Gladiator Beast Heraklinos x3
  • Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz x1
  • Gladiator Beast Gyzarus x2
  • Stardust Dragon x2
  • Goyo Guardian x1
  • Black Rose Dragon x1

Spell Cards

  • Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield x3
  • Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts x1
  • Terraforming x2
  • Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd x3
  • Gladiator Beast's Respite x2
  • Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica x1

Trap Cards

  • Torrential Tribute x1
  • Gladiator Beast War Chariot x3
  • Defensive Tactics x2
  • Waboku x3

I know 50 cards is a lot for a deck that's supposed to run this fast, so if you can cut it down any without reducing power it would be great. As I said, this deck is mostly casual, but with my favorite deck being reduced to rubble last March, I have to find something new, and since Synchro Cat is dead and everyone I know is using Lightsworns or Blackwings, Gladiator Beasts are the next most powerful and popular deck type.

Also, I'm in no hurry, so take all the time you need to do what you're doing. Thanks in advance.

Herakrosu 04:42, 22 August 2009 (UTC) Herakrosu

  • I feel bad that no one has gotten to this yet, you're so polite unlike most of the people on here. They forget that we're taking our own time to do this. This'll be done in a few days. --Tantara (talk) 21:02, 30 August 2009 (UTC)

  • This is a Forest Gladiator Beast deck. It uses Ancient Forest to make sure your opponent never goes on the offensive. This is an OCG deck so far and is doing quite well. --Tantara (talk) 22:57, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

Dragon Deck

Hey, any good cards/ideas for my Dragon Deck?

Peter337 20:35, September 5, 2009 (UTC)

  • w00t a Dragon deck. I'll take this one. Do you have any particular limits on spending? --Bluedog (Talk) 20:39, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
  • Bit of a setback, but alright, I'll do my best. Looks like a Dragon Lords deck, correct? --Bluedog (Talk) 22:16, September 8, 2009 (UTC)
  • Correct, although I have tried to make it my own.
    Peter337 13:21, September 9, 2009 (UTC)

It's pretty much the deck you built, but more focused on summoning the giant monsters through cards like Mausoleum of the Emperor and Star Blast. Hope this helps. --Bluedog (Talk) 20:52, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
*Yay, thanks for that.
But why so many Felgrand Dragons, if I may ask?

  • Well, it's a dragon, so it fits that theme and its effect is pretty nice. Feel free to replace it with another level 8 monster if you want. --Bluedog (Talk) 18:47, September 12, 2009 (UTC)